TL: xLordFifth



“Oh, director-nim?”

Just as Leeha was about to enter the palace, Browless came out.

“Did something big happen this time? I heard you went out directly to save Minis’ envoys. They said that if it wasn’t for you, the peace treaty would not have happened.”

The NPCs moved directly to confirm the conclusion of signing the peace treaty. As Leeha listened to Browless’ words, he could see that everything had ended smoothly.

“Ah, is that so? I went out just in case, and by chance I got lucky.”

“Lucky. How can someone be lucky enough to do something like that? I am well aware of your thoroughness in striving for perfection. You’ve been through a lot.”

Browless praised Leeha with a pleased expression.

‘If the signing of the peace treaty quest failed, I can’t get the reward, but…. There’s no need to bring that up.’

Seeing Leeha smile awkwardly, Browless tried to pat him on the shoulder but his hand stopped midair.




“Oh, ah. Ah. This? No, this. This- this is my partner-”

“A dragon partner……? Could it be that you became a dragon knight?”

“No, that’s not it. That, no…… I don’t know how to explain. It’s quite a long story.”

Leeha briefly explained to Browless what had happened. Normally, an NPC would be able to figure it out in an instant, but it seemed different this time.

Most importantly, Leeha paid attention to the word mentioned, “dragon knight”.

‘Does he want me to assure him that I would not become a dragon knight? No, come to think of it, now that I have a partner, 

why didn’t the dragon knight advancement quest appear?’

Obviously, Leeha’s conjecture must have been correct. Looking at Browless’ reaction.

However, until now, he couldn’t find any keywords related to the dragon knight.

“-indeed. That did happen.”

“Yes. Bluebeard was also there when I slayed the red dragon Kuzgunak’sh. I took the dragon’s head.”

“The dragon’s head……. No, more importantly, a fragment of the demon king joined hands with the chromatic dragons-”

“To be precise, he was kicked out of the chromatic dragon clan.”

“Is that so? You got lucky in two things.”

“Two things?”

“Leeha-kun, you have not become a dragon knight, and Bluebeard has not joined hands with the chromatic dragons yet.”

For Browless, those two things were considered of similar weight. Leeha felt proud because Browless words were always heavy when talking about the fragments of the demon king.

“Okay then, see you later. I’m going to see the Pope and plan the next thing. I think I will need you sooner or later, so I will call you again.”

“Understood! I will train harder and wait for orders!”


When Leeha answered with determination, Browless also showed a determined expression and soon disappeared. If he found out the conclusion of the peace treaty, Browless should have learned enough about the chimera and Bluebeard.

‘And since the signing of the peace treaty is over, there was only one thing the Pope had to do.’

Leeha could roughly guess the situation.

In the name of the Pope, a punitive force will be organized to destroy Bluebeard and the chimeras.

“There will be a large-scale battle again soon……


“Ah, Blaugrun-ssi, people are surprised because you keep sitting on my shoulder. Do you have nowhere to stay? Would you like to go into the bag?”

[Kyu! Kyuu!]

Blaugrun shook his head. As Leeha expected, Blaugrun could certainly understand his words.

“Cough, it can’t be helped. Don’t be too inconspicuous then. It would be more difficult not to stand out for a hatchling, who is already blue-green and flying to the sky…

[Kyu! Kyu!]

With the hatchling still on his shoulder, Leeha entered the palace.

The contents of the treaty between the two countries were attached in large rooms throughout the palace.

“This is it.”

If Ram Hwayeon had been online, he would have asked immediately, but she was currently logged out, so Leeha had no choice but to receive guidance from the NPC.

“Yes, thank you.”

“Don’t mention it.”

After staring at the guards for a while, Leeha knocked on the closed door. It wasn’t the king’s audience room that he had come to once. Rather, it was a much more office-like place that made Leeha tense.

“Cough. Excuse-”

Knock-! Before Leeha could speak, the door suddenly opened and someone ran out.

“Ha Leeha-nim! Come on in!”

“Oh, that- Lerik-nim?”

“You don’t know how flustered I was when you suddenly disappeared last time! How could you leave without saying a word…. I, who was in charge of the treasure house, was extremely worried! I could only exclaim, recipient of the Medal of Honor! Haha, no, should I say that it was due to you only taking two items from the royal treasury?”

The vice-minister of finance NPC. It was the NPC that guided Leeha toward Fibiel’s royal treasury.

The words pouring out like a rapid-fire made Lee Ha somewhat bitter, but now was not the time to explain.

“Yes, well- that-”

“His Highness has already written all the instructions. Leeha-nim will be provided the commercial rights to the place he chooses. Right, do you have any thoughts?”

Lerik pushed Leeha’s back and forced him to sit down. The talkative NPC was still the same, but he certainly had the ability to handle the task they had.

Even while talking, he took out all kinds of documents and held them out in front of Leeha, to the point of making Leeha think of Ram Hwayeon.

“This is the list of newly acquired cities and castles after the conclusion of the peace treaty.”

The daily floating population status, the number of NPCs currently living in the country, the distribution of stores by industry, 

and the items of revenue and expenditure are all necessary to run a city.

There were also papers on which small letters were drawn densely, as well as charts and graphs which made Leeha dizzy.

Leeha understood clearly. How lucky he was to have Ram Hwayeon as a friend.

“Let me explain, the one over here is castle-”

“Gaza City.”


“I’ll take Gaza City.”

Because she already finished reviewing all the data.

“F-for explanations by province and city-”

“It’s okay.”

As Leeha finished choosing with a smile, Lerik was rather taken aback.

“Of course, I can always explain- you have to come to the royal palace yourself-”

“Yes. It’s okay. Please finish quickly.”

Explanation was not needed. Because there’s no problem with Ram Hwayeon. She was even running a city already. If Leeha wanted to hear an explanation, she would tell him in a much more detailed and friendly way.

“Ah, it now belongs to Fibiel, right?”

“That’s right. As of yesterday, all rights were transferred from Minis. The nobles who will manage the city are already going.”

It was the same in Ram Hwayeon’s case, but in this case, the user is given the ‘exclusive rights for commercial activity’. In fact, the user would be called the actual castle lord because he had virtually all the authority, but there was a separate ‘nominal lord’ of the castle.

“Hahaha, I guess that’s it. If it has already been two to three days since the conclusion of the peace treaty……. Then, can I go right away?”

“First of all, please sign here. This is an oath of responsibility related to the exclusive rights in commercial activity. Here, sign here, and date here. There was also at the back, so please check it.”

Leeha wrote the date and name on the place where Lerik circled, and he was confused for a moment whether he was in the royal palace or bank.

After a while of paperwork, fanfare rang as he finished signing the last page Lerik handed to him. Babam-!

[Achievement: True Lord of Gaza City]

Congratulations! You have acquired 100% share of the exclusive commercial activity rights in the Kingdom of Fibiel, Gaza City. The residents of Gaza City are looking forward to you to further develop the estate.

Effect: Constitution +10, Mind +7, 

Intimacy with NPCs of Dale Castle increased by 50%, all facilities in Dale Castle could be used, and monthly income based on equity.

(This achievement does not have a hall of fame.)

[You have the majority stake in the city.]

[You can use city operation-related commands at your city office.]

‘Oh, that didn’t happen when I had a 10% stake in Castle Dale. After all, it comes from holding more than 51% of the shares-’

Leeha quickly read the description below and bam-! Another fanfare sounded again.

The above achievements can be received by all users who have risen to the position of actual lord of the castle.

No, to be precise, they were the guild masters of all guilds. Numerous cities and castles in Fibiel, Minis, and Shazrasian, and the guild masters of the guilds, one by one. All of them would have that achievement.

It is a law that requires a huge amount of capital and manpower to obtain a monopoly on commercial activities.

However, it was a little different case for 


[Achievement: Untouchable(S-)]

Congratulations! You have become the de facto lord of a castle by yourself! Thousands of manpower and tens of thousands of gold capital, you are the one who has more value than that!

Rumors of your overwhelming abilities will make most NPCs unable to raise their heads. Don’t be surprised, it’s proof of your unapproachable status and dignity!

Effect: 21 stat points, 

Continental Reputation +500, Permanent Buff- Dignity

You are the first registrant of the achievement [Untouchable].

The first three registrants of the achievement will be recorded in the Hall of Fame, and an additional 200% of the existing effect is applied.

Effect: Stat points 42,

Continental Reputation +1,000



A golden energy lightly swept through Leeha’s body. He could feel that one of the achievement effects, the buff, had surrounded him. More than anything else, the proof was that Lerik, who had been a bit fussy until just now, suddenly shut his mouth and lowered his head.

‘An NPC like the vice-minister of finance would never be in a low position…

Even NPCs of this level literally could not lift their heads.

“Congratulations, Ha Leeha-nim”

“Cough, thank you Lerik-nim.”

Drunk with the ‘dignity’ for no reason, Leeha spoke in a solemn voice. He wasn’t very close to Lerik, but if it was a prank like this, he would smile and say something, but he kept his calm appearance.

On the contrary, it became so quiet that Leeha found it boring.

“Now all the paperwork was done. If you take this document with the deal stamped on it and go to Gaza City, the process is complete.”

“Do I just have to go to the office and give it to them?”

“That’s right. I will contact Gaza City in advance to avoid any inconvenience.”

“I understand. Thank you.”

“It was an honor to be able to help Ha Leeha-nim.”

“Aigoo, even if you don’t say that much- no, how do I turn this off, can’t I turn it off?”

Watching Lerik’s bow, Leeha hurriedly opened the skill window. Dignity?! To be dignified!

‘Will they keep acting like how they act toward the king?! It won’t be fun if it’s like this!’


Description: The energy that only those who that only those who reach one of the highest positions than an individual can reach.

Effect: Absolute respect from NPCs in the country with less than 3000 continental reputation points.

Absolute respect from NPCs in other countries with less than 1000 continental reputation points

‘I see. Depending on the continental reputation, the effect would be huge…… Of course, the continental reputation of the vice-minister wouldn’t be high.’

Because each country’s national contribution and continental reputation are not unconditionally proportionate. Leeha thought that it was indeed a buff that came from an S-rank achievement.

Currently, Leeeha’s continental reputation was a little over 7,000 which was quite high. It wouldn’t be easy for even an NPC to exceed 3,000.

In the case of NPCs in other countries, the requirement was further lowered, it did not even exceed 1000, and could not have an impact, but 1,000 could not be taken lightly either. In fact, almost all NPC residents and stores will probably lower their heads in front of Leeha.

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