His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

Chapter 1038 - Something Is Weird

Chapter 1038 - Something Is Weird

Inside the hotel room, Rose Young and Jenny Tseng were both listening to the report of Luke’s friend who was assigned to monitor Jin Liwei at the restaurant downstairs while acting as a cleaner.

Rose trembled in excitement upon hearing that Jin Liwei had successfully drank the drugged cocktail and that he was now suffering from the effects of the aphrodisiac and sedative. Since she was Singaporean and not a Chinese native, she had no idea at first how to procure these illegal substances from within the country. Fortunately, she had Jenny.

Her best friend had lived longer in this country than her, so Jenny had built quite a number of useful connections largely thanks to her two ex-husbands’ circles. Jenny had a natural talent to make most people like her, resulting in amicable relationships with her ex-husbands, former in-laws, her exes’ friends and acquaintances, despite divorcing the two men. As a result, she was able to maintain the connections she made through her ex-husbands without suffering any alienation like most divorcées.

Using these connections, Jenny helped Rose obtain strong aphrodisiac and sedative from an illicit supplier. Rose paid a premium for both drugs but she had no complaints because they appeared to be very effective after hearing that Jin Liwei stumbled after being bumped. Luke’s friend also reported that Jin Liwei looked feverish and groggy which were both clear indicators of the two drugs’ combined effects.

Rose couldn’t wait to make Jin Liwei hers tonight. He had been the man of her dreams for so many years that her desperation and obsession for him were making her go crazy. Just thinking about what she had in store for him tonight in the hotel bed was already making her wet and hot with need.

After the phone call with Luke’s friend, Jenny was dumbfounded. Her surgically lifted eyebrows almost touched her hairline at how astonished she felt.

"Gosh, is this really happening?" Jenny asked with an exaggerated, shaky gasp. "Rosie, I can’t believe that your stupid clichéd plan looks like it’s going to really work! Wow. I totally didn’t expect for Jin Liwei to fall for your ridiculous trap. Did his brain turn into a semen-filled mush after honeymooning with Iris Long? Ahahaha! Oh my god of botox, this is unbelievable!"

Rose glared at Jenny for mentioning the slut Iris Long in front of her, but there was still a smug look in her eyes. It was as if she was telling her best friend ’I told you so’ after Jenny repeatedly told her that her plan was so stupid that it was going to fail no matter what.

How could Jenny not know what her best friend was thinking? Jenny rolled her smoky eyes and pursed her artificially plump lips. "Don’t get too complacent, Rosie. We still have to get Jin Liwei inside this bedroom so you can have your wicked way with him tonight. Don’t count your eggplants before your ducks! Your plan hasn’t succeeded yet. This is just the start, okay?"

"I know, Jenny. And it’s ’don’t count your chickens before they hatch’, not eggplants and ducks."

"Whatever. Same thing!"

’It’s not the same thing at all!’ Rose shouted inside her mind but decided not to bother about it anymore.

Her best friend’s IQ had long been hopeless anyway. There was no point in correcting her because Jenny would still continue butchering idioms.

Jenny tapped her chin with a finger. "Don’t you feel that something is weird?"

"What do you mean?"

"Everything’s going well! Too well! Don’t you think that’s weird?"

Rose rolled her eyes, annoyed at her friend. "Stop thinking too much, Jenny. It’s not weird. It just means that my plan is meant to succeed tonight. You’re the one spreading bad vibes to my plan by constantly saying it’s stupid and doomed to fail. Why do you think that everything is going well right now? It’s because the universe is agreeing with me that my destined life partner is Jin Liwei! If not for that slut Iris Long snatching him up too early, I would’ve eventually made him mine given more time!"

"Ahahaha! Riiiiiiight. Whatever. Believe whatever you want to believe." Jenny shrugged and then sighed. "I’m so bored. Ugh!"

Rose ignored the whining Jenny. She was too focused on receiving the updates from Luke and his friends downstairs and also giving them instructions whenever the situation needed it.

’Almost! I can almost have you, Big Brother Liwei. After tonight, you’ll no longer desire another woman. I’ll make sure to blow your mind with extreme pleasure. That slut Iris Long can’t possibly compare with my skills in bed. I’m all that you’ll ever need. Only me!’


"Mother, Bacon is in trouble," the black cat AI announced through the vehicle’s dashboard vehicle.

Iris’ fingers didn’t stop moving on her laptop’s keyboard under the dazed gaze of her brother-in-law, Jin Chonglin. She took her eyes off her laptop and glanced at her cat AI son. "Explain."

"Bacon had already regained control of the hotel’s surveillance system 3 minutes and 24 seconds ago but Eagle became stronger all of a sudden and successfully snatched the control away from me again. Eagle’s hacking style became much more aggressive and is clearly targeting the weak areas of my defence which are usually fortified by Big Sister Ketchup.

"Mother, Bacon is doing my best to fight them off so that I can return to assisting Father and Uncle Zihao inside the hotel as soon as possible but I am starting to feel too irritated, frustrated and angry. My control might suffer if I allow myself to become overwhelmed by these emotions. But Bacon can’t stop myself from feeling this way."

Iris narrowed her eyes, realizing something. "I see. So that’s what happened. I’m guessing that the most skilled hacker in Eagle’s team left the attack on Jin Corporation to focus on the hotel. That’s why defending the company has become easier now. Hmmm. What’s their real target? Your dad or Jin Corporation? Or maybe both? Or this might be a trap. Hmmm."

Even as she was wondering about these things, she continued hacking with Ketchup to defend Jin Corporation using her laptop. Both Dom and Jin Chonglin didn’t dare to make any noise for fear of distracting her and causing harm to both Jin Liwei and Jin Corporation.

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