I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 43 – Happily Petting the Dog

I wandered around until I finally found the VIP building.

It was actually quite easy to find, there was a clear distance that separates it from the surrounding buildings, it’s probably to prevent the VIPs from being disturbed.

From the outside, the decoration was actually quite nice. It was not as flashy as the school gate. Although it only has two floors, it combined the positive points of both Oriental and Western design. Even if the US president lived here, it wouldn’t negatively affect his reputation.

It’s not so much an apartment, but rather a hotel. No wonder students wouldn’t know the name apartment No. 8.

Someone was standing guard at the main entrance (dressed like the Flying Tigers), and the entire area was surrounded by a red wall about the height of a person.

Thinking about it, Ai Mi is really unreliable when it comes to planning things out. First, she never thought about how I would pass through the school gate. Second, she never even thought about how I would get over this wall. I guess I have to solve everything myself!

You damned Americans that can’t plan anything out, one day, you will be ‘solved’ by the tenacity of the Celestial Empire people!

Fortunately, this wall was not that high, I can easily get over it.

I first threw a small pebble to test the waters and listened to see if I can hear the footsteps of any patrollers, then I threw my bag over the wall, still no signs of being discovered.

I stepped back and ran, grabbed the wall lightly and jumped over the wall without much effort.

As expected, there was no one in the courtyard behind the wall.

Instead, a dog was staring at me.

Purebred sled dog, white fur covered with black patterns, blue eyes, a healthy body. If it stood up on its hind legs it would probably even be taller than Ai Mi.

God damn, there’s a dog! It’s so damn big! Is it a security dog? If I got bit, I would have to be sent to a hospital for treatment!

No..., no, don’t bite me, if it starts barking, I will definitely be discovered by the security guards, and the mission of sending Ai Mi the checkered books will fail!

Ai Mi, you idiot! You gluttonous, disrespectful, and directionally challenged idiot! You didn’t even tell me in advance a single obstacle that would stand in my way! If I knew this was gonna happen I would have brought two big weiners with me!

In addition, this dog is just too sly! Just now when I threw the pebble and my school bag, you should have already started barking!

It just silently watched and completely ignored the pebble and my bag. Was it just waiting for the mastermind, so it can start barking and get me caught?

I really want to kick this dog and let it become a shooting star!

Unfortunately, apart from eating meat, I am basically an animal protectionist.

So I decided to proceed with Panmunjeom style interrogation with the dog.

Take a step back, don’t bite me, and I won’t bite you.

I think there is a door somewhere here because even though the dog is seriously staring at me, it has no intention of rushing and tackling me.

From time to time, it would go and smell the bag that I threw on the ground, looking for food.

Its tail started wagging.

This dog is definitely not a police dog, at most, it’s someone’s pet.

Even so, pet dogs also have the responsibility of guarding the home, and maybe they might start barking when they see strangers.

I have to be extra careful.

The first step is to retrieve my bag that’s currently under the dog’s nose.

I am actually more confident in getting along with animals than with humans.

Before I met the Little Tyrant, I had two future ideals. The first was to become a bookstore owner, and the second was to become a zoo director.

I thought that both those jobs would be very relaxing.

When I was a child, my grandparents raised a lot of cats. Every cat liked to lie on my lap when I was reading. The ones that couldn’t get that position, would just jump on my head.

I finished reading 45 volumes of “Doraemon” with a body covered by cats.

Afterwards, when I lived with my dad, I also raised a dog. That little yellow dog would always look at me with his deep black eyes as if he had words to say to me. Sometimes I felt that not only could he understand my words, but I can also read some of his thoughts.

When I’m taking a walk in a plaza, there would always be cats and dogs rubbing at my feet.

Their masters, whether they were boys and girls, or elderly men and women, would always be shocked when we first meet.

But when they see how well their pets get along with me, I would always display how much I love pets and we would always end up chatting.

“Hey, my family’s dian dian doesn’t just like anyone!” (TN: ‘dian dian’ here just means ‘spot spot’ probably a Chinese cliche pet dog name)

“You probably also have a dog at home, right? I heard that people who have dogs carry the scent of dogs, and other dogs can smell it!”

Once in the park, a little boy (TN: a shota) was laughing while watching me play jumping through hoops with his family’s Samoyed dog (I formed a circle with my arms).

I was extremely curious why this little boy wasn’t afraid of me.

“Eh? What do you think is so funny, you brat? Your parents aren’t by your side, aren’t you afraid that I will abduct you?”

The boy was holding his chin with both his hands and was sprawled out on top of the green bench, his feet swaying back and forth above his buttocks.

Just laughing, not talking.

Later, his parents saw his son with such a fierce person and hurriedly took their son away.

While being taken away by his parents, the boy turned around and smiled and said to me: “Big brother, let’s play again next time!”

Who wants to play with you?

In fact, I only wanted to play with his Samoyed dog, it is quite comfortable to be licked by the warm tongue of the Samoyed dog.

The little yellow dog that I used to raise was not that healthy.

For those two years, I would always bring it to various pet hospitals.

Although there was proper treatment, it had its time of running and jumping in the grass under the sun.

But in the end, it still couldn’t resist against the onslaught of its disease, and quietly passed away while lying in my arms.

I didn’t want my dad to help, and I buried it under the garden of our neighborhood. Since then, I have never raised a dog.

I am envious of people who can raise dogs. I envy their courage.

I don’t have that kind of courage anymore.

Ah, it’s a bit sad to talk about, I should get back to focusing on the sled dog. (ED: feels like a century passed with MC staring at the dog)

“Lulululululu ~~~~~” (TN: MC just making random sounds)

The sled dog stared at me expressionlessly and did not respond.


The sled dog continued to stare at me expressionlessly and did not respond.


The expressionless face of the sled dog was replaced by a look of disdain.

Eh? How can a dog be this stupid and not understand human nature? Didn’t I speak to you in three different languages: Will you return the bag to me?

I stepped forward to grab the bag, and the sled dog saw me approaching, it lowered its head and bit onto the strap of the bag.

It grabbed onto one end of the bag, and I grabbed the other end, one person and one dog was engaged in a battle tug of war.

You demonic beast! There’s nothing to eat inside! If you don’t let go, believe it or not, I will strangle you!

No matter how angry I got, it always had a ferocious look like it was guarding its food.

Finally, I decided to stroke its head.

It’s my special technique, if I gently stroke the head and chin of cats and dogs, it would often settle them down.

“Hey, hey boy, don’t give me any trouble, please give me the bag~?”

I was embarrassed by my tone.

After stroking the fur behind its ear for more than a dozen times, the expression and body of the sled dog gradually relaxed, not only did it loosen its mouth, but also shamelessly lay back on the ground, hoping I would massage its belly.

Although I wanted to turn around and leave, I was afraid that it would start barking, so I had to half-heartedly rub its belly a couple of times, and then I walked towards the flower bed behind me.

Seeing that I stopped petting it, the sled dog was a little disappointed but it didn’t follow me. It probably smelled for a long time and knew there was no food in my bag.

This gluttonous dog! The owner is definitely a lazy character!

The VIP building was facing the south, I followed around the perimeter of the wall and went to the northeast corner to see the flower bed.

Yup, there are sunflowers everywhere, this should be the right place.

I heard from my dad that sunflower is an annual plant that blooms sometime in July or August. The flowering period is only two weeks. When it is winter, it will die. It must be replanted in the coming year.

The sunflowers in this flower bed are all dead!

It looks so damn ugly! The leaves are all wilted, and each of the flower discs is drooping down to the ground, almost as if it’s a funeral service!

The real world is really ugly. Look at how good the sunflowers are in Plants vs. Zombies. Unbeaten in the four seasons, you can even upgrade it. You just have to be careful of the imps and the digger zombies.

Although the VIP building looks great, the gardener doesn’t seem to be very skilled. Even if it is a QQ farm (ED: Chinese mobile farming game), you should immediately replant the plants that have withered!

If you don’t grow new ones, the people who come to steal food would be disappointed!

Ah, I thought about something useless again. I shouldn’t listen to Dad’s talk during dinner about his glorious deeds in the past when he was running a farm.

Knocking on the window closest to my hand should be right.

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