Chapter 2002 Cosmic Energy VS Chaos Sparks.

Chapter 2002 Cosmic Energy VS Chaos Sparks.

This expenditure is no problem since they can produce one chaos spark per second. They are not stopping and moving less than one second, so their expenditure is not up to their rate of production of Chaos Sparks. The rate of production cannot be faster than that. Some say that this rate is the true definition of one second. One chaos spark per second is very fast. Some world gods can't even manage one chaos spark per minute because they lack the resources to refine it. But one chaos spark per second will be too slow if they engage in a fight with another world god. As world gods, they can make tens of thousands of moves per second in a fight with another world god. In a fight with many world gods, they will need to make more moves. Each move will cost them one Chaos Spark. So in a fight against one million world gods, even if they can defeat each world god with one move, they will need to expend at least one million Chaos Sparks per second. Their production rate won't be able to keep up with that. Even the fact that they have infinite storage of Chaos Sparks will only alleviate the problem, as they will be able to store a lot of Chaos Sparks for the moment they need it. But a fight will still drain them of Chaos Spark. Cosmic energy, on the other hand, doesn't suffer from drainage. It is not without its own problems, though. There is a limit on the storage of Cosmic energy, and the amount of cosmic energy needed to do something is directly proportional to the work that needs to be done and how quickly it is to be done. So the requirements for Cosmic energy are directly proportional to power output. For example, if a world god wants to move with Cosmic energy, the energy they will expend for it will depend on the speed they want to use to reach that distance.

If 1 unit of Cosmic Source corresponds to 1 m/s and a limitless person possesses 10 units of cosmic energy, they will only be able to move at a max of 10 m/s. The good thing about cosmic energy is that it doesn't matter if they stop or not; they will always be able to move at 10 m/s for all of eternity. As their storage of cosmic energy increases, the speed they can move for all of eternity without worry will also increase.

In a fight, if a limitless can fight one million enemies simultaneously, then they will be able to fight one million enemies simultaneously for all of eternity. But they won't be able to fight one million and one enemies simultaneously unless they increase their storage of Cosmic energy. On the other hand, a world god with Chaos Sparks can fight one million or ten million enemies at the same time if they have ten million units of Chaos Sparks. But they will only be able to attack each enemy once before they run out of Chaos Sparks. This difference is one of the major divides between usurpers and world gods. Usurpers use cosmic energy, not chaos spark. But they are not limitless, so their storage of cosmic energy is fixed, and they will lose it if the void universe dies.

A true limitless can produce cosmic energy on their own, and their storage is always increasing. They have that potential and will soon be able to produce cosmic energy, but that doesn't mean they can fight usurpers.

In fact, they still can't defeat every world god yet. It is because they are currently weak. So they are still a long way from fighting an usurper.

They need an edge that will grant them an upper hand against Usurpers quickly, which is why they want to put Legion-0 to work. The power of a world god is the power of their Supreme Law multiplied by their world. It is the number of aspects in their Supreme law × the size of the world × the quality of the world. For a world god, the number of aspects in their Supreme law is constant, and so is the size of their world. This is the same for every world god. The aspect can't be changed when a Supreme law is formed. As for the size of the world, it is set based on the Supreme law and the materials used to build the world. Only the quality of a world can be changed. Normal world gods improve the quality of their worlds by using Cosmic energy to make their Supreme law capable of carrying a stronger world.

They also have to improve the conditions of their world and increase the population of living things in it in order to improve the quality of their world. Legion is not a normal world god. They are limitless, as the size of their world is constantly increasing. They can't do anything about the number of aspects they have, just like normal world gods. But just like normal world gods, they can improve the quality of their world. That's where Legion-0 comes in. Their inner world is being used to create Chaos spark and contains Chaos energy. So they have to rely on Legion-0 to serve as their world and amplify them. For most world gods, their power is 4 Aspects x (4 Aspects x (5 World Engine + 5 World Seed)) x Q)

Q is the quality of their world, and it can technically be infinite. The quality of the inner world of world gods can grow without limit, but the average in the void universe is five.

Even the strongest world gods in the void universe have only reached ten because of the lack of cosmic energy. If they used fake substitutes for the world engine and world seeds, such as the Authority of the Celestial Supreme and the Life Crystal, they would get 1 Authority of the Celestial Supreme + 1 Life Crystal as the core of their world instead. 

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