“Dragons won’t always be seen at our camp; they have a strong sense of territory.” Charlie explained, “But we’ll take the injured dragon back to camp for treatment.”

Felix followed him to a fenced enclosure behind the camp, where seven or eight dragons, bound in shackles made of fireproof material, shrugged their heads restlessly when they saw someone approaching, and one black dragon with an injured leg peered at them with half-squinting eyes.

“This is Hungarian Horntail, very dangerous, we deployed twelve men to capture it, and its flame breathe could reach to about fifty feet – we’d better stay away from it.” Charlie said, “I’ve seen it breathing flame over forty feet away.”

Felix’s eyes skimmed over the black scales of the giant dragon. The dragon looked like a lizard with bat wings attached. Sharp ridges grew from its skull, like pikes, all the way to its tail end. But whether it is the bronze horns, the rows of spikes on its back, or the hooked and powerful claws, all indicate that this creature is not to be messed with, and even the ends of its wings are sharp with curved hooks.

It is the largest among the dragons, even twice the size of the smallest one, the other dragons are afraid of it, leaving empty space around it.

After looking at it for a while, Felix opened his mouth and asked: “If there is no accident, the first game of the competition would be a dragon, do you guys have made some arrangements?”

Charlie thought about it and said seriously, “We have prepared five kinds of dragons, for five schools, namely Common Welsh Green, Norwegian Ridgeback, Antipodean Opaleye, Swedish Short-Snout, and Chinese Fireball.”

” Only these five?”

“All you want are female dragons that Incubating and Hatching Eggs, which is not easy to find, and I don’t understand why …”

Felix guessed, “Maybe to let the champions take the eggs from the mother dragons?”

Charlie said with some unease, “Don’t joke about it, they are already dangerous, the mother dragon that is incubating eggs is a few levels more dangerous, see the scar on my arm? It’s from a mother dragon who was raising her cubs.”

“We ruled out the particularly dangerous Peruvian Vipertooth and a giant Hungarian Horntail for this reason; the former had highly poisonous fangs, while the latter is recognized as the most dangerous type of Dragon.”

Felix nodded: “Perhaps it is only necessary to pass by the dragons.”

Near evening, Felix and Charlie discussed the details of the resettlement of the dragons in the tent, “Hogwarts can open up a field in the forbidden forest, the kitchen will provide food, but we don’t really know the habits of the dragons, we need you to send someone to take care of them.”

“That’s not a problem, we already intended to do so.” Charlie said readily. “When transporting over long distances, we will send more people to ensure the safety.”

” A team led by you?”

“I’ll try to earn it, it’s a rare event.”

“Charlie,” a male wizard walked in from outside the tent, the middle-aged captain he had once met, “I heard that the young professor wants to stay a few more days, there’s an agreement he needs to sign for that.”

He froze for a moment when he saw Felix: “You’re here too, just in time, this is for you.”

Felix took it and said with some surprise, “A confidentiality pact?”

“Yes, to be fair,” the male wizard shrugged, “even though it has always been a tradition to cheat in contests, at least the surface work has to be done,” he gave a meaningful look, “our minister asked for it. ”

Felix carefully examined the contents, “The content is okay, except not to reveal the details of the Dragon -” Felix brushed the parchment, feeling the magic left on it, “This contract seems to be kind of surveillance type?”

The middle-aged male wizard explained, “The Ministry of Magic provided it, we just complied with it, and from what they said, when the signer of the contract mentions dragon or similar words, they will get the message on that side.”

Felix didn’t say anything more and quickly signed his name. Although he had no intention of following the rules set by the Ministry of Magic, there is no need to make things difficult for these people.

Charlie looked relieved, he hadn’t even faced the dragon with such trepidation, fortunately, Felix agreed.

At night, the camp raised a torch, the black shadows of the hills and trees were stretched out, Felix stayed in his tent, and the night passed without a hitch. In the early morning, he stepped in the dew of the forest and appeared in the field behind the camp.

The Hungarian Horntail with the injured leg noticed him first, and it snorted agitatedly as it let out a low growl. A short distance away, a Common Welsh Green glanced up, then lowered its head and went back to sleep.


Felix said, his eyes turning silvery white, and the Hungarian Horntail angrily braced itself, its yellow eyes staring malevolently at him, followed by a trance in its vision, and it shook its head, not noticing anything unusual except that the wizard had got closer.

But unknowingly, it had been pulled by Felix into the world of thinking, and unlike other scenarios that were applied, this time he had imitated an environment exactly like the outside world and seamlessly blended the two.

The Dragon was oblivious to all this, and its nose began to emit sparks, a sign of warning, signalling that it would soon attack. But the wizard already came close enough as he tilted his head to measure its metal-like claws.


The Hungarian Horntail spewed out a thick, raging blaze that hit Felix square in the face, and he melted away without any resistance, the dragon then snorted and lowered its head with satisfaction.

The next second, however, it found Felix appeared in the same place as if he had never moved.

Its intelligence is not high enough for it to understand this behaviour at all, it just became even angrier and opened its mouth to spew another ball of flame, this time more fierce and lasting for some time, the Hungarian Horntail was sure that the arrogant wizard had burned to ashes, it even saw a scattering black dust.

But in the blink of an eye, Felix stood unharmed in front of it and even touched its claws with his hand.


The sharp claws with an icy sheen cut through Felix’s body, cutting him into several pieces, “Well, this is too bloody.” Felix said, flicking away the dragon’s claws like it is nothing.

For a moment, Felix is sure he saw bewilderment in the Hungarian Horntail’s eyes, even though it was always the one attacking, it became clear that it had run into something unfathomable.

“Stay put, I’m trying to figure out how to transfer the pact to you …” Felix leaned down and tapped his fingers on the black scales on its body, “It’s fun to try, isn’t it? ”

Unlike the unbreakable vow which he couldn’t do much, the Ministry of Magic’s pact could be evaded, which is why he signed his name with gusto.

The Ministry of Magic’s pact is valid based on some keywords, but the problem is that he doesn’t know if there is any hidden content, which creates a great deal of uncertainty. He would be shuttling around Nicolas Flamel’s hideout for most of the summer, and he didn’t want to expose those places yet, in addition to the fact that some of his planned trips were sensitive enough, like the black market, like the Beauxbatons School of Magic.

An interesting fact is that, according to the relationship, he is actually closer to Beauxbatons, because he is a board member of this school.

To be on the safe side, he decided to transfer the pact away. He thought about finding a random deer, or a rabbit or whatever instead, but that would definitely encounter some difficulty, in case the rabbit got eaten, his status on the Ministry of Magic side would be marked as dead.

Fortunately, the last thing the Dragon Sanctuary is missing is a dragon. And his target is this rather fierce Hungarian Horntail.

The dragon in front of him still attacked in vain, spitting fire, swinging its claws, flicking its tail, and biting, but Felix always recovered the next second as if he had been turning back time, and in just a few minutes, Felix had been exposed to hundreds of deadly attacks.

By the end, the fierce Hungarian Horntail looked at him out of breath; there was nothing more it could do, and the dragon hung its head in frustration and slumped to the ground, its nostrils spewing out a stream of hot air.

” Please roll over.” Felix said to it.

The Hungarian Horntail stared at him with its yellow vertical pupils for a long moment, and then it slowly exposed its belly, and as it turned, its eyes fluttered and its vision seemed to change slightly. But the terrible and clingy wizard is still there, and he is poking it with his wand, urging it to hurry up.

Then Felix trailed along the black scales on its body with his wand and made his way up to stand on top of it.

“Nice scales under the neck, the magic gleam is strong enough.”

Charlie emerged from the tent, unable to find Felix, so he subconsciously made his way to the enclosure at the back of the camp and got startled by the sight of the vicious Hungarian Horntail lazily opening its mouth and spewing a small, thin flame out of its throat for roasting meat.

“Hold your breath, there’s another coat of oil needed to be applied.” Felix patted its probing maw and flipped the roast on the grill, “I have a secret sauce, do you want to try?”

The Hungarian Horntail nodded hastily.


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