Chapter 827 - Shun

The alarm clock awakened the sleep-deprived Long Jinjing just before sunrise. She groaned and rolled over to stop the irritating sound blaring from her phone on the bedside table. It was time to get ready for work, but her body protested and wanted to continue sleeping.

She must have only slept for about two hours or less. Lu Zihao was insatiable and had sex with her almost nonstop after his weird seizure episode last night. He seemed desperate for her body. Seeing his concerning state made her unable to deny him, even though she knew that she had to wake up early for work.

Turning to her other side, she found that part of the bed empty. She sighed as disappointment once again filled her. But she wasn’t surprised anymore that the man left before she woke up. He had already done it before the first time that they had sex.

After another heavy sigh, she struggled to climb off the bed to start another workday. Her body felt sore, heavy and stiff in so many places. The tender part at the apex of her thighs felt like it was going to fall down to the floor, although that was a ridiculous notion. However, it really felt like that to her right at this moment. She felt...well-fucked.

Her hands covered her face in embarrassment, even though she was alone and nobody could see her right now. After recovering from her naughty thoughts, she once again considered about doing something to strengthen her body and improve her stamina. If things went on like this every time that she had sex with Lu Zihao, she wouldn’t be able to last thirty days.

’I’ll sign up for a gym membership and buy some nutritious food ingredients at the grocery later after work.’

These self-improvement thoughts made her ignore the disappointment caused by Lu Zihao’s absence in bed after waking up. She didn’t want to dwell in this kind of treacherous feeling that might make her feel too attached to him.

She carefully walked out of her bedroom, not bothering to cover her nudity with a robe or any clothing. She was alone in her home, anyway. Nobody would see her.

As soon as she came out of the bedroom, however, she immediately saw a strange man standing by her small dining table. She screamed in fright.

A furious Lu Zihao came into view from the living room and roared at her, "What the hell are you doing, woman?! Put some clothes on!!!" Then he turned to the other man and roared at him, too. "Don’t you dare look at her or I’ll gouge your eyes out!!!"

"I swear that I didn’t see anything, Boss Hao," the unfamiliar man replied in a subservient tone while looking down at the floor.

Long Jinjing ran back inside her room and shut the door. She clutched her chest and tried to calm her racing heart.

’He’s still here. He didn’t leave.’

Despite her fright and confusion at seeing a stranger in her own home first thing in the morning, she couldn’t stop herself from smiling. Lu Zihao didn’t leave like before. And based on the two men’s interaction, it seemed that the stranger was Lu Zihao’s subordinate.

She grabbed her robe and put it on. Then she combed her hair with her fingers before deeming herself presentable enough to make the short distance between her room and the bathroom.

Lu Zihao was waiting outside her door when she came out. He still looked furious and glared at her while examining her appearance from head to toe and back up again.

"Don’t ever run around naked like that again," he said through gritted teeth.

She frowned, irked at his tone. Her chin lifted in defiance. "I thought you already left and that I was alone. How could I know that there would be a stranger in my own home first thing in the morning? You two are so quiet that I didn’t notice that there are other people here besides me. Are you two ghosts or something? Besides, this is my own home! I should be able to do anything that I want in my own place.’t reprimand me like that. It’s not my fault!"

His jaw clenched as he continued glaring at her.

She bit her lower lip and faltered a little under his fury but she didn’t think that she was wrong. So she lifted her chin higher, even though she couldn’t meet his angry eyes.

"W-who’s that man, anyway?" she asked. "I don’t like strangers that I didn’t invite inside my own home."

Their stand-off lasted for another full minute before Lu Zihao released a long, drawn-out, annoyed breath.

Well, she was annoyed, too!

He called the other man over. She instinctively hid behind Lu Zihao when the stranger came forward because she was still naked underneath her robe. Lu Zihao introduced the other man as his subordinate.

"Hello, Miss Long," the man greeted while continuing to look at the floor. "Please call me Shun. Nice to meet you."

"H-hello, Mr. Shun," she greeted back.

"Call her Miss Jinjing," Lu Zihao corrected Shun. "She’s my girlfriend. Tell the others to respect her or you’ll all answer to me."

"Understood, Boss Hao."

Lu Zihao dismissed Shun with a wave of a hand and the other man returned to the dining table to arrange the dishes.

"I called Shun to bring us breakfast and also a change of clothes and some toiletries for me," Lu Zihao explained. "I’ll give you my private number and Shun’s later. If you need something and can’t reach me, you can call him instead and he’ll take care of it. You can also ask him to run errands for you."

Long Jinjing’s eyes widened at his words. "I...there’s really no n-need—umph!"

Her protests were swallowed by his sudden, fiery kiss. She melted in his arms and closed her eyes while kissing him back.

He slapped her butt when their mouths separated. "Go shower and get ready. We’ll eat breakfast, and then I’ll drive you to work."

"W-what? I can drive myself—"

"Hurry, I’m hungry," he said, already walking away while ignoring her protests.

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