Chapter 619:

Northern thought more about Ryan, and about the fact that they seemed to share the same


However, the pronunciation was very different. Northern’s name, his mother had pronounced as R-e-a-n.

Ryan’s name was pronounced R-a-ya-n.

If the empire let them freely use the name despite having claimed an exclusive right on the use of a certain letter, then it must mean the Johnson family was a big deal.

Which left Northern with a bugging question.

‘Why did he refuse to go back home?’

Northern spent a few minutes on that thought alone, his mind running through all possible vindications for his refusal to go back home.

He was strong, had gotten stronger than five percent of people in the dark continent. If he returned home, he would be the heart and joy of his family. And he was still refusing. ‘Or did he not know this? Is he the kind that is unaware of how strong he has become?’ Northern squinted his eyes for a minute and shook his head. ‘Nah, he definitely knows.’

Ryan’s actions and words sometimes had been too daring for someone who has no idea what strength he possessed.

He even threatened to kill Northern when they arrived at the governor’s estate in Arcadia just because of Northern’s oppressing bloodlust.

Northern left his thoughts for another time as he finally reached in front of the said person’s door. He knocked twice and waited.

After a few seconds, he was about to knock again when the door slowly drifted open.

Ryan showed his face from the narrow opening, his eyes droopy and dark.

Northern’s eyes widened unbelievably.

“What? You are sleeping?”

“Yes. What do you want?” Drowsily, Ryan asked.

“I will be leaving for the academy soon. I wanted to talk to you.”

Ryan stayed a few minutes, deep in thought. Then he looked at Northern, his head slightly tilted.

“I don’t think there’s anything for us to talk about though?”

“I want to open to you. Open the goddamn door, dickhead.” “Goodbye.”

Ryan slammed the door and turned away, immediately falling back on his plush, master bed.

Northern stood there, dazed at the fact that that crappy son of cold flame actually slammed the door on him.

He sighed and curved a corner of his lips whimsically. Then he slowly dissolved into his shadows and manifested from the corner of Ryan’s bed that he had caught a glance of.

Immediately his presence fully formed, Ryan jumped up from the bed, an ice cone instantly weaving into the air.

He saw Northern, frowned, and shot the ice cone at him. But Northern caught it with bare hands and shattered it into ice speckles.

Ryan scowled.

“What are you doing? How did you get in here?”

He had asked the question before realizing it was a useless question, so he followed it up with…

“Get out.”

Northern folded his hands and beamed. “Make me.”

Ryan jumped onto him, but he instantly dissolved into the shadow of Ryan’s bed and came out of the shadow of the chair that was opposite the bed.

Ryan instantly swung his head with a deep red scowl on his face.

Northern extended a hand. “Wait. I didn’t come here to fight you.”

“Then leave!”

“After you tell me why exactly you are refusing to go home despite being this strong. What exactly are you scared of?”

“That is none of your business. Go to your goddamn school and let me sleep.”

“Will you look at this dickhead, when did you get so good at using those kinds of words. You should watch your company.” Northern grinned.

“Anyways, what is your plan. If you won’t tell me your family problems, at least let me know as your elder brother what your plan is.”

Ryan’s nose wrinkled in disgust.

“Oii, what is that annoying look on your face for?”

“I heard you’re only sixteen. I am eighteen, I should be the elder brother here.”

Northern’s face became dark. “You dare…”

Ryan flashed a nasty smile, unbefitting of what had been known of his demeanor so far.

The thought of hitting Northern right where it stings pleased him more than he thought it


Northern gritted his teeth and scratched his black tresses.

“Never mind. It’s my fault for caring deeply about a brat like you. Just make sure you don’t get yourself killed before I come back.”

He turned away and headed to the door. He was about to open the door but stopped as Ryan’s voice came out.

“…before you come back… I will… be stronger… stronger than you are.”

Northern grinned and turned his head back.

“I look forward to the rivalry, but right now, you are not worth my attention. Come talk to me when you become a Paragon for a start.”

“Dickhead.” Ryan spat with a grimace.

“Like I said, you should really watch your company.” Northern opened the door and went out.

“Come back and close the damn door, you dickhead!!”

Northern shook his head with a smile as the echo of Ryan’s yell reached his ears.

“Damn, he sure is a fast learner.”

Northern from there went to meet his father, with whom he discussed a lot of things, including a residual of which he had discussed with his mother.

She had informed him about what they talked about, so there was little Shin had to do or say.

Hence the goodbye was short, with Northern leaving his father a single note of advice this


“Protect Mother and Silver… Even if it costs your life. If they die or anything happens to them, I will be the one to personally kill you.”

The look on Northern’s face and the vicious cold bloodlust that made spit dry in Shin’s throat did not make him think his son was saying something he wouldn’t be able to do.

As far as being stern went, he could see it all in Northern’s eyes in that moment.

Everyone stepped out and escorted Northern to South Drywall’s warp gate.

From South Drywall, he would warp to Verulania, which was the kingdom he was initially

from. Verulania airport will take him directly to the academy.

After which he will confront the next chapter of his fate.

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