Chapter 172 - Godchild

In the next few days, Jin Liwei noticed that everyone in the household kept on giving him fruits to eat even when he didn’t ask for it. He didn’t mind and ate them all without protesting but after more than a week, he started thinking that something was up.

So when a maid gently placed a plate of freshly cut honeydew melon and cantaloupe beside him while he was reviewing some documents at the library office, he couldn’t stop himself from asking.

"Why do you keep giving me fruits every day?"

"It’s what the Young Miss instructed us to do, sir."

He already suspected as much. "I see. Alright, thank you. You can go."

When the maid left, he looked at the clock. It was a weekend and both he and Iris didn’t need to go out for work today. However, his baby girl was very busy at her music studio at home working on the film score. Although he wanted to spend time together with her, he also didn’t want to bother her so he could only wait until she was finished.

Later at lunch time.

Iris joined everyone for lunch. Jin Liwei greeted her and gave her a quick kiss on the lips before pulling a chair for her. He was now used to eating together with everyone in the household. They usually ate in the kitchen and would only use the formal dining area when Iris’ instructors stayed for dinner.

Jiang Ying Yue and her son, Little Jun, also joined them. They spent the morning playing with Ice Cream and Popcorn at the cat room. The nanny was on day off today.

When Little Jun saw Iris, he immediately stretched out his little arms and struggled within his mother’s embrace, crying out for Iris. He wanted to be held by his aunt.

"Little Jun, let your Aunt Xiulan eat her meal first. Be good," Jiang Ying Yue said.

Little Jun’s cute little face scrunched up and he started crying. Jiang Ying Yue looked at everyone helplessly.

"It’s fine. I’ll hold him," Iris said and gestured for Jiang Ying Yue to give her the toddler. Little Jun immediately stopped crying and started babbling happily to his aunt.

"Sorry about this, Xiulan," Jiang Ying Yue said. Upon Iris’ request, she stopped calling her Miss Xiulan. After all, as Iris explained it, she was the mother of Iris’ nephew. She could act formally when she was at work as Iris’ bodyguard but once she wasn’t on duty, there was no need to be so formal.

Iris sat Little Jun on her lap. Jiang Ying Yue moved and sat on the chair beside Iris to feed her child. Jin Liwei sat on Iris’ other side.

He watched his baby girl pampering the child. He couldn’t help but imagine how it would feel if it was their own child on her lap instead. How wonderful it must be if he could have a child (or two) with her in the future.

Little Jun turned his head and looked straight at Jin Liwei. The baby and the man looked at each other with curiosity. Suddenly, Little Jun beamed and giggled. Then he stretched out his little arms towards Jin Liwei.

Iris chuckled and told Jin Liwei, "He wants you to hold him. Here."

Jin Liwei moved his torso away and put his hands up in front of him, looking alarmed and shaking his head. "No, no. Baby, please no. I don’t know how to hold a child."

She ignored him and pushed Little Jun in his arms.

He didn’t have any choice, so he cautiously held the baby. He was worried that he would drop the child, so he didn’t dare move.

Then Little Jun pointed a finger at Jin Liwei’s face and said, "Papa!"

Everyone was shocked.

Iris immediately took the child from him and gently told the child, "No, Little Jun. He’s not your father."

Little Jun gave her a confused look, then pointed at Jin Liwei again. "Papa?"

"No, not Papa. He’s your Uncle Liwei."

The child scrunched his face. Then he pointed a finger at Iris. "Mama?"

Iris froze and then blinked. "No, Little Jun. I’m not your Mama. I’m your Aunt Xiulan. This is your Mama," she said, pulling Jiang Ying Yue who was sitting beside her.

Jiang Ying Yue had an awkward expression on her face.

Little Jun looked confused. He pointed at Jiang Ying Yue. "Mommi!" Then he pointed at Iris. "Mama!"

"Oh! I get it!" Dom exclaimed, clapping his hands together. "Big Sis Yue is Mommy and boss is Mama! And then sir boss is Papa! Kyaaah! This is so adorbs! Wait! Let me take a video of this!" He took out his phone and started recording. "Junie boy, where’s Mommy?"

Little Jun pointed at Jiang Ying Yue. "Mommi!"

"Where’s Mama?"

The child pointed at Iris. "Mama!"

"Where’s Papa?"

The child pointed at Jin Liwei. "Papa!"

"Uwah! My heart can’t take this cuteness! My cutey patootie Junie boy is so adorbs! So smart!" Dom bounced on his seat in excitement as he continued recording.

Of course, everyone started praising the toddler and gushing about him.

Iris turned to Jiang Ying Yue beside her. "Where did he learn to say all these?"

"I honestly don’t know," Jiang Ying Yue answered helplessly. Then she looked at Dom with a suspicious expression on her face.

"Hey! Why are you looking at me like that, Big Sis Yue?" Dom pouted and then looked at his sir boss mournfully. "Why is everyone blaming me when I didn’t even do anything?"

"What does he call my brother then?" Iris asked Jiang Ying Yue.

Jiang Ying Yue stiffened at the mention of Long Hui but still answered, "He calls him Dada."

"Hmm... I see." Iris gently poked her finger on Little Jun’s squishy cheek. "At least he’s not confused. He calls us differently."

Jiang Ying Yue laughed awkwardly.

Then Iris turned to Jin Liwei. "So you’re now his Papa."

Jin Liwei nodded. Surprisingly, he didn’t mind it especially since he was paired up with his baby girl. He was the Papa and she was the Mama. He also gently poked the child on the cheek, making Little Jun giggle.

He looked at Jiang Ying Yue. "From now on, Xiulan and I are his godparents."

Jiang Ying Yue was taken aback at first and then her eyes filled with tears. "Yes. Thank you very much! Please take care of Little Jun."


Everyone was in high spirits. The cook announced that she would prepare a sumptuous meal for dinner later to celebrate. Since Little Jun was still too young, they would need to wait a few more years for him to formally pay his respects to his godparents.

Jin Liwei looked at the child sitting on his baby girl’s lap. He would call his butler later and instruct him to buy some baby clothes and other baby things to gift to his first godchild.

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