Chapter 591: Meal Time

Northern and Lieutenant Dante came back to a lit fire ominously shading the faces of all those who sat around it.

Atop the flames were several sticks plunged into large lumps, sort of darkened from the position Northern and the Lieutenant observed them from.

But they didn’t need to see clearly to know that the group was skewering monster meat. Aside from the obviousness of the act, the sumptuous aroma suddenly made their stomachs growl.

Northern gulped and stepped forward, taking a seat next to Ryan, crossing his legs as he joined them on the muddy ground.

No one even cared how muddy it was; they were lucky enough to even have semi-hard ground to begin with.

The ground wasn’t so muddy that it would begin to sink them in. The soil’s water-retaining ability was just ample.

Northern looked around for a moment. He wondered if Ryan had made a suggestion to freeze the ground, but he immediately got his answer.

The cold that came from the ice would affect people, moreover affect the fire, and affect their dinner—maybe lunch or breakfast, no damn person knows.

And Ryan was probably as tired as everyone else. Northern didn’t want to think such a magnificent ability of his did not come with its own stress.

“What are you looking at?” Ryan growled lowly, a vicious look in his eyes.

Northern rolled his eyes nonchalantly and looked away, speaking to himself.

“Damn, I must be getting mad; I can’t believe I almost pitied this crappy son of ice.”

Ryan glared even more intensely. His tone rang out slightly different than usual.

“I’m not a son of ice. I am a son of Cold Flame.”

Northern raised a brow, tilting his head backward. He blinked several times, his reaction slowed out of confusion.

“Yeah. I guess… whatever suits you.”

Then he looked away and thought.


There was something about Ryan’s reaction that made him sound desperate.

And desperation was the one thing Northern had never heard in Ryan’s voice since knowing him.

That with the words he uttered just freaked Northern the hell out. But he didn’t dwell on that. The meat burning in front of him was tenaciously squeezing out a tongue-pleasing smell; Northern right now wanted nothing more than to take it in and munch on it for as long as he could.

He stared at the meat, waiting patiently. After a while, his stomach climbed up his throat, pleading to his voice to speak for its dire state.

“Is this thing not done yet? I’m very hungry.”

All of them turned to look at Northern, eyes widened.

He caught their eyes and immediately frowned.

“What? Can’t I eat?” he inquired, looking at all of them.

They were all silent, withholding whatever tinged the edges of their tongues, utterly careful of their words.

After a while, someone’s voice shattered the eerie silence.

“It’s not like that… just, casually hearing you say you’re hungry kind of reminds us that you are human…”

Northern squinted his eyes, pulling his head back in confusion and folding his arms.

“What nonsense are you spouting right now?”

“Ah ah…” Rafel, who had spoken, released an awkward half-laugh. “Forgive me.”

“This monster probably has a lot of rottenness in it,” Alystren’s voice proceeded immediately as Rafel’s vanished.

“It needs to be skewered longer than usual, so whatever toxins in it can be dried out and the skin can be completely burned. If you want to enjoy it, you peel the burned skin and eat the meat.”

The explanation cleared all of Northern’s questions. But he was still left confused by something.

He tilted his head slightly as he asked.

“I don’t understand. Has anyone hunted this kind of monster before?”

“No. But there are rarely any kinds of monsters that are not in the books. As a Walker, fundamental knowledge is important; these things are taught there. I thought you were a student of the academy.”

Northern frowned; he lingered a bit with a sour mood. As he wanted to reply, Ryan’s voice beat him to it.

“We didn’t get the chance to become actual students before we got jinxed.”

Northern, with slightly widened eyes, looked at Ryan; their gazes met for a beat, then Ryan looked away.

Shin watched this happen and felt his heart tear into two. Once again, he was reminded of what their overprotection of the poor boy had done to him.

And an embarrassing moment like this one was the least harm it had done.

“Well, among the fundamentals of rift survival education, there are several types of monsters, and ways to eat them. Of course, most of the safest ways is by…” Alystren gestured to the fire with his hands to end his statement.

“There are several other ways but I don’t think that’s a lesson for tonight. If we get back alive, I will arrange a short class for you guys in the citadel. But the most important thing you must know is that it’s important to carry a piece of monster meat with you for every kill; it will

come in handy.”

‘That explains why there are so many…’ Northern glanced around and focused back on the meat. Silence drowned the atmosphere once again.

Then after a couple more minutes, Rafel took out the meat and started handing it out to all of


After Lieutenant Dante received his, he walked away saying,

“I’ll keep watch. The rest of you can sleep.”

Northern watched the rigid man walk away, his fine coat swaying left and right with every

step he took.

For a moment as he watched the Lieutenant, he thought,

‘Maybe he’s just a nice guy in a tough shell.’

After all, Lieutenant Dante had done him a favor most Drifters would be reluctant to do.

Of course, he didn’t forget that there was a prize, but he wasn’t so sure how heavy of a prize he

would have to pay for this generous offer.

‘Whatever it will be, I’m sure it’ll be worth it.’

Northern took the meat into his mouth, gently savoring every delicate delicacy of it.

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