Loving the Naughty Empress

Chapter 135 - The Beast On Their Bed

Jin Yu normally loves to sleep and do any sexual intercourse with his wife, but this time he tries to see his wife condition and there is a huge void inside his heart. It seems so hard to even come closer to her on the bed.

Out of a sudden, she opens her eyes and pulls him closer to her. she is trying to open his clothes and make it almost successful to remove his upper clothes.

"Open your clothes and put them inside me…. It is hurting me, and I cannot hold it longer," Ni Qing is holding his clothes closer and trying to hold her last consciousness.

Jin Yu is in the big contemplation of her request, and he cannot see her be suffering from the pain. He tries to open up, but he cannot control his feeling to see his wife suffer.

Jin Yu is in big contemplation between thrusting his wife body to cure her while not enjoying it or man up and just do it without feeling. Jin Yu wants to try and start to kiss her wife when he pulls back his body. Ni Qing was opening already half of his clothes and showing his bare chest.

Jin Yu is walking around the room near the bed to think about the right way to deal with this problem. He cannot take this opportunity and use his wife for his own gain. This is something wrong to take disadvantages of this whole situation.

He is the emperor, and He needs to solve this problem while he is pacing around the room before Ni Qing is screaming in agony from inside their bed. She is taking off all her clothes because all her body feels like a needle piercing through her skin.

"You come here if you still want to become my husband!" Ni Qing is screaming toward him who got startled for her word.

"Qing…. Are you sure? I do not want to take this opportunity for my own advantage…. You are having a hard time and I will ask Mo Feng to cure you… I really cannot use this as my advantage…" Jin Yu is looking at her with a huge contemplation to decide his decision. However, He has to become strong to refuse to use her body.

"If you walk out from this room and tell Mo Feng to come in this room. You are no longer a man and my husband. I will make sure to do this deed with Mo Feng or Lin Yue… Go out and ask them to come inside this room and I will make sure to satisfy them with my body," Ni Qing is telling Jin Yu about her plan while she feels the excruciating pain inside her body. She cannot believe her husband turn to become a coward when his only job only to sleep with her.

He never has any difficulties when it is timing for performing until Ni Qing has to swear about his desire who does not seem to satisfy his urge. However, he turns into a selfish coward when he sees her suffer.

Jin Yu is turning into rage to hear his wife plan. How dare she think to satisfy her urge with some other men? He cannot accept her to be touched by another man. He will chop that man hand. He takes off his clothes and walks back to the bed.

He closes the curtain and put his body on top of his wife. He starts to kiss her passionately and She feels his naked body like an oasis run through her burnt skin. His body feels like a block of ice on her burning body, and she starts to feel ease up from the pain. Jin Yu does not stop his action to arouse her body.

"If you feel hurt please let me know… I will do my best to remove the toxin and do it without hurting you," Jin Yu is looking at her with his sharp gaze before he enters her body and moves it slowly. She only can feel really good and start to get aroused.

Jin Yu is releasing his Chi energy while moving inside her body. The good energy is flowing to detox her poison. Ni Qing is turning around to take charge of the movement. She is moving on top of his body and moves it as her rhythm while her body bending backward to feel the release of her desire.

Jin Yu is groaning at the same time with her moaning to feel the butterfly inside her mind. He let her move and satisfy her urge before he turns her around and take charge and make her come again together with him into the top of cloud nine.

However, Jin Yu did not stop only in that round when he actually makes her reach her satisfaction over and over before he also joins her. in the end, Ni Qing is already sober from the poison and actually got the poison to cleanse out from her body when Jin Yu could not stop himself.

He is doing it over and over her body until Ni Qing actually cursing into her husband about his overwork. She is in deep trouble now with her husband energy and his performance. Ni Qing only can follow his lead and let him do anything on her body. After all, he is already helping her to get over the poison from her body.

Ni Qing is really swearing inside her heart to find out he actually overdo and take advantage of this opportunity. He was adamant not to take the opportunity and wait until she is cured. However, he is actually eating up his own word. Ni Qing is really tired and wants to cry because her husband turns into a beast on their bed.


Everyone in the Ni family is gathering except for Lord Ni and Ni Qing in the main hall. Ru Ya is doing her job as the Ni family daughter-in-law. Everyone is coming and going to pay respect to the deceased Madame Ni.

NI Shi's parent is busy to chant sutra for their daughter sin. Ni Shi's mother is almost faint to see her daughter actually do something bad again to Ni Qing and poison her. this is a huge crime to attack the royal family member and her own daughter turn into a villain.

Her appearance was not the same as their daughter when she got drag out from the Ni mansion to the jail with tight security. They heard from Ni Sheng that the emperor himself will interrogate and decide the punishment for her.

They already know about the reputation of their black-bellied emperor. He is so cruel toward his opponent and famous for not lending any forgiveness. They need to check into her for the last time before the emperor decides on her punishment. At least, they will have a proper farewell to their daughter. They cannot believe she has become a mean and evil person, after all, their effort to raise her.

"Sheng, is it possible for us to visit your cousin in the prison? We want to bid her farewell and give her the last meal as her parent…" Ni Shi's mother plea to his nephew who still standing in the main hall to welcome the guest.

"I will need to ask the emperor, aunty. I know her behaviour is out of order, but she is still our family and your daughter. I think Qing will help to talk to her husband," Ni Sheng is trying to comfort his aunty.

"Please and I will make sure to chant sutra for my sister-in-law every day until the end of my life to pay for our daughter sin. This time, she is already over the limit of her behaviour, we are really understanding, but we are thinking about her as our daughter. Please help us," Aunty Ni is kneeling in front of her sister's coffin.

"Aunty… do not do something like this… I will try to talk with NI Qing when she is cured of the poison. I do not think that she will refuse the request and she will ask her husband to give you some time with your daughter," Ni Sheng is helping his aunt to stand up from the floor.

"Thank you… I will be grateful for your help," his aunty is following her nephew hand to help her to stand up. Her husband is already busy replacing Lord Ni to welcome all the guests. They actually feel a little relief when their daughter did not manage to poison both of them. It will be hard for them to pay their daughter sin if she manages to take more life into her hand.

This time, they are not going to indulge her with all the covering up. she will need to take responsibility for all her sin this time even if she will lose her life for that. They will not intervene and save her anymore like in the old time.

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