"Pleased to meet you we will be under your care"

A man along with others bowed their heads to Xiao and Yun Yuoru, they were the servants that was given to them, after Xiao had fallen asleep, Yun Yurou had taken advantage of it as she had slept with him, and it was definitely not a small surprise when he woke up, Xiao never thought that he would have fallen asleep

Even though a bit pissed Xiao didn't say anything to Yun Yurou, not when she had given him the puppy eyes, nothing major had taken after it as a group of people entered the room after gaining their permission, they were the servants that were given to them for now but the most intriguing part was that all of them were human and some of them were even young

A total of 6 people had come to them and the one leading them was a middle-aged man with a powerful aura, while the rest of them were teens of age that looked to be about 16 or 17, all of them had extremely powerful cultivation, these kids if they were placed in Xiao's current timeline then they would be geniuses that would be hailed even in the 3rd heaven

But here they were mere servants of the Phoenixes forever being at their will, it didn't matter if they had people with cultivation equal to others, as they didn't have anything 'special' to beat the enemies of their own level, right now they could cultivate that's all...

As they entered, all of the teens went into a daze as they gazed upon Yun Yurou, after which they sent Xiao an envious gaze but that was all, they weren't jealous, in fact, they had a hint of awe towards Xiao after all the news of what happened had already spread across the lands of Nirvana, being the spiciest news across the realms of rebirth

How could it not? a half phoenix? it would mean that there's some lucky chap out there that had a good time with a Phoenix that was the rulers of this realm, it a huge piece of news that caused widespread outrage, the search for this Phoenix was being conducted everywhere but the news kept coming

Not only did this half phoenix awaken a talent that surpasses the current Empress who was termed once in a million years genius, but she had also actually done a marking ceremony with a human boy!, this news again sent waves across both the humans and phoenix, now an unseen talent was tied to a human, this altogether shook the world of Nirvana

Already several conceptions and theories were being spread but it was not the end there was a very hidden rumor being spread to, it was that the human boy had awakened an element! to humans that was currently at the bottom, this was definitely major news but there wasn't any evidence till now and the speculations were still being spread far and wide

Overall a hurricane had racked across Nirvana and many were still dealing with it but now seeing Xiao in front of them, the teens were sure that the rumors had some truth to them, Xiao's temperament and his looks were definitely not ordinary, just his mere presence demanded a sense of worship

Well this was mostly due to the purple flame, it was Nobel on its right, and even if not present it creates an aura of pressure and nobleness around Xiao, making him more eye-catching, the middle-aged man's eyes narrowed as he gazed upon Xiao but he didn't say anything as he just kept his respectful looks

"Sure, will be needing your help"

Xiao spoke with a smile, meanwhile, Yun Yurou stood beside Xiao looking at the humans in front of her with a complex gaze, before this Xiao had already spoke to her about the Beastial Era and it was a truly conflicting topic for her, right now she was a full-fledged phoenix but before her awakening, she was just a simple human girl with an inflated pride

She has already experienced many issues, to be truthful she knew that she didn't have the right to speak about the current situation, it was at this time the middle-aged man spoke

"Young miss, the Empress desires your presence, the guards behind me will take you to the location she stated"

Say so he pointed towards the guards behind him and just as he turned toward Yun Yurou he was taken back by seeing a frosty look came upon Yun Yurou's face, it wasn't wrong to tell that she was enraged, after waking up she had inquired to Xiao on how he had ended up inside the phoenix cauldron and when she knew the whole story she was truly enraged but she couldn't do anything about it right now

She could deduce who the woman was from Xiao's words and currently, she was too weak to do anything, the only thing she could do was to hold the grudge in her heart, shaking off her mood she looked at Xiao who nodded his head, seeing it she smiled as she started to walk towards the guards but not before stealing a kiss from Xiao's cheek who stood there surprised

In the end, he just went with the flow and he was tired of dealing with Yun Yurou's antics, finally, she left leaving Xiao alone with the six individuals in the room, looking at it Xiao sighed as he walked towards the sofa in the room, as he sat on it, looking at the six people in front of him he spoke

"Why don't you all state your names and please stop bowing so much, we are all humans here"

Hearing Xiao's words all of them looked at each other before which they nodded their head and started acting a bit more relaxed, the middle-aged man moved forward as he spoke

"The names Alex"

The middle-aged man had brown hair and eyes, along with a handsome face, his cultivation too was unfathomable, as he stood tall but deep within his eyes a bit of unwillingness and defeat floated, in fact, this was present within all of their eyes

'Good looks like things are not that bad'

With that, the rest of them walked forward as they spoke


A black-haired and eyed beauty of 16 spoke


A handsome black-haired and eyed boy of 17 spoke


A handsome brown-haired and eyed boy of 19 with a resemblance to the middle-aged man spoke


A shy girl of 15 spoke, she had blue hair and shining blue eyes


A good looking boy with blue hair and eyes similar to that of Momin spoke, as they finished they all looked towards Xiao, who had a thoughtful look on his face, soon it vanished as he spoke

"I see.....my names Xiao and I have some questions"

Xiao was at first surprised at the fact that none of them had any surname, it would seem that no humans had earned the right to have a surname but in the end, he shook off his thoughts as he asked some burning questions that filled his mind, most of his questions touched upon the basic subject of this world, surprising the six

But in the end, the middle-aged man took the spotlight as he started explaining everything to Xiao

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