Remus Lupin took today’s interview very seriously, he got ready half an hour early and reviewed the prepared material silently on the way here, with the clipping cut off from the newspaper in his pocket as he cherished the words in it.

“… regardless of origin, all based on ability. Anyone who is far above the norm in any three following fields – ancient runes, alchemy, charms, transfiguration, magic theory, and muggle studies …”

Regardless of origin, all based on ability!

This is an extremely rare choice of words used in the recruitments of the job offers in the wizarding community, although the requirements are relatively harsh, and Lupin thinks he is not inferior in any of those fields beside ancient runes, in fact, he is best at things related to the Defense Against the Dark Arts and had many opportunities to put those bits of knowledge into practice during his years of wandering.

After receiving the invitation for the interview, the reply letter sent to him once again reaffirmed that the company is dedicated to the practical research of magic, which will involve the improvement and transformation of many muggle items. Lupin devoted half a month to learning about various novelties in the non-magical world.

This insight led him to become fascinated, and Lupin discovered a system completely different from magic, full of rigour and logic, everything is in order, but unfortunately, there is no place left for magic there.

He didn’t know if the owner of ‘Future World’ saw this, but he felt that even if he might not be hired, it would be worthwhile to see the vision of this company. When he came over according to the address, he saw an extremely imposing vertical castle with a large group of people gathered around it.

He listened around for several minutes on the sidelines, in a state of confusion. What do you mean a building that suddenly grew out of nowhere an hour ago, was this an empty lot two hours ago?

He also saw a house-elf in a suit – this itself is something strange- but the looped coat-of-arms on its chest caught Lupin’s attention, does that represent some ancient family, or is it just alchemy? Or is it … the Magic Rune Club?

When he identified himself, the house-elf led him into the building, the simple undecorated architecture of the interior is very appealing to Lupin, and they made their way up a curved spiral staircase, with Dobby bouncing ahead of him.

“One moment, please -”

Lupin from the second floor near the handrail looked at the relief on the ceiling, relied on the past few days cramming work, although he did not know all the characters on the dome, but he still could distinguish their occupations, especially the one who fiddled with complex machinery, that looked like a mechanical engineer?

In the middle of his thoughts, he heard a sharp gust of wind and looked back, and unexpectedly saw the cold face of Severus Snape. Snape stood two steps above him, clamping his black robes together in front of him like a black bat retracting its wings and looking down at him.

“Lupin,” Snape said softly, a grin creeping out of the corners of his lips, “welcome to ….”

Lupin suddenly remembered this same expression when Snape first brought him the wolfsbane potion, and after he drank it, he couldn’t eat for two whole days.

“Hello, Severus.” Lupin said mildly, as he walked up the next two steps, “What a coincidence, meeting you here.”

“Coincidence? No…” Snape said playfully, “I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.”

“You’re waiting for me specifically?” Lupin frowned, The coat of arm on Dobby’s chest once again appeared in his mind, pro muggle, ancient rune at the top of the recruitment requirements …

“Lupin the surname perhaps hinted at your identity,” Snape’s smile colder, “I recently looked up some names, and in the past, I overlooked the point that there is magic and fate in every name.”

Lupin winced; he hated this reference being made. The word ‘Lupin’, in the out-of-the-way usage of some countries, contained the meaning of wolf.

Snape sneered contemptuously and just about continued to say something, but there was a clatter behind him and Felix came out with Percy and Penelope, both surprised at the tense atmosphere between them.

” Leave us alone – ” Snape said with a cold air radiating from his body.

Percy and Penelope glanced at Felix, who smiled and nodded at them, and they scrambled away.

Felix waved his wand and the doors of the building closed with a bang.

He leaned against the wall and said slowly, “I’ve always wondered, both professors were the best of their time, one a master of dueling and the other master of Defense Against the Dark Arts, so who is really better.”

“I had a chance to see this scene, but I interrupted it, and now I finally have a chance to be sure of that.”

Lupin frowned and looked at Felix: “I’m here for an interview, not for a fight.”

Felix lowered his head and stared earnestly at his nails, “You misunderstand, Professor Lupin. I admitted you at your farewell party, and yes, this is my company. I knew enough about your abilities early on in this year of working together, so you can think of this as an orientation program with your new colleagues – showing off your skills and getting to know each other better. Perhaps, you can also cast a vicious spell at me.”

A red flash flew toward him, “Cut the crap, Felix.” Snape said with a fierce look on his face. He looked at Lupin, “I rarely have dealt with you, you’re always hiding behind Potter and Black’s arse …”

“Oh, Severus,” Lupin drew his wand, he also could not suppress his anger, ” two of them is enough for you to handle, if you add me, you will be scared to pee your pants.”

Snape showed a bitter smile, “Well said …” a red light flew out.

Lupin dodged nimbly and countered with a disarming charm, and the two men, equally brimming with passion, fought, as spells flying and colourful light streaked all over the place. Snape felt a long-lost excitement, he really felt alive, except that there was a man chattering next to him –

“No one cares here, don’t hide, Severus, where’s your dark magic?”

“Oh, that almost hit me, Professor, you’re having trouble with your aim-”

Felix tilted his head, a spell exploded behind him, and he broke into a smile, “You guys are the ones who started it, don’t say I’m being unreasonable …”

He stood up straight away from the wall, his arms stretched out leisurely, a dark wand appeared in his hand, just with a light wave, three dazzling lights flew out at the same time, rushing towards the two.

Lupin got surprised by his sudden entry into the fray, slightly struggled to block the spell, then he took two cautious steps back, surprised to see Snape also put up a barrier emitting a hazy glow.

The two looked at each other, looking at Felix who walked over with his arms spread wide, Snape said with great annoyance.

“Take out the obstruction.”

But Felix struck first, he kept coming closer and closer, a spell thrown down like rain, each spell wasn’t really strong, but the number is definitely exaggerated, and the glow of the magic illuminated his body.

“Two professors, you still need to work hard, hm~hmm~~”

Snape and Lupin looked at each other, Snape shook his hand and threw out a speedy black mist to corrode the incoming spell, and the wand in Lupin’s hand slashed down like a sharp sword with a “swoosh” sound, the debris on the floor trembled and flew towards Felix.

He is still a bit confused, completely perplexed at what’s happening. Originally he was nervous about the interview but ended up bumping into his nemesis Snape, then he came up and threw a spell at him, another former colleague also encouraging them to fight, and he even later found some lame excuses to join the fray, while he was forced to join forces with Snape …

How in the end did they get to this point?


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