"What's the name taboo?"

The maiden of Xuhua was obviously happy, but it made Xiao Mingzhu look very strange: Mingming, the maiden of Xuhua was very afraid of the shadow of the **** descended by the great **** Amaterasu, and was unwilling to get close, accepting the blessings of those green gases .

But for a long time living in Ise Shrine, and her belief in Omikami, the Ogami maiden became instinctively pious to Omikami.

It is equivalent to saying that she believes in the "Great God" that she has always believed in, the Amaterasu God in her mind, the kind that only exists in ancient books.

On the contrary, after the real great **** came to the world, the Ouhua maiden refused to believe in it!

An idiom can be used to describe this mental state very well: Ye Gong is good for dragon.

Gong Ye likes drawing dragons very much, but when the real dragon came to him, he was frightened and at a loss.


"You actually know the title of Father Da Yu and Mother God?!"

A shocked and angry voice came from a man in front.

Xiao Mingzhu had actually spotted him. After she and Li Yun and the others entered the Imperial Palace, they had already looked at them. The man who finally spoke seemed to be too shocked, so he took the initiative to speak.

"Yes, so what?"

Li Yun smiled slightly and looked at the man.

He is about sixty years old, with gray hair, and wearing a white dress similar to the plain clothes, but unlike the plain clothes of Huang Xuanguo, the clothes of the cherry blossom country are called hunting clothes. The former official clothes were gradually called the priest’s office. Clothing to wear.

The man also wore a Liwu hat on his head and held a wooden sign in his hand.

From the overall dressing point of view, the hat is very similar to the clothing of the Ming Dynasty, but the clothes appear to be much wider, especially the shoulders are stretched, which is very similar to the style of the samurai armor of the Sakura Country.

"Omiya, Omiya."

After seeing this man wearing a white priest's uniform, the voice of the Owha Maiden trembled by three points.

Omiyaji is the highest-ranking person in ordinary shrines, but it is different in Ise Jingu. In this ancient shrine where only the royal family can worship, the priest's status is the highest, usually by The royal family came to take it personally.

Of course, Mikako is not in the contrast of status, because the entire shrine is to worship Amaterasu Omikami, and Miko is the messenger of Omikami, so the status need not be said.


Li Yun looked at him, watching him holding a wooden sign, walking step by step, with an inexplicable depressive aura.

Xiao Mingzhu felt the strongest.

Her divine consciousness is still very weak, not as powerful as Li Yun, and she is not fearless and fearless like Yamaguchi Ken and Owha Maiden. Her fragile divine consciousness can be clearly felt. The cold breath exuding from the body.

It was like... a hissing poisonous snake was slowly approaching her!

"Who are you?"

Omiya Secretary held the wooden sign in both hands, did not make an attack, and only stared at Li Yun and Xiao Mingzhu with cold eyes, giving people a very strong sense of oppression.

The Owha Miko has been forced to lower her head.

As for Yamaguchi Ken, he dared not approach him for a long time, and was trembling with fright.

"Li Yun." Li Yun reported his name indifferently.

"Xiao Mingzhu." As his girlfriend, Xiao Mingzhu naturally has no fear, and also reported his name.

"Li Yun, Xiao Mingzhu..."

Omiya Secretary narrowed his eyes, "Two Huang Xuan people...know the names of God Father and God Mother?"

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