Kyle was taken aback by the information told to him by Ella because this was something he felt he should have been told by Jane. But then again, it wasn’t his business in hindsight seeing as they didn’t have any defined relationship.

She presented Mike as someone harmless but that was far from the case.

Kyle wasn’t going to let him have his way and he returned to his room with Jane still sleeping or at least that was the illusion she gave.

Her phone was on the table, charging but Kyle noticed that she had no passcode on it.

A lesser man would have gone through her phone to see the kind of conversation that she was having with Mike but Kyle wasn’t threatened by him.

Kyle knew that Mike was hanging around like some pathetic dog hoping for a piece of the cake but Jane wasn’t stupid enough not to see through this or at least he hoped.

Jane adjusted on the bed and Kyle realized that she was awake or at least, about to wake up.

He walked up to the side of her bed but this showed how deceptive Kyle was.

It looked like she was asleep but Kyle knew that she was in that semi-sleep state and could hear the words that were about to come out of his lips.

“God, you’re beautiful,” Kyle said to her but this was one of those things you’d see in romance movies where the man is admiring the beauty of his sleeping partner.

Kyle knew he had to play into that romantic notion and the moment he looked away, a smile creased Jane’s face.

However, the doorbell soon rang and Kyle walked out to see who it was considering that he didn’t have visitors.

But there was a chance that it was Calista, she knew where he lived however she should know better than to visit unannounced.

Jones wasn’t around too so it couldn’t be him considering he was just coming from outside.

So that narrowed it down to one more person, that was Aiysha, this was the last thing that he wanted to see right now.

Aiysha should be at work, she had no reason to stay home but he didn’t know about her schedule.

Kyle checked the peephole and saw it was indeed Aiysha, he kissed his teeth in irritation because she had seen him with Calista so seeing him with Jane would shape how she viewed him.

The last he needed was for her to see him as some sort of playboy or it risked destroying the boundaries he was trying his best to set.

Kyle looked back and saw that she wouldn’t even be able to see Jane should she get in so there was no need to worry.

He opened his door and noticed that Aiysha was distracted by her phone for a few seconds before even realizing that Kyle had opened the door.

She was used to the creaking door that was once there and was still adjusting to this change.

“Oh! Hi Kyle, I can’t believe I didn’t even know you opened the door,” Aiysha greeted, putting her phone away immediately.

“It happens to the best of us,” Kyle downplayed her embarrassment but he wanted to know why she was here.

“Well, can I come in or is there some lady in there with you?” Aiysha teased him but Kyle knew he couldn’t encourage such behavior.

“Is there something you need? I’m quite busy now,” Kyle responded; shutting down her attempt at humour.

Aiysha’s smile slowly disappeared from her face as she awkwardly cleared her throat.

Kyle hated doing this to her but he would rather hurt her feelings than betray Jones.

“Oh, I’m sorry for the inconvenience but there is something I have been wanting to discuss with you, is now a good time?” Aiysha asked.

Kyle couldn’t help but notice that she always wore revealing clothes to show off her toned body and he had this overwhelming urge to rip them off her.

“Now isn’t the right time but I will give you a call when my schedule clears up,” Kyle responded but he noticed that Aiysha was trying to look past him.

“What is her problem?” Kyle thought to himself, what he does with his life should be none of her business so why was she suddenly getting nosey?

“That will work for me,” Aiysha responded with a polite smile, Kyle averting his gaze.

Those damn fucking eyes, Kyle hated that he couldn’t maintain her contact with her for too long.

Kyle’s eyes couldn’t help but look at her ass, it was bouncing all over the place despite the leggings she had on seemingly restricting the motion.

But this was where he made a mistake because Aiysha looked back and caught him staring at her ass. Kyle noticed that his eyes had lingered for a little too long and quickly looked away before shutting the door behind him.

“Fucking hell Kyle! Get it together!” Kyle thought to himself.

He had to get his thoughts under control but he looked back and saw that Jane was all dressed up.

“Hey sleepyhead, welcome back to the land of the living,” Kyle greeted her and Jane flashed an innocent smile in response.

“Hi…” Jane muttered but she was flushed red, recalling what had happened a few hours ago.

She couldn’t believe that Kyle had done that to her and needed to return to her personal space to process everything that had happened.

Kyle could tell she was ready to leave but he couldn’t let her yet because he didn’t want Aiysha to see her.

“Are you ready to go?” Kyle asked and Jane nodded to confirm this was the case but Kyle shook his head.

“That won’t do, allow me to make you dinner,” Kyle requested, his conversation with Ella confirmed that food was her weakness.

There was no way she would say no and Kyle was right because Jane accepted in a heartbeat.

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