Chapter 676 - Horror

As soon as Zeke managed to cross over that large black vortex, he stilled where he was in the air. His wings were flapping elegantly and steadily, keeping him right where he wanted to be as he watched the chaos with his usual calmness portrayed across his face. One of his hand then moved up and calmly covered over his one eye. The one eye that had turned entirely black not too long ago and had frightened his own companions.

His gaze was firmly fastened on Zeres who just ignored his presence there and continued summoning demons without any signs of stopping whatsoever. The demons were coming out of the vortex one after another at a rate that seemed to be increasing in speed to those who were looking on. If this continued on, there will be no guarantees that Alexander would still be able to handle all those summoned demons on his own. As it is now, Alex already has his plate full just keeping those demons at bay.

At that moment, Zeres’ gaze fell towards Zeke. And a wicked, villainous smile flashed across the silver-haired witch’s lips. That smile did not spell anything good to those who had seen it. However, for Zeke who had clearly seen that smile, it did nothing to change the poker-faced look that was still firmly pasted on his face. One had to wonder what it would take for Ezekiel to finally show some sort of emotions on that canvas he calls a face.

Zeres’ body had gone as dark as the dragon’s scale. His golden eyes were burning with hellfire and all the evil intentions that could be conceived in the world. He was now hellbent to execute the threat he had promised when he was still sane. Though insane he might be, it seemed he still had the presence of mind in remembering the words he had uttered earlier on. As if he had forgotten everything else but this one matter. It just kept on ringing in his mind, unable to let it go. It seemed that there was nothing left in him but the driving intention of summoning an army of demons and for them to go out and destroy the world.

He could not even seem to recognize Zeke anymore as their eyes met. Zeres could only see him and identify Ezekiel as a powerful foe that he needed to vanquish to attain his goals and he only smiled. However, that smile was not one that was filled with goodwill, but it was one with nothing else but bloodl.u.s.t and the excitement to kill.

Wearing that satanic smile which could freeze the hearts of all who see it, Zeres lifted his hand and simply just pointed a finger at Zeke.

Instantly, with that one movement, it made all the summoned demons turn around from where they were and looked straight at Ezekiel. And with a flick of Zeres’ hand, like mindless puppets who had received the orders from their master, the demons flew towards Zeke, all eager and willing to attack to kill. Their movements were similar to the swarm of bats frantically flying out the cave after their nap were disturbed.

Ezekiel, however, did not even move a muscle and remained in the air where he was, wings flapping steadily in the air and waited for the demons to approach.

As the swarm of demons came at him with growls and roars, a strong gust of wind came rushing from behind him suddenly and out of nowhere. It lifted the bangs of his hair that were shielding his eyes from others’ view and his frightening red eye came into full view.

All of a sudden, the demons stopped as if they could sense an immense danger that would attack them without warning, and it totally confused them. When Zeres had previously ordered the first batch of demons to attack Alexander, they had attacked Alex mindlessly even with the amount of pressure and power that was emanating from Alexander. They had attacked so carelessly, as they knew that no matter what the immortal did to them, there was not the possibility that he could kill them.

But this creature before them had made the demons instinctively stop with his frighteningly savage killing aura that was leaking from him. The demons could feel real danger oozing from him. As if this strange, red-eyed winged creature could actually kill them, the immortal demons.

The demons sudden halt in their charge made the mad Zeres’s smile fade. "Kill him!" he roared out his orders once again and the demons physically jerked before moving. However, it could be seen clearly that though they continued to advance on Ezekiel, it was clear as day that they were being forced against their wills.

But Zeke did not seem to care about the numbers of demons. He accelerated right into the first demon that came into his reach and his fist was immediately planted into the demon’s face. Before the demon could even realize it, its head had already exploded like a balloon with Zeke’s vicious and fast attack. The demon that was killed then immediately turned into a pure black ash. The pile of ash swirled for a moment in the air before returning into the vortex.

Zeke removed his hand off his dark as midnight eye and the moment his eyelid lifted, the demons freeze on the spot in horror. It actually was not just due to watching one of their own being turned into ash but at the sight of his eyes. Those ebony and fully pitch-black eye of his.


A\N: thank you for waiting. Follow me on instagram @kazzenlx.x

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