But some of these tourists accidentally said, what kind of god, I didn't see it at all, is it true?

When such words were heard, it happened to be heard by a witch who had inhaled the gas. The witch's expression suddenly became savage, and she rushed up and broke the tourist's neck alive!


When she said this, Xiao Mingzhu couldn't help but feel chills in her heart.

After inhaling the green gas "rewarded" by Amaterasu, these maidens and priests became very powerful, and their physical fitness was so abnormal that they could choke an ordinary person's neck abruptly.

"I know this too."

Yamaguchi finally found a chance to interrupt: "The tourist's name was Ono Chizuru. After the incident, because of the horror, the tourists were frightened and fled, and the Metropolitan Police Department quickly came out. The police...but it turned out. Yes, a priest came forward and repelled the people from the Metropolitan Police Department, and then conflict broke out. The people at the shrine drove away the Self-Defense Forces who were originally responsible for protecting the shrine.

And after that, the Mikami personally issued an oracle order, so that Emperor Zhaowa came to Ise Jingu to receive instruction! "

From the description, Xiao Mingzhu could imagine how shocked the Sakura people at that time were.

Ise Jingu was originally only a vassal of the imperial palace. In the past, it was only used for the emperor to worship the gods, because certain things were separated separately.

But as a result, Ise Jingu had become the one who ordered the emperor instead, and the Amaterasu Omikagami they believed in allowed them to accept the rule of the gods.

Faith collapses, enough to make people collapse.

"Any other unusual things?"

After knowing that it was almost the case, Li Yun looked into the shrine, ready to enter it, and explore the reality!

"Yes...the priests from other places came from all over the world after receiving orders from Miko. Originally, when they heard about the oracle from Omikami, more than half of them expressed disbelief, and many expressed doubts.

But these priests and maidens entered the Imperial Shrine, and after they came out, they all became enthusiastic believers in the gods, fully supported the gods, and held the right to rule the country in their hands! "

Yes, it can make hundreds of priests and witches change their minds, and the mystery and horror of those green gases have risen a few steps.

Li Yun said: "Then, let's go in and take a look to see if your priests and maidens are so fanatical! Let's take a look at the **** child..."

"Is it really that beautiful?" Xiao Mingzhu glanced at him squintingly, and she didn't have to say it personally, making people feel her jealousy.

After all, whether it is from Nobita Yamaguchi or from the mouth of the Owha Miko, the Mikako named Ise Kamakura has a very high status and prestige. Even without the phantom blessing of the Omikami, her status is It was also an existence comparable to an emperor-at least before she resigned from the post of Ise Jingu, her status was no less than that of anyone.

After all, the witch of the gods is more than just a simple talk.

It used to be very noble, but now it has the blessing of the **** ghost. Ise Kanzakura’s status and strength are almost limitless, and according to Oka and Yamaguchi Nobita, the beauty of Ise Kanzakura has been strictly enforced in the past. The selected Mikami is also the most beautiful.

Noble, beautiful, and solemn.

It was the thought that came up in the minds of all the people who had seen Ise Kamakura. Even if she became the spokesperson of Amaterasu's violent reign, it would not compromise her beauty.

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