Heavy Object

Heavy Object
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In the end, war couldn’t be extinguished. But, there was a transformation. Even in the heart of a worthless accomplice in murder who was indifferently continuing his task, there was a transformation. The massive weapon “Object”.
This was a weapon that changed the whole definition of war. An exchange student named Quenser, who was dispatched to the battlefield, met at the base a girl with a strange aura. The girl, dubbed “Elite”, is the pilot of “Object”. The near future. This diminutive boy had come to take on the role of standing up against the strongest weapon “Object” for the sake of the girl. This was the motive for their first meeting.
6 Latest Chapters
- Volume 20, Afterword
- Volume 20, Epilogue
- Volume 20, Intermission
- Volume 20, 6: –––––––Determination––––––– >> Mission to Rescue the Entire Earth
- Volume 20, 5: From the Land of the Rising Sun >> Unofficial Island Nation Landing Operation
- Volume 20, 4: Thus Spoke the End >> *No Mission Name Set Due to Confusion in the Chain of Command
Chapter List
- Volume 1, Prologue
- Volume 1, 1: The Rank and File Soldiers that Tie Up Gulliver >> Battle on the Freezing Alaskan Snow
- Volume 1, 2: Tom Thumb Runs through the Oil Field >> Battle to Prevent Passage through Gibraltar
- Volume 1, 3: War of the Ant and the Grasshopper >> Battle to Defeat an Oceanian Military Nation
- Volume 1, Epilogue
- Volume 1, Afterword
- Volume 2, Prologue
- Volume 2, 1: It is Only Natural to get Muddy in an Obstacle Course >> Battle to Control Antarctica
- Volume 2, 2: A Three Legged Race Up a Mountain is a Matter of Life and Death >> Battle of Shells in the Iguazu Mountains
- Volume 2, 3: In a Cavalry Battle, Destroy Your Opponent’s Footing >> Total War in Amazon City
- Volume 2, Epilogue
- Volume 2, Afterword
- Volume 3, Prologue
- Volume 3, 1: A Grave of Junk is a Mountain of Rare Metals >> Interception at the Remains of the Alaska Battlefield
- Volume 3, 2: A Coal Mine that Scatters Stacks of Cash >> Nighttime Surprise Blitzkrieg on the Kamchatka Peninsula
- Volume 3, 3: Honor is Priceless >> Emergency Interception at Victoria Island
- Volume 3, Epilogue
- Volume 3, Afterword
- Volume 4, Prologue
- Volume 4, 1: What Should Have Been a Pure Blue Ocean >> Unofficial Battle in the Loyauté District
- Volume 4, 2: Christmas on a White Sand Beach >> Furlough Garrison Battle (?) in Oceania
- Volume 4, 3: The Treasure of the Sea Dyed Deep Red >> Defensive Battle in the Solomon District
- Volume 4, Epilogue
- Volume 4, Afterword
- Volume 5, Prologue
- Volume 5, 1
- Volume 5, 2
- Volume 5, 3
- Volume 5, 4
- Volume 5, 5
- Volume 5, Epilogue
- Volume 5, Afterword
- Volume 6, Prologue
- Volume 6, 1: The War Broker Closest to Heaven >> Intelligence Battle in the Cook District
- Volume 6, 2: The Team that Carries Out Dirty Jobs More Painful than Hell >> Transportation Battle in the Athabasca District
- Volume 6, 3: The Conspiracy Bank that Motivates Human Greed >> Bombardment Battle in the Amazon District
- Volume 6, Epilogue
- Volume 6, Afterword
- Volume 7, Prologue
- Volume 7, 1: A Deadly Firefight between Two Idiots >> Mock Battle in Oceania