Chapter 687 - No more


It was not just Lilith who was shocked at what was happening. Everyone who was looking at Zeke’s action was rooted to the spot as well, eyes rounded and mouths agape. The moment the sword was pulled out from Alicia’s body, silvery particles began to appear from her wound as if her blood were turning into silvery dust motes. And they seem to be floating about, twirling around her in the air, as if unsure where they should go.

Everything seemed to have come to a standstill as they absorbed what was happening before their very eyes. However, Lilith’s reaction seemed somewhat different from the others. She had her eyes wide opened as though she was witnessing something totally unbelievable. From her body language, it seemed as if she was extremely agitated. However, one could not tell if that agitation stemmed from being overly stressed and worried or being excessively excited.

The silver particles then slowly began to spread out as if to surround itself all around Alicia’s body. And to the onlooker’s surprise, Alicia’s hair which was now dark began to turn silver again, little by little. As they looked on, it was getting more obvious that more and more strands of darkened locks were miraculously turning silvery white. Even Zeres who was deep in his anguish froze as he too, noticed this little bit of aberration occurring on the body of the woman in his arms and causing him to put aside his agony for a moment. His eyes were desperately hanging onto the figure of Alicia, wondering what on earth was happening to her.

Everyone could not help but hold their breaths. Could it be that something bad was happening even to her already lifeless and still form? Or perhaps, a miracle was going to happen? Was she going to come back from the dead?

Hope shone in their eyes as their gazes trained desperately on Alicia and the silvery particles that were circling about her. Perhaps, something they were not aware about had happened and now she would be returned to them, all hearty and hale. Or perhaps, the gods had heard Zeres’ cries and have sympathized with him?

None of them made a single sound nor moved a muscle. They simply stood there attentively watching and patiently waiting for what was going to happen next. Hoping against all hopes that she would be given another chance and wake up.

When Alicia’s appearance was restored completely back to normal – that is her previous looks as the witch queen – the silvery lights started to slowly disappear, like the fading lights of the fireflies. The moment Alicia’s body could be seen through the thick silvery lights that were continuously fading off, Zeres scrambled forward to where Alicia was.

As Zeres cradled her, they could see that Alicia’s lashes and her hair were bright as moonlight again. This was the appearance they were all used to. The sight of her shining bright again made them thought how she just seemed to have just been born in this world to gain this appearance. It was as if she was born to be this bright because she just did not seem to be suited for anything dimmer than the brightness that belonged to her right now.

They waited until the last silvery particle disappeared completely, expecting that she would open her eyes when it did.

But as they waited with bated breath, those beautiful eyes were still shut tight and not a flicker of her eyelids could be seen. Alicia’s eyes did not open, and there were no signs of her breathing again as well. Those of them who had their eyes glued to her c.h.e.s.t were disappointed as they did not see the upward and downward movement of her c.h.e.s.t that signifies her breathing again.

However, they waited for another long moment until Zeres moved and gently shook her a little. "Alicia..." he whispered as if trying to wake her up from a very deep sleep.

But time passed and there was no response from the beautiful silvery figure at all, until everyone dropped their heads. Could it be that they had thought wrong? Was she not going to wake up again? Then what was the purpose of those silvery lights and why did it return her appearance to how it was before? Was it just so she would die nobly as a queen? Or was it just to grant her that recognition of her being a great witch queen during her lifetime?

Zeres’ tears began to silently fall again. His teardrops were falling unrestrainedly on her peaceful, angelic face. He did not bother to wipe his tears nor hide the fact that he was crying in front of so many others.

Zeres could only hug her again, and he continued trembling in agony. Those who saw him could clearly feel that he was unable to accept that she was never going to open her eyes again.

Everyone could do nothing but stand there, looking at Zeres and Alicia with sympathy and sadness, except Zeke who had his eyes strangely fixed on Lilith.

No one else except Zeke noticed that the young witch was not crying along with Zeres this time. She was just sitting there, frozen still and her eyes remained wide opened.

A long while later, Zeres finally moved. He gently lifted Alicia into his arms and for the first time, he lifted his face and looked at everyone. Though seeing him now would break everyone’s heart as his eyes had now lost all their light. It was like the moon that had lost its sun and its source of light was no more.

He looked so lifeless, almost like a living dead. They had to wonder what was going on in his mind now because they could no longer decipher anything from his dulled and deadened eyes.

Zeres eyes flickered over to Alex and lingered on him for a while before turning to settle it on Zeke.

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