Chapter 858 - Do You Love Him?

Lu Zihao offered to wash the dishes but Sun Jingfei refused his help and gently kicked him out of the kitchen. However, he still refused to leave, choosing instead to stand there and accompany her. The two chatted with each other. There was no awkwardness between them. The conversation flowed naturally, as if they had been close to each other for a long time.

When Long Jinjing came out of the bathroom, she was already fully dressed in her work outfit. As usual, she wore clothing that covered the hickeys Lu Zihao left on her body.

Lu Zihao gave her a quick peck on the cheek right in front of Sun Jingfei before heading to the bathroom to take a shower as well. Long Jinjing’s face turned red while her mother looked at her with amusement.

The mother and daughter headed to Long Jinjing’s bedroom. Sun Jingfei helped her daughter blow-dry her hair while Long Jinjing applied light makeup on herself.

"I like Zihao," Sun Jingfei said all of a sudden. "I didn’t expect that he’s such a charming, young man despite his scary appearance."

Long Jinjing’s face turned red again and she avoided her mother’s gaze on the mirror. She didn’t know how to respond to her mother because the charming Lu Zihao that her mother interacted with today wasn’t the same devilish Lu Zihao who fucked her hard every chance he got. Ah, just thinking of the word "fuck" was so embarrassing!

Sun Jingfei chuckled seeing her red-faced daughter. However, there was also some sadness behind her smile. Every parent would feel this way upon realizing that their child was no longer a little kid but a full-grown adult.

"He’s much better than that douchebag you dated in university," she told her daughter. "That immature boy only wanted to get into your pants."

Long Jinjing bit her lower lip. She couldn’t tell her mother that Lu Zihao also only wanted to get into her pants and that he agreed to become her boyfriend because he wanted to have sex with her again after their one-night stand. This kind of information wasn’t appropriate to be shared with one’s own parent. Being caught by her mother with her boyfriend this morning was already enough embarrassment for Long Jinjing.

Sun Jingfei finished blow-drying her hair and started arranging it in an elegant braided bun. "Don’t forget about our dinner later tonight."

"Mom, I don’t think—"

"My child, I want to get to know your new boyfriend and maybe also grill him a little harder about his true intentions in being in a relationship with you."

Long Jinjing opened her mouth but closed it again. What could she possibly say? That Lu Zihao’s original intention in being in a relationship with her was to have sex with her? And that their relationship was mostly a carnal one?

Her mother continued speaking, "But I’m sure that Zihao is a good man. He’s Sir Lu Jianhong’s grandson after all. Sir Lu is one of the greatest businessmen not only in the country but in the world. Yet despite being a businessman, Zihao mentioned that he had been mostly raised by his grandfather. It means that Sir Lu prioritizes his family. I’m sure that Zihao was raised to have that important value as well."

Long Jinjing didn’t comment. Her mother had been deceived by her boyfriend today. The truth was that the man was a beast.

"There you go," Sun Jingfei said, presenting the completed braided bun.

Long Jinjing turned her head from side to side to study her hairstyle for today. It was elegant and feminine but still work-appropriate. "Thank you, Mom. It’s beautiful."

"No, my child. YOU are beautiful."

Long Jinjing couldn’t help but smile. Warmth filled her heart. She felt thankful everyday to have a mother like Sun Jingfei. They might not have the legitimate wife and daughter status in a judgmental society but Long Jinjing couldn’t ask for a better mother than Sun Jingfei. She was the best mother that Long Jinjing could ask for in the whole world. She knew that even if the entire world turned its back on her, her mother would always take her side no matter what.

Then all of a sudden, her mother asked, "Do you love him?"

Long Jinjing was in the middle of applying lipstick but her hand slipped after hearing her mother’s question. A light, rose-pink streak smeared down her chin. "W-what?"

Her mother remained calm and simply handed her a makeup removing wipe. "Zihao. Do you love him?"

"Mom!" Long Jinjing was flustered. Her hand shook while she wiped away the lipstick smear on her chin.

"What? I’m just asking you a question. Why are you overreacting?"

Long Jinjing pretended that she didn’t hear her mother and focused on reapplying the lipstick. Her face was so red that she couldn’t bear to look at her reflection in the mirror anymore.

"Well, do you love him?" her mother insisted on asking.

Long Jinjing sighed, defeated by her mother’s gentle yet firm pressure. "I...I d-don’t know."

"Hmmm. It’s a yes, then."

"W-what? No! Mom!"

This time, it was Sun Jingfei who sighed. There was a sad smile on her lips. She rested her hands on her daughter’s shoulders and looked at the two of them, mother and daughter, in the mirror. "I’m your mother, my child. I know you so much better than you know yourself. You’re just like me."

Long Jinjing felt her heart racing inside her chest. Her mother’s words were causing her to panic.

"Just be careful, Jing’er. You’re still young and only started a great career. I hope that you don’t get pregnant too early."


"You’re lucky that Zihao has never been married yet." Sun Jingfei’s sad smile turned wry. "Unlike me. I fell in love with a divorced man who married another woman who wasn’t me. My one wish in life is for my little girl, my beloved daughter, to have a happy life. And that you’d never have to suffer the same heartbreak that I endured because of my hopeless love for your father."

Long Jinjing’s eyes reddened. "M-mom..."

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