The voice caused a silvery-white wave of ripples, that swept through the entire stadium, and the young wizards affected by the Dementors were instantly shaken out of their cold, desperate mood.

Professor McGonagall gripped her wand and looked around, making a quick judgment as she turned to Felix and Dumbledore and said, “I’ll go offstage.”

Just at that moment, Harry landed smoothly. Madam Hooch rushed forward to check the situation, and the Gryffindor players flocked up, meanwhile, Cedric looked blankly at the unexpected situation on the field – he still clutched the golden snitch in his hand.

The young wizards who had just escaped the effects of dementors saw this scene, especially the young wizards from Hufflepuff, who almost flipped the whole stadium over, with a huge cheer like an ocean wave.

The dementors that had been retreating at the sight of the threatening little creature were unable to give up the feast that’s within their grasp, and some of them rose up into the sky, while others lifted their tattered hoods to suck the joy out of the air. …

Dementors have no eyes, it’s entirely dependent on smell and emotion to sense everything outside, but today, they experienced a novelty – they saw light.

The Rain Swallow Patronus rushed in front of the group of Dementors in the blink of an eye, its entire body glowed brilliantly. Waves of silvery-white light exploded, churning up waves of silvery sea.

The Dementors scattered almost instantly, and they kept retreating, but the silver Rain Swallow Patronus is fast as lightning, its flight trajectory weaved a fine net in midair, encircling all the Dementors, and any Dementor that touched the fine net would tumble Back.

They are totally trapped.

In the dumbfounded gaze of the young wizards, the gaps in the net became thinner and thinner, gradually turning into a semi-spherical shroud. The dementors little by little got covered up, and finally, the form of the rain swallow disappeared, and a half-round moon appeared in the center of the field.

The light of the “half-moon” broke through the foggy stadium.

A young wizard said in disbelief, “Professor Hap has created a moon?” His friends around him agreed with him completely.

Many students looked up at the sky as if confirming that the moon is still there, but all they could see is a dark, cloudy black sky.

A silvery-white light accumulated in Felix’s eyes, and he is now in a somewhat peculiar mood; Patronus are built of pure, happy, positive emotions, as such, with no human emotions, Dementors cannot harm it since it does not despair.

Most crucially, Felix found that the glow that emerges from the Patronus seemed to have a tremendous restraining effect on the dementors.

He used the perspective of the Rain Swallow patronus and found that the Dementors within the encirclement seemed to have a very slight size-reduction…

“Maybe it’s an illusion …” Felix muttered in a small voice, “half-moon” the light became more intense, it really looks like a waning silver moon.

Dumbledore’s expression became odd, he did become very mad, mad that dementors dared to break into the school, he had intended to teach them a lesson.

But now it seems that if he does not intervene this time, it’s possible that Felix will do something amazing.

The Patronus is recognized as defensive magic that can only repel, without killing Dementors.

But Dumbledore wouldn’t think so superficially, the simplest logic is – if Patronus can’t hurt dementors, why are they so afraid of this magic?

He said softly: “Felix, you can teach them a lesson, but the dementors can not be killed, they are part of the staff of the Ministry of Magic.”

Felix shrugged his shoulders, and a stream of light fluttered from the half-moon, once again transforming into a Silver Rain Swallow and halting in midair.

The “half-moon” gradually dissipated, and the young wizards stared at it with wide eyes as they chattered and discussed…

“Do you think that the Dementors have become smaller?”

“It seems like it did. …”

“Could it be a matter of perspective, we’re standing high up.”

“No way, when I went to Hogsmeade I secretly glanced at the Dementors guarding the entrance, they are at least six feet tall each, now no matter how I look at it, it’s less than five feet …”


After the dementors reappeared, they barely had time to look squarely at the Patronus in midair, which remained static, and they desperately fled the place, the black rags bent almost at an angle parallel to the ground along their sagging body.

The silver swallow’s body swelled up a thousand times, with a wingspan of nearly twenty feet, and it flew behind the dementors, occasionally bursting into a blaze of light.

A huge cheer erupted from the young wizards, and it seemed to them that Professor Hap is taking revenge for them.

The dementors fled even faster.

After a long while, the exaggeratedly large Rain Swallow Patronus flew back and landed at the edge of the Quidditch field and greeted with the adoring eyes of the young wizards.

“It’s so so so cool!”

“It’s over.” Felix sighed, but had no intention of recalling the silver Patronus.

Dumbledore looked at him with peculiar eyes.

“Felix, I need to remind you that Dementors don’t have outstanding intelligence, but they have a vague group consciousness – and as I told you, one less they can notice it.”

Felix asked hesitantly, “Can’t keep it for a day?”

Dumbledore seemed amused, “Oh, unless you want to be found by the Ministry of Magic. Thousands of people have seen your patronus, you can’t weasel your way past it.”

“And what if it is ‘ Sirius Black ‘ who did it? He learned powerful dark magic from Voldemort …,” Felix asked tentatively.

“In that case …” Dumbledore smiled, “it is not a big problem, but you have to come up with strong evidence to deal with the Ministry of Magic’s inspectors, most likely Fudge himself.”

Felix smacked his lips, “strong evidence, Well.”

He waved his hand and the giant silver rain swallow which had been standing at the edge of the field let out a crystal clear chirp and spat two black shadows out of its beak – deformed dementors that were barely three feet tall.

They were almost too frantic to leave, as Felix and Dumbledore watched the dementors disappear completely.

Dumbledore said thoughtfully, “Felix, your Patronus opened my eyes, I thought I had developed the Patronus to transmit messages, which would be a remarkable innovation, but I did not even consider the idea of swallowing a Dementor.”

Felix blinked, “I had a flash of inspiration just now, Headmaster. It worked pretty well, though.”

Inside the stadium, Professor McGonagall and Madam Hooch made their way out with Harry, followed by the demoralized Gryffindor players.

Just now, Madam Hooch had announced that Hufflepuff is the winner.

As the young wizards left the stage one by one, there are still many others staring at the podium where Felix is and talking with Dumbledore, even if he couldn’t hear their voices, Felix could roughly guess what they would be talking about.

“Headmaster, are you going to visit Harry now?”

“I trust Minerva and Poppy. What about you, Felix?”

“I trust Weasley and Granger.”

Dumbledore and Felix each smiled. Half a minute later, Felix suddenly thought of something: “I remember, Harry’s broom was swept away by the wind ?”

Dumbledore said uncertainly: “It should be recovered …”

“Also, it still can be lost.”

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