Chapter 731: Inspecting Items [Part 1]

Chapter 731: Inspecting Items [Part 1]

Northern carefully inspected the new runes that displayed along the list of his items.

That particular portion of the panel had been stagnant for a while. He almost never bothered looking toward it because it saddened him to a degree.

Today, right now, was the first time since leaving the Kingdom of Red Mines that he had scrutinized the area with a joyous heart.

He had received a handful of items from killing close to a thousand monsters. Although seven was a small amount, it was better than nothing honestly.

A far cry from what he used to be.

Northern looked at the first item. It was a small rectangular glass bottle containing a black ominous liquid. Looking at it alone did not make him feel good.


Name: [Netar’s Dream]

Type: [Charm]

Grade: [Enchanted]

Order: [II]

Description: [Netar once had a selfish dream to dominate all of her kinsmen and women. Then that wicked, frivolous person went on to liquefy the dream, and feed it to every damn one of them so they could be united in the dream. Hence, her strange ascension as the Spider Queen.] Order Ability: [The Dream], [Slow Fade]

It was a morbid and discomforting description.

‘Whatever, that’s queen spider’s business.’

Northern flipped open the description panel of both order abilities.

The first ability, in a way, summarized the entire description as its usage. It was a potion that could enchant someone into doing his bidding, but it had a time limit of forty minutes after


And the second ability was a passive one. Consistent use of the potion on the same target would cause a gradual but sure deterioration of their mental fortress.

Northern didn’t think he had much use for such an item presently. But there was no doubt-it was an extremely useful item.

For example, he could use it to place a temporary hex on Raven and have her say the truth. Was he really used?

‘As if that will change anything.’

Northern thought with a dark grimace folding his face.

He was obsessed with the event. And although he was angry and pissed to death with both of them, he still wanted to know if truly both of them had no idea all that was going to happen and approached him because they wanted to help each other.

But when he looked at the fact that someone like Terence existed and her reaction when he was about to make that annoying sacrifice on the ship.

‘Hell in no way she didn’t know.’

Terence definitely had to have known something. And if she knew something, that meant Raven also knew something.

Which came back to mean he was utterly deceived and used. Now, this pained and hurt him so much because this was the life he lived throughout his stay on earth.

He was confident that he had grown, had learned from it and would never allow himself to be used again because of his naivete.

And then Terence and Raven happened to him, proving to him that he was only a child after all.

In a way, the real person Northern was angry with was himself. But he was not going to beat himself up now, was he? But as far as they lived, they would continue to carry the burden of his hatred.

That was their own way of being punished for using him.

‘Why am I seriously even thinking about them? They can go to hell for all I care.’

Northern, with a serious frown on his face, shoved all Ravening and Terencing thoughts out of his head and focused on the next item on his list.

It was a crystal with very sharp corners, so sharp that they could easily cut his skin if it was any less tender than it was right now, or if he had not evolved several nights before.

The crystal had a sharp crimson radiance that seemed to reflect endlessly within, almost as if it encased a reflecting world of red glow.

Then somewhere in that world was a single Ember of Flame that seemed more sculptured than alive. Regardless, the item was a breathtaking beauty.

Name: [Lost Ember]

Type: [Charm]

Grade: [Arcane]

Order: [I]

Description: [The Lost Ember was not actually lost. Some crazy dude obsessed with the art and act of fire encased it in the safe space of a crimson crystal shard.]

Order Ability: [Heart Of Fire]

Northern dwelled shortly on the description. It was quite interesting and vague at the same time.

Every item had a story behind them. Most times, that was what the descriptions were. A pointer to the origin of the weapon and a sort of half-assed, coded manual to its uses.

And the order ability…

Heart of Fire: [When you attach the Lost Ember to an armor or shield type item, the item gains a heart of fire, a heart that burns when struck, furious and fierce, passionate and relentless.]

Northern scratched his temple, looking a little lost.

‘How do I attach this to an armor?’

He had not heard or seen any armor that items could be added to. But then again, items were the one thing he had not heard or seen many things about.

Northern moved on to the next.

Name: [Moonlit Scale]

Type: [Charm]

Grade: [Lordly]

Order: [IV]

Description: [The moon once fell, shards of its skin peeled off due to the cataclysmic event. The shards have sedimented to become fragments that carry the moon’s essence.]

Order Ability: [Moonlit], [Dream Walker], [Deep Sleep], [Lucid Dream]

‘Moon fell? That’s so insane and superstitious…’

How can the moon fall?

‘I have read a number of books on history, and yet I have never come across a record of an

event like that.’

If the moon really did fall then it would have been noted in almost every book of history, because such an event would have marked the progressive civilization of the world.

Except if it wasn’t this world, or it wasn’t talking about an actual moon.

Descriptions of items were another case entirely. People went to school, studied for years just

to be able to decode the description of items.

The study of item description was called Lexomancy.

Practitioners of lexomancy would delve into the layered descriptions of items, analyzing the historical, cultural, and soul binding contexts embedded within the text.

The discipline held immense value. Lexomancers often worked as scholars, advisors, or even strategists, helping their clients unlock the true potential of their items.

So, item description was a serious headache. It was something people went to school and specialized in. The academy even offered the course also. It was a vital part of the world’s

functional knowledge, akin to alchemy or engineering.

He was not going to concern himself or break his head if he couldn’t figure some of them out. What mattered was the potential with which he could use them.

The abilities of the item spread out before his eyes.

Moonlit: [In the darkness, this scale automatically sheds moonlight around a 15-foot radius

of you. When you sleep with this scale in your hands, you are able to enter different states of


Dream Walker: [You can enter the dream of a sleeping creature.]

Deep Sleep: [You can enter a long rest.]

Northern waited, confused.

‘So basically, this can help me sleep?’

It was a little bit disappointing but he tried not to look at it the wrong way.

‘Maybe, if I am in a situation where it’s difficult to sleep, it’ll come in handy.’

But the way his sleeping habits had been these days, he suspected less likeliness of that


Northern averted his gaze and read through the last ability. Luckily, that one turned out to be

more useful than the rest.

Lucid Dream: [You can dream of your surroundings. When you do so, you see and hear as if you are awake and can’t be surprised.]

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