I'm a Walking Disaster With My Unwanted Virginity

Chapter 177 - Finally, The House Is All Mine, Mine I Say!

After drying ourselves we got up and came to the first floor's living. Both of us were covered in towels but this was our house and the only person in the house was a maid. So, it didn't stop us from marching up. 

Well, we both had bath robes, so it was fine. 

Our maid was in the middle of dining. She was stuffing her face with carrot curry. I had a feeling she made it after we went to the bath and only for herself. Though technically, I didn't like carrots that much, so I didn't have any problems with it. 

She did look rather funny with that face she was making while eating though. Almost like a certain carrot-loving character. 

The maid swallowed.. "Wow, you look a lot prettier." Of course, she was talking to Marg. 

She wasn't that flustered about us being in towel coats. I guess she took it for granted. 

Marg smiled. She didn't say a word of thanks though. "Well, we'll leave about half an hour later. Be sure to clean up everything and you can use things from the fridge. Don't bother going down to the basement or the master bedroom."


Marg also proceeded to instruct her on other things. This girl seemed adjusted to housework. She probably did all these works before. 

Marg held my hand. "Let's go." She now took me upstairs. She did not teleport, no. 

Hand in hand walking up the stairs!

Was there going to be more!?


Apparently, she just wanted to talk about the future. 

Yeah, more future stuff. 

I did get to see her putting on the new underwear and clothes though. She slowly, slowly put everything on. She was totally teasing. Very sexy: of course the new stuff was dry washed first. 

Though last time we talked about taking time before getting married and all, Marg was actually in a good mood and it was her who brought the topic up again. 

So, I gave it a final push. 

"So, when do you reckon we should get married?"

We already talked about it and her reason for making taking time, was that I could have changed my mind in the future. But unfortunately, my resolve wasn't that shallow. 

Marg smiled. "I'm fine as long as I'm with you but- will you promise me that I'll be the only official wife and the rest will just be mistresses?" It was almost like a plead. Marg never looked at me like that. 

Concubines, huh?

"Well, I don't intent to marry other people in the first place but sure." 

She hugged me tight and smiled.

Apparently, she was a bit too satisfied with that answer. 

I guess she spent a lot more time thinking about this thing than me. And here I was overthinking without even considering what kind of stuff she went through. 

"Let's get married after graduating high school." I did not expect her to say that though. 

I was already living with her, so I didn't have any complaints. And if she ended up getting pregnant before graduation by some miracle, I'd be sure to marry her then and there! "Okay."

We did some pillow talk for fifteen more minutes and then she decided to say bye to the maid and the two of us traveled to my home. The front door. 

"You want to say hi?"

She smiled nervously. "I'll just upset your sister, so maybe next time."

It was a bit early to be called afternoon.

"Okay, see you later."

And she was gone. No, goodbye kiss. 

I sighed and pressed the doorbell. 

A minute later, it opened. 


Mom opened the door but she didn't say a word and just left.

I came in and locked the door. I was in my new clothes. Since we almost always bought cheap clothes, these didn't turn out that bad. I was used to wearing stuff like this. I did feel a bit bad about making Marg wear them. Though she seemed happy enough, so I didn't worry too much about it. 

Apparently, mom and Elsa were in the middle of some sort of discussion in the living room.

'I didn't come at a wrong time, right?'

"No matter, how many times you beg, the answer is no." Mom wasn't going back down from this, whatever she was talking about. Her voice was loud and clear. I could hear it even from outside. 

I was just by the living door watching the whole thing play out. I still didn't know what was even going on, but it sure didn't stop me from enjoying stuff from the sidelines. 

As long as it didn't have anything to do with me, I was cool. 

"But-" Elsa's eyes shimmered and the water around her condensed. "I love him."

Yeah, this was bad. And wait, did she just mention a lover?


Suddenly my lips curled up, a smug grin formed and made my grand entrance.

"Love? You? Who's the pipsqueak?"

First, I'd get to know the boy she's in love with, then crush him, and voila- problem solved! If I ruined the guy's face, Elsa won't be interested in him and then mom won't have a problem. 

Problem solved indeed. 

Elsa wiped her tears and glared at me. "Where's Marg?"

Eh? She was more into Marg than her own brother. "She went home."

Elsa sniffed but didn't glare anymore.

Mom sighed. 

Was I being completely ignored?


Neither said a word and the mention of a lover kind of vanished. 


Apparently, these guys didn't need me here so I turned around and was about to head up to my room when I was grabbed. Rather solidly at that too.

"Where do you think you're going, mister?" Mom smiled very sweetly. 

"Up, up, and away?" I also smiled, albeit sweating hard.

Her smile didn't waver even for a millisecond. "Well, do sit down before up, up, and away." She used the same tone as me. 

Yeah, I had a feeling if I made a wrong turn, I'd really be going up. 

I really wanted to run away right about now. Maybe I should have never come here. 'This was a bad idea.' 

"Now, why did I saw you wearing a girl's sweater that day? Was it Marg's? I don't think it was that cold though?" Mom wondered. "And you even went that far and almost killed that guy in the match. Couldn't you have just solved it by breaking his legs and stuff?"

Mom was still smiling but she was barraging me with loads and loads of questions. 

Weren't we supposed to talking about Elsa's crush? Why were we talking about that wretched sweater and a guy I'd already forgotten?

But I did have a curveball of my own. Deep breath! "So, Marg and I are moving in from today." It was a one-breath sentence. There was no pause, no stutter. 

Both mom and Elsa were paying too much attention to me. Mom was grinning because she was about to beat the shit out of me while Elsa was grinning because she just got out of what she was in. 

But, but, as I said the stuff about moving in, both of them stared at me, clearly stunned. Elsa in particular looked like she was turned to stone.

I cleared my throat. "And it turns out, there's a dragon living in my saber so she'll live with us and Marg also hired a maid. You know she's the daughter of a count, so yeah."

Both of them still looked at me, not a word. Mom was kind of sweating. I guess this was too much to take in. 

And lastly, "And a girl kind of proposed to me and Marg took her on. So I might have mistresses. The rest for the first year was paid by Marg's father and the house is pretty big." 'Please don't ask me about that.'

I didn't plan to say all this at least not now, but these two had me cornered and I had to get out of this somehow. I was not afraid to use all my cards and give them a super surprise, no sir!

"So, does that mean you're willing to accept more mistresses and wives!?" Elsa grabbed my hand and looked dead serious. 

I guess I looked like a weirdo to her? In our family, people generally had only one life partner and I was going to have multiple- though only on paper. I might have seriously looked like some disgusting creature to her. 

'I can't blame her I guess.'

But- but she deserved to know: she was my little sister after all. "Maybe one or two mistresses at best but Marg will be the only official wife. I don't plan on marrying anyone else."

Actually, was having concubines the same as marriage or maybe the ceremony was different? I actually didn't know. 

It was almost as though Elsa was a bit sad to hear that. I guess she hated me for being this creepy but I had my own circumstances. A second later she didn't look all that sad though. 

I sighed and looked up at mom and now she was glaring at me. Did I do something wrong?

Operation win them over by great shock was a great failure. 

Sigh. I guess I'll be beaten up now. 

I resigned to my fate and waited for a punch. A punch that never came. 

Mom also sighed, a hand on her head. "Go get fresh. We were planning on going out shopping today, do you want to come along?"

Wait, I was being offered an option? After nearly seventeen years of misery, I was finally given an option!

The answer was no, obviously! 

'Oh wait, the Holo?'

"I'm kind of tired of walking around. I do have a Holo to repair. Would you mind taking it with you and claim the warranty? And I think I'll take a flight to Germany tonight." Marg literally just teleported me here, so yeah, I wasn't that tired. I still didn't want to go with these two though. 

Mom sighed again. "No wonder we couldn't get through to you. Fine. Book the flight with the Holo com upstairs."


With a radiant smile, I gave her the Holo and went to the washroom.

Finally, after so long I'd have the house all to myself. 


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