Kyle was glad that was sorted and had paid the sum of $2,500,000 to get things underway.

He didn’t care about the amount he needed to spend because he could make it all back in the blink of an eye but he was beginning to realize that he wasn’t making use of the rebate system.

He didn’t need to spend only on the girls in his harem to get a cashback return and this was why he was certain that Cassandra would fall for him.

Kyle was essentially the perfect man, a millionaire with wits and a sense of humour.

A woman’s security isn’t only guaranteed with him but he also has the power to make their heart flutter.

Kyle had paid the Uber an extra amount to hang around the area so he didn’t need to wait too long for another to come here but Collins wanted to see the place he would be working on.

Kyle dismissed the Uber, paying the man his due fees accumulated for waiting with a little extra on top so everyone was happy.

He hopped in Collins’ truck, the destination was the bought-out shop.

Kyle knew that Nate could watch over the process or at least keep an eye out to make sure nothing fishy was going on in his absence even though something told him that Nate wouldn’t be able to handle the task.

He needed a professional to inspect the building after it had reached a certain stage.

It didn’t take long for them to arrive, the truck felt like a monster that would swallow everything in its path but Kyle could feel a sense of relief wash over his shoulder.

Jane was uncomfortable with the way Mike had approached her to inquire about her relationship with Kyle. Only after she left the vicinity did she realize that Mike wasn’t asking out of concern but envy.

It was clear by his reaction when he saw her hugging Kyle but the moment she remembered this scene, she couldn’t help but turn red.

She arrived at her apartment, eager to offload the details of her day to her friend, Ella.

However, Ella was fast asleep but who could blame her, considering she worked at night?

She needed to get in as many hours a she could during the day.

Jane walked to the kitchen and noticed that Ella had prepared a meal for her.

At times like this, she realized how lucky she was to have Ella by her side. Life was difficult enough and she couldn’t imagine doing it all alone without losing her sanity.

But there was something on her mind, Jane wanted to spend every waking moment with Kyle but she couldn’t tell him that otherwise she would be perceived as clingy.

No one likes a clingy, right? Kyle was a busy man and there was no way he would have that much time on his hands which made his visit all the more special.

She giggled at the thought like a sociopath but did well to resist the urge to text him.

But Ella wasn’t asleep, she had taken something to numb the emotions coursing through her veins.

She had to stay still and pretend to be asleep otherwise Jane would know that Ella had relapsed.

That’s right, Ella was a drug addict who had become clean but her failing music career was pushing her over the edge.

Kyle’s words only did so much but for today, she wanted to escape. ?о?υг-с@нα&ρτея-?%σ#υг??–

Kyle never got back to her to set up a date so she thought he was blowing her off and only responded the way he did to be polite.

It wasn’t any of the hard drugs that she had consumed right now, which was a relief but she needed an escape from her thoughts, from reality.

Jane grabbed Ella’s phone, they didn’t hide anything from each other so there was never any need for a password.

Ella was out of it, she had no idea what was going on in her immediate environment.

All she knew was that Jane had returned but nothing else but will Jane find her conversation with Kyle?

“Ella?” Jane called out, she noticed something was strange when a text came into the phone.

She didn’t open it to read but the preview in the notification gave it away.

[[Do you need a top off? I’m in the ar….]] That was all she saw through the notification.

Jane’s heart dropped and she stared at the phone, motionless for a full minute without uttering a single word.

She turned her head over to Ella in horror.

“… Ella?” She called out but there was no response, Ella tried to open her mouth but her entire body was numb, almost paralyzed.

Jane placed her hand on her and shook her lightly to see if she would respond but the searing heat emitting from her skin altered Jane that this wasn’t just Ella getting high.

Whatever she took must have been a bad fix because there was no way it was supposed to do this to her.

“ELLA!” Jane let out a desperate cry, flipping her friend over to see that her eyes were opened but not responsive.

She was just staring off into the distance.

Jason was almost done with the inspection of the sight with Collins, Collins took measurements and did all the appropriate preparations for work to begin.

The good news was that they didn’t need to tear down the building and start afresh so the foundation was already set even though the insides would completely be rearranged.

Kyle was in the midst of a conversation with him when his phone rang.

Kyle looked down at it and saw it was a call from Jane.

“Hm… that’s strange,” Kyle thought to himself but he couldn’t pick up because of his conversation with Collins. He had to give him his full concentration.

But then it rang again, only then did Kyle know it must be urgent and the last thing he wanted was to be absent when she needed him the most.

“Hello Jane, are you alright?”

“S-Slow down. Ella is what?”

Kyle was having difficulty listening but the look in his eyes soon changed when he heard what Jane had said.

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