Master Of None

Chapter 2135 2135. Boundaries

Chapter 2135 2135. Boundaries

"I Can't keep track of how much the wind mana is changing around us. Walker, the mana that is making up the bridge shifts over and over." Gil had managed to catch on to the fact that the bridge they walked on was less solid than what it appeared. While the bridge seemed to be solid and looked like a bridge to the party, they all had begun to realIze that they were not seeing the same things. Su had mentioned that the bridge had a solid white color in her eyes. But that was most likely the fact that she spent a lot of time around light mana. Since she had gained the bond with Midnight and accepted the dragon aspect of who she was, Su had acclimated to all manas. But because she had trained with healers and Rise, she had gained a better understanding of light mana. Remey saw the bridge as a deep crimson red, like the flames she used in alchemy to purify the more difficult herbs of impurities. Gil of a light green wind color which was similar to many birds that had higher wind affinities. Midnight and Onyx didn't say much, but they clearly saw different things because they were constantly looking at the dense mana that made the bridge up with curiosity. Walker could also sense their awe. "I think the mana is balanced but always flowing. The mana pulses slightly when I focus on it and I see the different manas mixing within it. But the outer edges are always the most condensed manas which allow us to follow it. Like, we aren't actually walking on it, you know?" Walker had a hard time sharing what he could sense. The manas were flowing from the elemental planes and to the world, then back. Like two people passing the manas back and forth constantly in a game of catch. That passing action balanced the bridge and allowed it to form a proactive layer defending from the chaotic manas that were all around it. Like a tunnel without solid walls. More alike to a magic barrier than anything. The bridge was sealed within itself. But when it came to them walking on it, Walker sensed that the bridge was not actually flat or straight. More like it was pulling them along toward their destination rather than them walking along it. The mana was a flowing thing, therefore, they were now flowing on top of the mana to get to the place that they needed to be. "I get it, we are moving on an isolated stream toward the ocean." Remey likened this to when they were on the ships. They had to make it through the river to get to the ocean. But the oceans were the elemental planes. And the stream of mana that they were taking also went against gravity. Bringing them up mountains and even in to the air. As she described her interpretation, Walker felt that they should write it down as a theory for researchers to follow. Everything that she interpreted made him feel that she was correct. It was simply the slightly child like explanation that made it all work. This came from years of living in the orphanage and teaching the youngest of her siblings at times. Simple education was best for some parts of life. "I wonder why we can't see anything in the distance either? is it because it's like a space teleportation rune formation?" Onyx came out of nowhere with the perfect explanation of why they most likely could only see the vast expanse of flashing manas colliding around them. The chaotic area outside of the bridge was most likely cut off from them by space mana as well as some other more mysterious forces within mana. It actually made a lot more sense to think this way since the bridge also didn't make sense in general. "Since the bridge seemed to make some sort of portal in the air without actually being seen from the back, I would say that's exactly what it is. The runes that formed in the air were all made in space itself, not out of manas that we could sense right away. So the elemental manas must work together with space." Walker felt confident as he spoke. Something within him told him this was right. "Even time might not be affected. I feel like we should be moving at the same time as the world is too. Like time is balanced from the center out maybe?" This feeling was different for Walker. It felt off but not because he was wrong, but because he didn't understand it himself at all. "Brother, don't try too hard!" Midnight offered Walker some support, but before she could lean on him to show him comfort, the sudden heat that hit them made everyone freeze. They were no longer on the bridge surrounded by flashing stars of mana colliding, nor darkness hiding the chaos of manas. Walker took a chance and used the all around appraisal to take a look at where they were. 'Boundary of fire and earth

This is the boundary between the earth elemental plane, an expanse of stone, earth, and mountains. And the fire elemental plane, an expanse of magma, lava, and a sea of flames. The areas where the elemental planes collide and the manas are forced to fuse together are called boundaries. This is because they are the flames where the beings within the elemental planes will often clash or avoid depending on their strength. The intense earth and fire mana combining to create the lava flow steps and the scorched earth along the boundary will make any being with dual affinities gain natural enlightenment of the elemental manas. However, this is only for those that require the basic growth necessary for their race. There is a very dangerous risk of living within this area due to the chaotic appearance of fire and earth pure manas clashing before they meld together naturally…'

There was more information about the uniqueness that appeared here. But Walker was more amazed that the manas had become so dense that they were purely making up the lands here in various forms. The fire elemental plane was intense. In the center was a literal sea of flames according to the all around appraisal. A place where the earth mana was pushed back leaving only pure fire mana and only that. The very same with the earth elemental panes becoming mountains with only earth mana and that was it. An astounding idea that mana had become so dense and pure that it formed everything. But wasn't the world that way? it was just more spread out and balanced. Therefore, someone couldn't break things down in to just the manas without extreme force which would be akin to a god if anything. Regardless of that, Walker had more of an idea of how everything came to be. How the elemental planes that surrounded the world might have been the balance that has magically come together with the will of existence to become the world. To be that center point. But as the manas began to flow toward the world, the world would become more involved. Would have denser mana overall. That could change things, not that it would happen soon. It would most likely take a hundred years, if not more.

"This reminds me of the deserts and the volcano areas. But if they were smashed together." Remeyu pointed out the areas that looked like lava had cooled and where the earth appeared to have melted slightly. Even some stones were scorched black by flames. "That's exactly what the elemental planes are. Places where the manas are so powerful and dense that they became the land themselves. Regardless of what this means at a deeper level, we have to figure out where the immortal king went. I have a feeling that tracking anything will be nearly impossible. We should find beings that understand the elemental planes. Or this boundary between them. Just as Walker spoke again, he realized that his mana sense was hard to understand. He was literally overloaded with the density of mana that he had to focus greatly to grasp the deep changes within the earth and fire manas around them. 'Scorched roc

This is a being that is perfectly balanced between earth and fire mana. While some species of roc are most commonly food within mountains, this is one that was acclimated to the intense heat within the boundary of earth and fire. As a scorched roc, it is able to manipulate molten stones while using the fire mana to fly through the air. The strength of its body comes from the rocky feathers that are smoldering with intense fire mana within. They are also the best defined and a greater offense when fighting other monsters. They are often intelligent enough to hunt along the boundary of earth and fire. They will rarely attack anything that they feel is too powerful compared to them. But they are known for attacking things they are curious about to test them out…'


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