Master Of None

Chapter 2129: Things To Wonder

Naturally, he was also very surprised to find that it was the middle of the night. To be fair though, he had spent hours using the all around appraisal to gain new information about the fused elemental manas causing different unique affinities.

Some of them were thigns that already existed, like magma or steam. But since they were in a unique balance of their own right, they became an affinity.

The magma stone gauntlets were a unique existence. They had started to glow and radiate heat causing the owner to fear that the runes were broken or needed repair.

That brought them to the crater's guild when they had realized the uniqueness of the properties. Because Walker had used the all around appraisal, he had found that the rocks used were from a volcano.

Originally, they had channeled fire and earth manas better so they had been used as a crushed up dust within the folded metal while forging. Since they had awakened their innate affinities, that magma stone had been able to take control of sorts of the gauntlets.

Not only breaking the fire and earth runes, but causing a natural reaction that changes the entire gauntlets as a whole. Now they could be used to create a small pool of lava on the ground if enough mana was posted in to them by someone with the proper affinities.

This could alter terrain while fighting but also came with other benefits. The user would wield them and cause fire damage to every single thing they hit.

Not to mention the bonus strengthening that came with the earth affinity. It meant that they had a much lower chance of breaking.Novel Fire -

Even if they broke, they could be replenished by bathing them within magma from a volcano. A little bit of a tough requirement to meet, but a fair one.

She could not imagine what he would see in his lifetime. The number of potential classes and affinities felt unlimited right now.

While he felt great pride, he also was shocked by it all. He felt he had lost grapes on reality with everything he was seeing.

Like this could all be some amazing dream that just kept getting better. While moving through the calm night, he realized that many of those awake were still working hard.

He was glad to see vampires here and there. They had been claiming their lives again.

Jumping in to magic research with the other mages around. Finding themselves places to work on alchemy.

Even a few had started to tell the vampire history that had been lost. There was an entirely new section of the massive Genesis library holding all the records that Walker had stored away.

The vampires had taken their utmost care to begin sorting through it all. Sharing what they learned that even they had not known about within their own history.

Their past rulers. With all that aside, Walker also could generally sense the changes in the manas flowing through the city.

Now that the majority of the populace was asleep, he could feel the smoother flow of things. How the large dragon village runes had changed the way that the manas flowed.

He could sense that they were moving smoothly in a rotation. Moving to one place to balance the other here and there.

He could also feel them mixing without becoming chaotic. Like the manas were greeting old friends.

Before the manas had been mostly pushing one another away. Now they were mixing flawlessly.

It was an enjoyable feeling. Especially since the natural mana general made everyone feel more energetic.

Promoting their health overall. This made Walker think, were the elemental planes like this? They were places with denser elemental manas all surrounding the world in a way.

Therefore, wouldn't they be in balance since they had not been having the same issues as the world had since it was cut off from the universe? At the same point, wouldn't the purer manas there already have been in a balanced state? This meant that Walker could be seeing places that were all around better for mana and understanding the very being of existence itself. If he could focus on this aspect, then he would have the chance to learn from the proper flow that had been there for many years.

Beyond that, he knew that he would learn even more about the unique mixed manas that were appearing now as affinities. There was a lot he could learn, but the real test would be traveling there.

He knew that the bridges between the world and the elemental planes would be surrounded by chaotic manas. Therefore, he had to be prepared for the potential that he might be corrupted slightly.

Everyone going with him had that potential. Specifically, he worried about Fleur who was going to rest within him as usual.

The spirit mark might be safe for her, but it was also a place where plenty of manas were gathered. The natural mana within him and that fleur had control of might be used up to counter chaotic mana leaving her and him weaker to chaotic mana flowing through them.

The question was, would that be bad overall? He might be able to grasp a little bit of an understanding when it came to how the world would progress as well. Especially if he was able to find and make allies with those that live within the elemental planes.

He had not forgotten the light gryphon that had been summoned. It had easily handled Pride like the demon sin title holder was nothing.

If every single monster or being from the light elemental plane, let alone all the elemental planes, were that strong…

Walker didn't want to think about it. But he also had the same thought that he knew Onyx had often about his race.

The abyssal and heavenly serpents had to go to the light elemental plane for food. So that they could absorb more light elemental manas to survive.

They would not grow any larger if they did not do such things. That and it was the best way to meet their fellow serpents.

If this was the case, and there were more monsters or races that fed on manas to become stronger, then they could be going to a place with beings much more powerful than the world had ever had even when it had the ancient monsters moving around constantly. No, it would be exactly like it was then.

The fear that they could run in to a plane that was at war with another made Walker feel that things could get very complicated. It was true that the manas did not always mix well.

So, if monsters of those manas also had the same habits, it was risky. That being said, there were things they knew for certain.

Since summoners often had their ability to summon monsters or races from the elemental planes through whatever mysterious magical means, there were records of what some beings from the elemental planes were like. They knew that there were lords of elemental manas.

They were the more powerful beings that had lived the longest. But there were also those that governed the manas as a whole.

They had reached an understanding that allowed them to greatly influence the manas and even change the terrains of the elemental planes while they moved. These things would seem like major achievements to many.

But to the Walker, it told him that these might be the dominator dragons of the past. Or they might be other beings that had once upon a time been on the world and gone to the elemental planes.

The question he also found himself asking, was how many ancient monsters would still be around within the elemental planes. If they were traveling through the panes to the world, then how many would still be around after being trapped in only the elemental planes?

Would Onyx find himself the ancient abyssal and heavenly serpents? Would midnight and the elemental dragons have a chance to find those that they had thought dead and gone? Would he see ancestors of those who had small amounts of ancient blood within them? He could wrack his brain the rest of the night.

But he had to keep preparing. The next few days he would check in here and there while also gathering some supplies.

He was sure that a few people might want to undergo this trip too, but they would have to party up together themselves. Right now, he was looking forward to an adventure with his family.

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