Roy and Delilah teleported into the goblin's grotto. As they walked further, the darkness gave way to a large cave that seemed to be teeming with life.

The cave was an ecosystem in itself, teeming with flora and fauna. Huge trees and lush greeneries surrounded them.

"Wow, this place is amazing. I've never seen anything like it." Delilah said, breathless

Delilah was astounded by her surroundings. This wasn't just any cave - it was a mesmerizing forest with a verdant canopy of trees and lush greenery all around them. There was even a fake sun over their head, and it was setting. It seemed like it was about to turn dark in the Goblin's grotto real soon. She marveled at the beauty of it all, barely able to believe that such a place could exist within a dungeon where the weakest but the greediest and vilest of monsters exist.

Roy, too, was taken aback by the true face of the Goblin's Grotto. He was a human with feelings, not a plant. It was impossible for him not to be awed by the majesty of it all. He had read about this place in the book during his previous life, but to witness it firsthand was an entirely different experience.

However, despite the enchanting beauty of the cave, Roy remained alert, knowing that they were in the domain of the goblins.

Delilah, on the other hand, was lost in admiration of the scenery. She let her guard down, believing that a place as serene and beautiful as this could not possibly harbor the type of danger that could harm her. She hadn't had the pleasure of personally dealing with a goblin in the past, but she knew they were super weak, so she wasn't afraid of them.

"Yes, it's breathtaking, but we can't let our guard down. Goblins are known to be dangerous, especially in their own territory."

Roy warned her to stay vigilant after noticing that she was lost in thoughts.

"Come on, Roy. How dangerous could it be? We are facing goblins, not dragons. Besides, I have looked around us and didn't see a single monster. They are probably somewhere deep in the forest."

However, Delilah brushed off his warning, unable to fathom that something as idyllic as this could pose a threat.

Roy, though, knew that appearances could be deceiving. Goblins weren't strong, but they were devious. Sometimes all that was needed to take down a party of weapon masters was a bunch of low-level goblins.

"Don't be so naive, Delilah," Roy said.

"Whatever you say, my lord." Delilah waved her hand.

Just then, Roy sensed something in the distance, his keen senses alerting him to the presence of three powerful beasts - level 10 goblins, to be precise.

"There are three goblins in the distance. Be ready to defend yourself," he said.

Delilah couldn't see any monsters in the vicinity, but she didn't let that stop her from believing her lord's words and summoning her weapons. He had always been right, and that helped him win her unconditional trust.

The three goblins stopped. Roy wondered what they were up to. Were they planning to attack them from afar? He focused his gaze in their direction. He saw through the obstacles that separated them, and his gaze landed on the goblin. It was at this moment that one of them knocked an arrow in its bow and released it.

Roy's suspicions were confirmed when he caught sight of a silver flash and felt the wind change direction.


Without warning, an arrow whizzed through the air, hurtling towards Delilah at an incredible speed.

Delilah was completely oblivious to the danger she was in, but Roy's exceptional senses allowed him to see the attack coming.

With lightning-fast reflexes, he reached out and grabbed the arrow from mid-air.

It was stopped mere inches away from Delilah's forehead.

Delilah's eyes thinned to the size of needles as she felt the chill of the metal against her skin and realized how close she had come to being hit.

"Oh my god. I had no idea." She was startled by the close call and couldn't help but gulp in fear at the sight of the arrow so close to her.

Even a skilled warrior like her had been caught off-guard by the goblin's insidious attack. Thankfully, Roy's extraordinary senses had enabled him to spot the danger in time, or else she would have met her maker.

"It happens," Roy said as his grip tightened around the arrow, and with a show of strength, he snapped it in two.

"Thank you, Lord," Delilah said.

After being rescued from harm, Delilah experienced a mixed sense of relief and unease. She had underestimated the danger lurking in the goblin's grotto, and it almost resulted in a grave outcome. In light of her near-fatal experience, she made a vow to herself to never look down on others.

Actually, if her mind wasn't preoccupied with the tales she had heard from people in her line of work, she wouldn't have dismissed Roy's warning. All of them had mentioned how easy it was to hunt goblins. If it weren't for these talks, she would have remained vigilant and cautious.

But after her recent experience, Delilah realized that these people were, in fact, lying. Goblins were not easy prey at all; in fact, they were one of the most dangerous low-level monsters one could encounter.

"Just be careful from now on," Roy said.

As the sun set over the rolling hills, Roy charged ahead towards the distant group of goblins. His eyes were locked on his target, and nothing else seemed to matter in that moment.

The goblins exposed a hideous smile as they saw him approaching.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Without warning, they released a flurry of arrows in his direction, hoping to bring him down before he could reach them, not knowing that he wasn't even running at his full speed. If he were, they would have only seen a blur moving through the air instead of a person wearing all black.

Roy was unfazed. He was not the type to back down from a challenge. He refused to move out of the arrows' path, instead opting to push forward towards his adversaries at breakneck speed.

To the goblins, Roy's reckless behavior seemed like pure madness. They could hardly believe their eyes as he charged towards them, seemingly unafraid of the danger that lay before him. It was as if he had a death wish.

What they didn't know was that their attacks barely posed a danger to him. Even if all of them hit him, he would barely be harmed. Not to mention, his health regeneration was stronger than followers of chaos. His wound would heal in no time.

Of course, he wasn't planning on getting injured.


As the arrows closed in on him, Roy unleashed his aura with a mighty roar. It was a powerful, black whip-like force that surged forward and shattered each and every arrow in its path, leaving the goblins in disbelief.

They had never seen anything like it before. It causes their jaws to drop. The leader of their tribe couldn't do this. The strongest warrior of their tribe couldn't do it either.

The goblins were completely terrified by the display of power that Roy had just shown. They knew that they were no match for someone who could destroy their arrows with utter ease. In their minds, he suddenly became a force to be reckoned with from a prey.

They did what many others had tried to do when they realized how powerful Roy truly was.

"No one aims for my life and gets away intact!" Roy said when he saw them flee.

"Suppress them!" As the goblins attempted to flee the scene, Roy pursued them with his aura pressure, his malevolent smile gleaming in the fading sunlight. His aura pressure was like a tidal wave, one that seemed to emerge from the abyss, and it crashed on them with the force of a thousand tons.

The goblins were utterly powerless in the face of Roy's strength. They felt as though they were being crushed by an immense weight, their movements coming to a sudden halt, their bones shattering, and their internal organs exploding. They froze in their tracks, staying as still as statues.

But Roy knew that they had died, for the news of their death was still fresh in his ears.

『Ding! Congratulation. You have killed three low-level dungeon monsters!』

『You have gained 300 EXP!』

『There are 300 gold coins in the pouches of the goblin. You have gained the opportunity to collect them!』

『Goblins are often drawn to shiny objects, so they may have collected small trinkets or baubles that they find interesting or valuable! Search their bodies thoroughly, and you may find something valuable』

The system notified him.

Roy was already planning to do that, and it was not because he was greedy for their wealth.

It was mentioned in the novel that goblins possessed a unique item, a craft that only they could produce in bulks.

Not to mention, It was something that would make his time in the dungeon much more relaxing.

Roy really hoped that one of the three goblins he had just killed would have it.

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