Loving the Naughty Empress

Chapter 127 - The Mother Mistake

"You are so smart…. No wonder the prime minister is keeping you tightly under his sleeves," Jin Yu is looking at him with his domineering aura.

"Your highness…. I am not dared to keep him for my own purpose. He is here to serve you." The prime minister is reporting to his emperor.

"Now, we just need to give them some nudge. They are going to fight each other. Is Jeong still stealing our weaponry?" Jin Yu is asking them.

"We are losing a little by little every day. Our people in the armoury are checking it every day without the opponent know it." Lin Yue is reporting to the emperor with respect. "However, we already find out the person who is responsible to steal the weapon in the night. he is taking it out fives weapon in one night with his team. And then dump it into the inside wall of Jeong Mansion in the back area from outside the wall. No wonder there is a rumour about the hungry ghosts in the capital lately..."

"Tell your people to swap all the weapon in the armoury with the old one from the blacksmith and paint it like a new one. They can steal the cheap weapon not our new one. Then send some secret letter to Lord Chu about the person stealing and Jeong's location of a soldier training," Jin Yu is instructing Lin Yue. "Zhang and XI Kai are working under General Lin Yue.  the rest of eagle troops can join Lin Yue soldiers in the barrack inside the capital. They can pretend to listen and pose as the empress dowager soldier, but retreat when the actual fight breaks out…"

"Your highness, Ni Sheng can arrange all my resources in the capital to stir up their opinion and making the fake news…" Ni Qing is adding her own resources to gather the information and spread the fake news. She knows this time her husband is making his opponent pay a thousand times from their original deeds.

"Can you handle that Ni Sheng? We will smash your brother-in-law after all… Lord Jeong is related with you by marriage," Jin Yu is asking him before they hear the loud scream from outside the main hall.

"You cannot destroy and punishing my son…. He is not wrong!" Ru Ya's mother is breaking in with Ru Ya followed on her back.

"Who are you?" Jin Yu is looking at the old lady with an unpleasant look. No one dares to bark into his chamber and defy his word.

"I am sorry, your highness. This is my mother-in-law… she is not on her right mind and tired from the trip," Ni Sheng is apologizing to the emperor on behalf of his wife mother.

"Is she the mother of Lord Jeong?" Ni Qing is asking his brother.

"Yes…. I am the mother of the person who you want to annihilate and crush like some sort of animal!" Madame Jeong is getting hysterical and screaming to the emperor.

"Mother, he is the emperor, and it is not appropriate to scold him. you do not know the whole story and bark into the room," Ru Ya is holding her and try to coax her.

"That is fine madame Ni… she must be shocked and thinking about something that unpleasant. I will ask Physician He to check on her," Jin Yu is looking at her sharply before she is bowing to the emperor and drags her mother out from the main hall.

In her mother room, Ru Ya is looking at her mother with disappointment. She cannot tolerate her anymore when she knows all her brothers bad deeds in this world including killing their own father.

"Why mother…? I supposedly not save you from my brother's hand… do you know how evil he become? He kills your father and your husband, yet you are still thinking the best of him!" Ru Ya is getting hysterical with her quiet mother who is out of a sudden slap her face.

After the loud slap come out from her mother on her face. her mother falls down on the floor and crying so hard to regret her decision. She is well aware of his son behaviour and spoils him so much until he becomes a monster. However, they are coming from her womb, and she cannot see him to suffers.

She decided to sacrifice her husband to her son, and she decided to close her eyes about giving her daughter away to his hand. She did not think that he was capable to hurt his own sister.

"Do you know that my own brother almost sold me to become the emperor concubine because he wants to gain upper hand inside the court? He is building his army to revolt against the emperor and want to become the emperor himself and yet, you are slapping me and bark into the emperor's face and sacrifice your last bit family member who actually cares about you…" Ru Ya is crying to explain and try to understand her mother.

"I am not…. I do not know…." Ru Ya's mother is crying on the floor.

"You never know because you are only thinking inside your own head. You only think he is the perfect son from your womb and no one else can compete with your perfect son," Ru Ya is wiping her tears. She promises not to cry anymore, and she will be fine. This is not the first time she went through something like this.

"Ru Ya….." her mother plea on the floor for the forgiveness of her daughter.

"I forgive you for a long time ago mother… however, I will not help you or follow you to take down my husband and my new family. If I need to sacrifice someone, then I will sacrifice you, mother," Ru Ya is telling her while she walks outside her bed-chamber. She is going inside her room and brawling her eyes.

She cannot believe after all she went through and her only family member left. She finds out the truth comes out from her own mother. Ni Sheng is coming inside their room when he finds out about his wife condition.


In the whole week, everyone is busy doing the strategy made by the emperor. Mo Feng is administrating the medication to make old Madame Jeong forget about the conversation with the emperor. Mo Feng is doing acupuncture to make the medication more powerful. She knows her fault and surrenders to the treatment.

Mo Feng is talking with her before the treatment, and she is accepting the treatment with an open mind. She realises his son already at the end of the road when he tries to sacrifice his sister. She also knows his son is using their farm into the military barrack and recruiting the young people from the village to become the soldier.

Jin Yu is using this empty time with managing the resources and new projects with the prime minister. He knows some of the ministers who agree with the prime minister and supporting the emperor comes to the villa. They are trying to make the country better with different projects and different ministers to minimize corruption.

In the end, many of minister under prime minister is disappearing from capital as getting kidnapped to the villa in the mountain. They are happily living under one roof with the emperor in the villa mansion. In the night, Ni Qing is making a feast for everyone with the help of the lady in the village. Xi Kai even making some fresh noodles for them with the help of three of his soldiers who work in the factory with him.

Lin Yue is going between the capital and the mountain villa with Ni Sheng to check on the condition. His father and mother with the aunt and uncle are already under the protection of senior General Lin in the northern territory.

Ru Ya is helping Ni Qing in the kitchen to prepare dishes for everyone. Ni Qing is really happy today after Mo Feng and Physician He release her from bed rest. She can actually work again in the kitchen and walk around in the village. She was so tired to stay on the bed for bed rest and in the room. Sometimes the only release for her boredom is teasing her husband until he needs to get a cold bath.

She could see lately; her husband avoids her and sleep in the guest room after work until late at night. As usual, they are eating together when he will report on all the business proprietorship to Ni Qing and leaves her on the bed after he tucks her in.

He will review all his projects and her business report until late in the night and sleep on the chair in the study or the guest room. She can not believe her husband strong will to avoid her. she needs to pay for his will to keep away from her. tonight, her plan has to succeed to allure her husband.

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