Master Of None

Chapter 2132 2132. On The Bridge

Chapter 2132 2132. On The Bridge

Getting a quick message from Genesis using the improved communication crystals stopped them from looking at the bridge to the elemental planes with awe any longer. They had needed this to snap them back to reality. Right now, they were learning that there were people preparing to come there and to gather an army again. Genesis was already working hard It Grow and develop. But hearing that there was an escaped ancient threat… Well, that had made things a little more dramatic. Except that one of those threats had been one that none of them had been able to handle. The royal dragons had all become powerful dominator dragons. Therefore they were able to take on stronger proponents. They could fly further and stand taller than even before. They didn't even need much back up from the other elder dragons either. They could fight head on with entire armies if need be. The change in the world had only gone to benefit them as well. They were able to keep bringing in better manas that they needed to get stronger this would only continue until they were able to ready to head to the elemental planes. The only thing stopping them was the fact that they were currently being held up by the building of the dragon villages. Not that they didn't see the villages as important. They Were So important that they were stopping their desires to explore the elemental planes. To look for more dragon history. But that was just a temporary thing. Once the villages were fully built, there would be more elders and dragon hatchlings than ever before to look over things. To guide their future. The dragon race had already changed greatly in a shorter time than ever before. That was still odd though. The dragons were long lived species. They were used to years passing in the blink of an eye to them. So having the time move so slowly and be changing so quickly, threw them off. Not for long though, they would be entering new places with new forms of time and manas. It would be a wonder how they ever lived before. Regardless of all this, the party was glad to know that Ignus had already begun to act. He had immediately gathered a large group of dragonkin to take over the head of the army. He would be heading toward the undead ruins soon. This place was avoided and used by adventurers of all kinds. Hunting for treasures and risking their lives. This was the case for the humans that lived nearby which was fine. They had not understood much about the place other than it was an ancient place full of undead. After the party had discovered why and what lurked in the depths, they had changed this opinion. The humans had stopped others from going there more and more. Even had some guards nearby to ensure that people did not wander in. but somehow, the undead had managed to leave there. Plenty of powerful undead had left there with the immortal king. It had caused a lot of stress to the people in charge of managing these risks. What they were glad for though, was that the threat within the undead city that had been able to rival the demon lord if they were to fight, had been weakened greatly. It meant that the undead threat would remain, but be easily dealt with. They could handle the elder lich that was controlling the undead. That would make the undead uncontrolled and easily handled over time. Yes, a place like these ruins would always spawn undead out of everything and anyone that perished there. That was just what was left after the undead had been there for so long. The undead would always have that place as their home now. Even without some powerful elder lich leading them. And that was fine. The wanderers and soldiers could train there. Or there could be researchers who wished to explore for the information from ancient times. So be it. When Walker heard that there would also be a group of healers going with Ignus, he hoped that it was Alice and her healers. He knew that they were going to head north, but they could easily be called in to this fight before that. Her light mana would make the entire fight much safer for all those that are going. Any pistons from the decaying monsters there would be able to be purified as well. Overall, there would be more hope which It Came to facing the dangers there. But the party had their own focuses. They had to face the dangers of the more powerful part of the elder lich, the immortal king. He had all the dangerous undead with him. The ones that they had most likely never seen and that had been greatly strengthened through the process of natural mana and even the changes in the world. Some of them might even grow stronger with the additional purer mana from the elemental planes. That risk was not gone. It would only grow as they pushed forward. He had to ensure that he protected them. "I will do my best to channel more lightmana around us if we face the undead. I want to purify them and weaken them before I push us to fight them again." Walker's words strengthened the resolve as they all stepped forward together. The bridge and the manas were fluctuating, showing off the unique space and how it fits right in to the world flawlessly. He could sense the space mana as he touched the bridge for the first time. The world around him faded and he was left as if standing in a sea of stars. Walking on the bridge felt ethereal compared to how Walking in the world or even walking in the air was. The small bursts of light and of other elemental manas were the chaotic manas taking physical form. They were crashing in to one another and forming other things that Walker couldn't comprehend. If he were to sit here and meditate for years, he might just scratch the surface about how order could ever possibly exist within the chaos. But that was what the elemental planes and the world was, wasn't it? Calm manas that had somehow appeared where there was only chaos. It Was hard to understand and would only make his head hurt. "It's all so beautiful." Su had a few tears in her eyes while looking out at everything. She and the others felt the same. The existence that created all things and melded together has somehow come from all that chaotic danger becoming balanced was hard to put in to worlds. Emotions could barely grasp how it all came together in this way. "I agree, but we have company ahead of us." There was a slight darkness ahead of them. Enough to put Walker on edge. As they all focused on the bridge of mana that they traveled, they noticed that the figure standing ahead, was a skeleton. A Plain old skeleton with nothing in its hands and nothing that it could use to threaten them. When Walker looked at it, he found that it had grazed the edge of the chaotic mana over the edge of the bridge. It was frozen in place and the chaotic mana corrupted it. Slowly causing the bones to disintegrate because it had no potential ability to resist the manas running chaotically. "It will fall apart soon, won't it?" Remey felt a little bad that the skeleton had become an undead and managed to get here somehow. But it had just started to break apart and they had been here to witness it. "It will, it is becoming a part of that chaos again. But we all came from that. I Can sense it. Just the same as I can sense nature, that is a greater nature. A way for all things and all flows. but it doesn't have control over anything. It's just it." Gil's feelings were shared being part high elf. Because he sensed that, it was true, The others had trouble grasping at this but it was fine. They knew that there were plenty of changes and differences within their races. None of them judged each other for that. They accepted it and trusted one another in every single aspect. Because Gil could sense it too, Walker knew that he was also able to feel that. They watched the skeleton begin falling apart and the manas that made up the skeleton's unique undead existence flow in to the outside of the bridge. "Don't touch anything and stay on this mana bridge. It is the only thing keeping us from the chaos out there." Walker didn't need to say this, but he felt better reminding the others. They could only move forward now. …


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