Chapter 182: The Importance of Intent

“He’s practicing his punches.”

In the middle of the huge Flowing Cloud Martial Arts Hall was an area that outsiders were forbidden from entering. It was the core region of the Flowing Cloud Martial Arts Hall.

In this core area, there was a wide data monitoring center. Hundreds of virtual screens were currently displaying the various situations that were happening everywhere in the Martial Arts Hall in real time.

One of the virtual screens displayed the situation of Chu Nan and Brax’s battle.

Xue Changhao stared at the virtual screen and saw Chu Nan who first threw a punch. It was so chaotic that he looked like an amateur. Then, he threw another punch which was proper and almost flawless. His expression was extremely strange.

“Practice?” Xue Zhengming looked at Xue Changhao in surprise and immediately turned to look at the scene of the two of them fighting on the virtual screen, “Dad, you mean to say that… Chu Nan is practicing his new fist technique on Brax?”

“No, I’m afraid it’s not a new fist technique, but…” Xue Changhao frowned slightly. He thought for a moment and asked Xue Zhengming, “Do you still remember what I told you the first time I exchanged the Flowing Cloud Indefinite Palm?”

Xue Zhengming was stunned. He did not expect his father to mention this at this moment. He recalled for a moment and asked uncertainly, “What do you mean?”

“I once told you that if you want to truly master the Flowing Cloud Indefinite Palm, the most important thing is to master the intent within. Only by being able to let the palm flow like a flowing cloud and make the enemy unable to grasp your palm force and deal with it can you truly master this palm technique.”

“What does that have to do with Chu Nan?” Xue Zhengming was even more puzzled.

Xue Changhao turned to look at Xue Zhengming and could not help but sigh.

This son, who had such poor martial arts talent, would probably not be able to become a true expert in the future. If he wanted to rely on him to inherit the Flowing Cloud Martial Arts Hall, there was probably no hope.

He only hoped that he could quickly grow up and obediently get married and have children. If his future grandson was talented enough, there was still hope.

Feeling Xue Changhao’s strange gaze, Xue Zhengming felt uncomfortable.

“Dad, why are you looking at me like that? Tell me, what does what you said have to do with Chu Nan? He’s using fist techniques, not palm techniques.”

“Idiot!” Xue Changhao could not help but shout softly and pointed at Chu Nan on the virtual screen, “I’ve already made it clear to you. The most important thing about the Flowing Cloud Indefinite Palm is the intent behind it, not the palm technique itself! Open your eyes and see clearly! Although the fist technique Chu Nan is using now seems to be chaotic and disorderly, it has already revealed some of the concepts of the Flowing Cloud Indefinite Palm!”


Xue Zhengming looked at Chu Nan who was punching on the virtual screen in shock. He saw that his punch was still casual. Although it was clearly much better than the previous few punches, where was the intent of flowing clouds?

When he saw Xue Zhengming’s puzzled expression, Xue Changhao could not help but sigh deeply. He turned to look at Chu Nan on the virtual screen and frowned slightly as he pondered.

It was no wonder that Chu Nan was valued by Supremacy Mu Yutong and called him extremely talented in martial arts. From the looks of it, this praise was not exaggerated at all.

However, after fighting with Xue Zhengming for a short period of time at the McDao Group’s banquet more than a month ago, he actually comprehended the core intent of the Flowing Cloud Indefinite Palm, and he could even fuse it into his fist technique.

Although from the current situation, Chu Nan’s grasp was still very unfamiliar and could not even be called a fist technique, in this short battle with Brax, he was clearly growing at a speed that could be seen with the naked eye.

In the beginning, Xue Changhao did not see what Chu Nan was doing, but after going out and curiously paying attention for a while, he discovered that it was getting more and more obvious.

Up until now, the seemingly chaotic punches of Chu Nan on the virtual screen had gradually connected. Every punch revealed an obvious concept of “Flowing Cloud is Indefinite”.

They saw Chu Nan’s punch fly out and even his body remained lightly swaying, as if he could punch out from any angle at any time. It forced Brax’s body to stop and treat it cautiously. Xue Changhao took a deep breath and made a decision.

“Zhengming, tell Pengju and the others to stop all those petty actions against Chu Nan.”

“Ah?” Xue Zhengming turned to look at Xue Changhao in surprise with an uneasy expression. “Dad, what… what are you talking about?”

Xue Changhao sneered, “Do you think your petty actions can deceive me? Cut the crap. Go quickly!”

Being exposed by Xue Changhao, Xue Zhengming did not feel awkward at all. He chuckled and asked strangely, “Dad, haven’t you always disliked Chu Nan? That’s why we wanted to do this to make you happy. Why…”

“I like him now,” Xue Changhao said expressionlessly.

“Ah?” Xue Zhengming looked at Xue Changhao in a daze, not understanding what he meant.

“What are you daydreaming about? Hurry up and go!” Xue Changhao shouted sternly.


Xue Zhengming could only hurriedly respond and leave with a mind full of questions.

Looking at Xue Zhengming’s hurriedly departing figure, Xue Changhao sighed again and turned to look at Chu Nan who was fighting with Brax on the virtual screen.

Previously, because of the push of the ‘Foundation Martial Skill Promotion Act’, the Xue family was forced to take out a precious B-rank martial technique under the pressure of the Purple Cloud Federation’s government.

The Xue family could not do anything to the federation government, so Xue Changhao could only vent his anger on Chu Nan, the key figure who pushed the promotion of the “Foundation Martial Skill Promotion Act”. Therefore, he was filled with hostility.

However, after seeing Chu Nan’s shocking performance, he immediately changed his mind.

With the powerful talent that Chu Nan had displayed, as long as he had the chance to break through the Cosmic Heaven’s Gate in the future, Xue Changhao was certain that he would definitely become an extremely powerful true expert in the future.

In that case, why should he be hostile to Chu Nan because of something that had nothing to do with him?

Everyone was a martial artist from the Purple Cloud Planet, so it was much easier to befriend Chu Nan than to be his enemy.

If they could build a good relationship now and Chu Nan became a true expert in the future, it would only be beneficial to the Xue family.

As for whether Chu Nan could overturn the judgment of the two Star-Grade Martial Artists and break through the Cosmic Heaven’s Gate to become a truly powerful expert in the future?

Xue Changhao used to think that it was impossible, but now that he had personally seen Chu Nan’s shocking performance and felt his outstanding and even terrifying talent, he felt that… it was not completely impossible.

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