I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot [BL]

Chapter 1125 17.52 Fourth Violet Star - Protagonist

1125  17.52 Fourth Violet Star - Protagonist

At the Edge Star where the Chrysalis Clan lives...

At the Nest of Ice, the Grand Marshal had been accompanying Yara with his egg and his black dragon. Even spending the night outside to wait for the egg to hatch with it. Their lives were tranquil until he got a communication from System Yue, who had gotten a report from the wardens' subsystem. While they were far apart, they used their systems as a means of communication.

Caesar and Yara, who were watching over the egg in the middle and were surrounded by the Black Dragon King, Roi, were dozing. The Grand Marshal was keeping watch over Yara von Chrysalis while he dozed off on his knee. The Grand Marshal longed for moments like these to be shared with his sweetheart. They had been missing this kind of living for a very long time.

System Yue reports, [My lord, a message from Warden Lou has arrived. The Imperium Star is being invaded by the Zergs.]

"Hm. With two wardens in there, problems wouldn't occur unless an outsider God interfered. Moreover, their restrictions were removed by the Heavenly Laws, they are enough to defend such a puny place. Tell them to do as they wish and don't bother us with such nonsense." The Grand Marshal said.

This reaction from their Lord God didn't startled System Yang and System Yue. He had never shown any interest in or affection for God until Lord Hei or Lord God Shen were there. Why would a Sovereign God care about such a tiny star when he could spend more time with his wife?

System Yang agreed to send the Lord God's response without question, [We've sent the Lord God's Message. The two wardens should be able to receive the message by now.]

[Moreover, My Lord, there are temporary changes with the Divine Laws. It's said that there are too many Protectors of the world being killed and so Outsiders are now forbidden to kill them. But it doesn't seem to be a permanent law. The punishment seems to weaken and restrict a God's Soul and Godhood.] System Yue said.

The Grand Marshal replied with a hum as he once again put his full concentration on his wife. He will never change his priorities even if the world ends before his eyes.

  "The protector of this world is Argus. There is no way I would harm him. That law is useless against me."


The oldest couple on the globe, Argus Blues von Chrysalis and his husband Clodius von Chrysalis, are keeping an eye on this couple from a distance, and they have been doing so for the longest. They were spending time together in their normal courtyard, but this time they remained silently on guard over their youngest descendant and his chosen partner.

Clodius von Chrysalis asked his wife, "How long have you been watching over him? Are you that worried about them?"

"Don't you think that child is too indifferent to anything aside from our Yaya? He changed too much. Would becoming a God make you that aloof?" Argus Blues von Chrysalis asked.

Clodius von Chrysalis commented, "If you grew up alone and possessed a power that made you distinct from the rest, it wouldn't be surprising that he ended like that. He doesn't seem to care about others, if we aren't the family of Yara, he would treat us as if we don't exist as well."

"But I am worried... I haven't told him yet about the quirks of our clan." Argus Blues von Chrysalis said.

This circumstance struck Clodius von Chrysalis as somewhat serious. The last time they spoke, he believed his wife had mentioned it to the brat. Considering how overly protective that brat is of their Yara, it would be difficult to tell right now.

The young couple Christopher Klein von Imperlian and Silvan von Rosegard remember the events they saw on Planet Terra that day. If the others haven't misinterpreted it, the dying Grand Marshal is not someone who is concerned about the Imperium Star's welfare. He is only concerned with Student Yara, who was present that day. Even if the Imperium Star perished, would he care? He has long advocated for the monarchy's abolition. Isn't this the ideal circumstance for the Imperial Clan to permanently vanish? He felt that the little population would be kept alive by sending Lord Giselle here.

Silvan von Rosegard said, "Maybe he won't return. After all, no one helped him when he was poisoned and a lot of us wanted him gone. Now that he completely removed his clutches on Imperium Star, protecting this Star landed heavily on us, who live on this planet. He would no longer get involved. Lord Giselle is his stance. He would help prevent our extinction but that's all it is."

Silence descended in the area.

Everyone fully understood the stupidity of the Noble Faction and the Royal Faction after hearing these statements. They would have had enough time to train the soldiers and warriors of their nation instead of plotting and engaging in conflict if they had agreed to the abolition of the monarchy from the start.


Papa Rosegard said seriously, "Looming in regret and guilt is a waste of time. We should make our preparations. If Lord Giselle's Stance is as Silvan had mentioned then we should be prepared to take over. We should be ready to fight to protect our lands. Those bugs must be eliminated at all costs!"

The Count of Rosegard Clan's comments had been accepted by all. As many lives as they can be saved as they continue to protect the territory they are in. Also, they are getting ready to go to battle with the Zerg Race. Nobody was sure who would lead as there was no Grand Marshal to do so.

While he had long desired to step down from his role as emperor, Cale Meijer von Imperlian would most certainly not adopt such stance. Just that he hasn't raised the ideal heir to rule the nation. Also, he forbade any member of the Nova Clan from ascending to the throne. The youngest prince's condition is unknown, while the Crown Prince has vanished.

Papa Rosegard and the others all turn to face Christopher Klein von Imperlian, the Second Prince. This individual was once among the best candidates for the throne, but for the benefit of his fiance, he resigned in exchange for a decree authorizing his marriage to his beloved. Nearly no one could recall him as he was shielded from the throne-seeking contest.

Who would have believed that his decision to abdicate the throne would not be limited to that? He was unable to flee because he was a member of the Imperlian Royal Family and the Zerg Race was assaulting them. Regardless of his decision, he would have to join the battle. He and his sweetheart would no longer have a home to return if he doesn't and the Zerg Race successfully conquers their land.

Stephen von Rosegard said, "Chris, why don't you lead us? Among anyone in this room, you have that right the most. This is a battle we can't lose. Losing means the death of the ones behind us. Do you accept it?"

The second prince's response was anticipated by everyone. Unexpectedly, Christopher Klein von Imperlian instead tilted his head to stare at his sweetheart instead of responding right away. Every disagreement from their past existence has been resolved ever since he and Silvan returned from Planet Terra. He is currently leading the life that he has always desired, even in previous lives. a tranquil existence beside Silvan von Rosegard and their family.

Silvan von Rosegard knew the hesitation of his beloved. He smiled and held his hands. "I will support and accompany you all the way whether it is fighting on the frontlines or staying to rest on the rear. I promise it will always be by your side, supporting you until the end. But the choice is yours to make, Ris."

"...I..." The Second Prince observed the steadfastness with which everyone in the room was prepared to wage this war. All they need is one person to take the initiative. Looking at him with eagerness and resolve. They are still keeping an eye out for him. Eagerly waiting for his decision.

After taking a deep breath, Christopher Klein von Imperlian made a decision,

"I agree. I will lead you in this war."

The Second Prince was unaware that the protagonist Gong would guide him towards his predetermined future, sealing his fate and destiny. A future when he would support this society and Silvan von Rosegard as he would serve as president once the monarchy is abolished.

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