Chapter 6037, The Worm
Author: Silavin
There was no longer any Black Ink Strength in Yang Ji’s body. However, now, there was this mysterious creature that had come to life.
Yang Xu immediately felt her whole body turn cold as she shivered. Goosebumps could be seen all over. Meanwhile, Yang Ji was piqued by the sight. The former retreated while the latter, spurred by curiosity, approached.
The wiggly black strand seemed to want to break out of its shell, but the crack seemed a little too small. So, it just retreated back in.
Yang Ji and Yang Xu had expected it to use more force to breakthrough the shell. However, the next sound was peculiar. It was definitely different from the initial *Crack*.
“What the…” Yang Xu exclaimed in disgust. After all, after that sound occurred, that thing had its head popped out. Though she had not seen its entire body, just its tail and head, she had a fair guess what this creature was.
[Why did it have to be a worm with a mouth and eyes…] She clicked her tongue.
Meanwhile in front of her, Yang Ji, was excited.
The worm was slowly biting through its shell – seeming to enjoy the ‘delicacy’. It seemed too preoccupied to bother with the two beings staring at it.
“Hey, what do you think it eats?” Yang Ji asked, genuinely curious.
“Why are you asking me that? Are you planning to keep it?” Yang Xu looked at her Brother, side-eyed. [Brother, no matter how much I love you, this is too much…]
Yang Ji, already knowing what his Sister was worried about, stated. “You know, you don’t have to be so afraid of it. It’s not even an actual Insect or an Invertebrate. It might look like a worm, but I’m certain that it is not one.”
“No no no, Brother, what are YOU talking about? It is clearly a worm, with how much mucus its body is producing.” Yang Xu rebuked.
“Look carefully! Worms do not have mouths with teeth nor do they have eyes!” Yang Ji added, trying to convince her. After all, keeping this ‘worm’ would mean it had to be inside one of their bodies. Typically, it would be fine but, due to how their Heaven Earth Symmetry Cultivation Technique works, it would not be strange for that ‘worm’ to be able to move about and jump from one host to another. Even if that does not happen, as long as it was inside Yang Ji, she would be able to feel it inside of her if they cultivated and shared their senses.
Yang Xu simply could not bear the thought of this thing being inside of her. In fact, her reaction was quite mild right now because Yang Ji had stopped sharing his senses with her – due to the earlier incident. Nevertheless, if they wanted to further cultivate using Heaven Earth Symmetry, they would eventually have to share their senses.
To Yang Xu, this would be no different from two people sharing a room, when her roommate suddenly decided to take a cockroach as a pet…
“Woah!” There was a sudden exclamation from Yang Ji. Once the worm finished feasting upon its shell, it suddenly curled up. Soon, two black droplets came out of it…
“Why are you so impressed when it just took a shit in your Dantian!?” Yang Xu was almost screaming at this point.
“That’s not shit…” Yang Ji was quick to fix the misunderstanding. Not thinking things through, he quickly grabbed the two pieces and was quick to approach Yang Xu to show them to her.
Yang Xu was naturally appalled by this. Her face turned greenish black. She even tried to run away but Yang Ji was too quick. He grabbed her arm with his free hand and directly showed them to her.
“For god’s sake. Just use your Divine Sense and scan it properly.” Yang Ji insisted.
“…” Yang Xu wanted to reproach him almost on instinct. However, she held back her tongue.
*Tsk* “Fine” Seeing how Yang Ji was being that serious, with deadpan eyes, she could not help but doubt herself. She relented and did as she was told.
Her Divine Sense spread out like a wave, but upon getting close to the ‘pieces’, it hesitated to move forward. After some back and forth, she finally made first contact.
As Yang Ji had said, this was definitely not fecal matter. Though small, about the size of one’s pinky nail, these two objects had a unique aura to them. In fact, these two were perfectly identical to one another, even their aura.
In a way, these two pieces were somewhat like them. They seemed to be intricately connected, without flaw. From her Divine Sense just scanning one, she was essentially scanning them both.
Though still disgusted, even Yang Xu could not help but get curious as to what these things were. She had never seen or heard about anything like this.
However, she first had to deal with a little overly smug Brother.
“See, I told you, didn’t I?” Yang Ji could be seen grinning from ear to ear.
“Okay. Fine. I admit I was wrong okay. Still doesn’t change the fact that this is disgusting. I don’t want to touch them so can you just put them away already.” Yang Xu quickly admitted, wanting to rapidly move on from this.
However, Yang Ji’s next words disheartened her.
“I guess you did not really check it in depth. One of them is actually for you. So, you need to take one.” As Yang Ji spoke, as though to prove his point, the worm uncurled and started moving towards him – as though under his command. “It’s fine if you don’t want to host the creature, but you need to at least take this Black Ink Nest…”
“What!? This is a Black Ink Nest!?” Yang Xu repeated, unable to fully come to terms with this. After all, when have Black Ink Nests been so small? Even the smallest ones she had seen were the size of a palm. She had never seen or heard about it being this small! Worst of all, pooped out by some creature!
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