Chapter 566: Northern In Definition
Furthermore, the entire expanse-even with the sky-trembled.
Northern quickly glanced up and forward, realizing.
‘He cleaved the entire rift? What?!’ Northern’s face reflected his shock, his eyes left widened.
Others looked at him first, then looked at where he was looking.
They were so consumed and taken by the separated ground that they didn’t see the cleaved sky.
The entire rift, all round, had been perfectly sliced into two separating halves.
And slowly, like oil streaming down, the veil was being undone.
Northern’s eyes squinted. ‘Did he know about it?’
Just in the moment of his thoughts, the Lieutenant looked up with a dumbfounded expression.
“Oh? The walls are breaking. I guess all we had to do was defeat the boss,” he said, scratching his head with a pleased chuckle to boot.
‘He has no damn idea…’
Northern’s eyes slowly grew distant as they narrowed and all of suddenly flew open again.
‘Wait. That means… he had unknowingly sliced the entire rift in the middle. It’s just the ability and not that he intentionally did that?’
Northern felt like the realization of the scale of Lieutenant Dante’s power was going to make him go crazy.
At the same time, it was exhilarating, causing an overflowing rush of adrenaline to travel across his whole body.
Like all he wanted to do was fight. Lose. Grow. Fight again. Win. Grow. There was a ravishing hunger to become the best frolicking inside his body.
He smiled and calmed himself, lowering his head slightly as the veil became fully undone.
The Lieutenant’s subordinates rushed towards him, Shane calling out.
“Sir! You did it. You tore the veil!”
Hidden behind their straight faces were pebbles of pride; they were throwing it at the onlookers that had been graced to witness the extent of their Lieutenant’s true ability.
Alystren and Ryan, of course, were flabbergasted by it. Ryan especially was for the first time witnessing the might of a Paragon up close.
Alystren, even though he had expected this level of strength, was still shocked by it.
Northern, however, just seemed happy and impressed, his arms were folded and he was looking with a twisted smile on his face.
‘Has he gone mad?’ Shane could not understand, as she glanced at Northern one more time before reaching Lieutenant Dante’s side.
“There’s still two more to defeat…” Northern said, however, the entire ground trembled.
Causing all of them to startledly pause and look around.
Northern grinned.
“I guess there’s no need. The rest are done…”
The entire expanse seemed to stretch further. Up north, three humans were walking forth, two male and one female. All of them were drenched in blood.
And from the east, two vicious monsters were walking in on them.
Lieutenant Dante, upon turning to the humanoid monsters, grimaced and placed his hand on his sword.
“Wait, no! Those are my subordinates,” Northern hailed as he walked closer to them, the Night Terror armor clanking with every majestic movement.
Lieutenant Dante scowled at him.
“What do you mean?”
Northern stopped in front of the Lieutenant. He fixed his gaze on Night Terror and Black Mamba and signaled for them to come with a finger.
Swiftly, both of them flashed and were behind Northern, Night Terror on his right and Black Mamba on his left.
This left Lieutenant Dante speechless. His face was pale and eyes trembling tiredly.
He pulled out his sword in a blinding flash and raised it to Northern’s face, his eyeballs thinning in.
“You… you… what are you? What the hell is this?”
Northern stood well in front of him, folding his hands.
“I would really appreciate if you stopped looking at me like I am the rift guardian or something. I am not a monster, I’m just unreasonably strong.”
He paused, placing his hand on his chin as he thought aloud for a moment.
“Or maybe I am? I could be? I mean, to be unreasonably strong is to be a monster.”
He retraced his gaze to the Lieutenant.
“Anyways, let all that go. Right now, I am the only one that can get us out of this rift.” Lieutenant Dante straightened his back, slidding his sword back into its sheath.
He closed his eyes and steadied his breath before he opened and fixed them on Northern. All traces of former fondness had been completely eradicated. Now, his crimson eyes were brimming with a cold and dangerous light.
“How can you be so sure about that?”
Northern examined his gaze for a moment, then he answered:
“I’m sorry. If I am correct, the ranks of monsters in a tier seven rift are Hellions, Maelstroms, Destroyers, Behemoths and a Belial, which is the rift guardian. So far so good, we’ve only encountered mobs which are only hellions, and then these maelstroms.”
‘Only hellions? It’d take a Master sweats to take out a single Hellion. My subordinates so far are doing exceptionally well because of their exposure to battle and because they have each other. Such amount of hellions is enough to drown a thirteen-man team of masters, and yet he says only?’
Not just the Lieutenant’s thoughts rang. Every other person was looking at Northern with a wicked glare.
Hellions were a rank of monsters that not even masters hope they encounter. They were
incredibly strong.
The least rank of drifter that was allowed in a rift such as this one was the Sage rank. They happened to be here by chance and thanks to the Paragon among them, they were being protected well, they’ve lived so far.
But some child just said only hellions like these are not that big of a deal?! It infuriated them
Northern continued, absolutely oblivious of their thoughts.
“Look at the conditions of your subordinates. They’ve only been fighting mobs and it looks
like they’ll faint very soon.”
He was right.
They had several cut marks over their bodies and faces, their breaths were ragged. Even though they had not been severely injured, none of them had come out of the fight with
‘mobs’ as Northern termed it, unscathed.
None of them could even dare to fight a Maelstrom rank.
“We are probably going to encounter more maelstrom rank monsters as we go forward, then
more Destroyers, behemoths too. Even if they manage to take down a maelstrom with teamwork, in the long run they will end up becoming burdens to us. And you’ll end up
exhausting yourself to save them. When it comes down to the guardian, who’ll be the only
person left to save all your asses?”
Northern raised his finger and pointed to himself with a vicious grin, radiating overwhelming
“It is I! I am the one whom all your fates would be left in the hand of! I am not just speaking. I
am telling you what I have seen with my eyes!”
He moved his hand to his shining blue eyes, his smile radiating even brighter.
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