Chapter 226

Jun Zishu left the mission world and met up with Little Fairy in the transit space.

Little Fairy looked as cute and well-behaved as always. She did not feel gloomy because she had little to no participation throughout the entire mission.

“Can I still meet her in the next world?”

Little Fairy hesitated for a moment when she heard Jun Zishu’s question. Should she reveal the answer? Did this count as her host asking her about Lord? Yes! This must count!


Little Fairy’s tone was decisive. However, Jun Zishu wasn’t surprised by this answer at all. She felt that her system should know something about that person.

“Out with it.”

Afterward, Little Fairy began telling Jun Zishu about the truth of the whole situation. She began from the time Jun Zishu first encountered Lord to the present. She also talked about Lord’s inexplicable coma and lucidity.

In the middle of her narration, Little Fairy also mixed in praises of Lord, behaving very much like a fangirl.

Jun Zishu wore a pondering look throughout Little Fairy’s entire explanation. She did not feel angered or shocked by this revelation. She simply felt a dawning feeling mixed with faint traces of joy.

From what Jun Zishu gathered from Little Fairy’s words, so long as this “Lord” person kept chasing after her, she would be able to meet this persistent lover of hers again.

This was good. This situation couldn’t be better.

Jun Zishu honestly felt a little flattered that Lord, an existence akin to God, was fervently trying to win her heart. However, her surprise lasted only for an instant.

Jun Zishu no longer wondered whether anyone would like her boring character. This was because she knew that that person would love her, and that was enough for her.

Jun Zishu wanted to learn more about Lord. Unfortunately, Little Fairy had no more information to offer.

“I only know that Lord is the Department of Transmigration’s creator and overlord, Host. If you wish to learn more about Lord, you will have to ask Division Chief Liang Yi. She should know more about Lord,” Little Fairy said as she flapped her wings and shed a greenish glow.

“Okay. See you next time.”

“Goodbye. I’ll be waiting for your return.”

After exiting her nutrition pod, Jun Zishu did not return to her room like she always did. Instead, she contacted Liang Yi using her communication device and invited the other party out for coffee.

Liang Yi quickly replied, and the two met up at a cafe.

“You did a good job on your mission this time as well,” Liang Yi said.

Liang Yi was currently dressed in a well-cut black suit that exuded a sense of competence. Although her facial appearance wasn’t exactly beautiful, her eyes had a profound look to them, and it felt as if she could see through the cause and effect of all matters.

“It’s just okay,” Jun Zishu said, shaking her head. She didn’t feel like she had accomplished much in her previous mission. Whenever Lord became her mission target, her missions were destined to become a walk in the park. The only challenging part about her previous mission was surviving in the apocalypse. She didn’t have to go through the trouble of persuading or influencing the mission target to follow her will.

“It seems you already know,” Liang Yi said as she stopped stirring her coffee and took a sip.

Jun Zishu did not answer and simply stared at Liang Yi.

“How much do you know?” Liang Yi asked.

“Everything the system knows.”

“Good. 0028 is as honest as always,” Liang Yi said, nodding. It should be known that not all systems have the same personality. Meanwhile, 0028’s personality was one of the more well-behaved and silly ones. “What else do you want to know?”


Everything there was to know about Lord.

“Actually, I don’t know much, either, even though I’m one of the closest people to her,” Liang Yi said, shaking her head as she looked at Jun Zishu with a searching gaze. She couldn’t help but wonder what about this person had managed to attract that great personage’s attention and become someone special to her.

“We were summoned here to establish the various divisions. She has always remained shrouded in a halo of light, and we never even knew her exact gender until you came along. Initially, we thought that she was a robot as her voice had always remained cold and inorganic when she spoke. Her interactions with us have also been limited to just giving orders, and rarely would she appear and speak to us outside of those times. We aren’t even sure where she comes from. We only know that she is the root of this place and that her energy keeps this place running. One day, however, she suddenly vanished.”

Liang Yi narrowed her eyes after speaking up to this point, seemingly trying to remember the past.

“We couldn’t locate her energy no matter what we tried. The only thing we were certain of was that she was still alive since the various worlds under the Department’s management continued operating normally. However, problems gradually cropped up, and every division began seeing some of their worlds collapse and disintegrate. We knew that this wasn’t an accident. We knew that if we couldn’t find Lord, the most likely scenario would be that all worlds would disintegrate. Eventually, even the world the Department resides in would disappear as well.

“However, we knew nothing about her, so we naturally didn’t know how we were supposed to find her. That is until you appeared. Then, we learned that for some unknown reason, Lord had fallen asleep. Hence, we began to study you.

“We followed your footsteps and located Lord time and again. We also discovered that Lord is gradually coming to her senses, and our worlds are gradually stabilizing.

“That is all I know.

“We are all hoping that you can wake her up.”

Liang Yi ended her narration and took another sip of coffee.

“I got it.” Jun Zishu nodded. Then, after gulping down her cup of coffee, she settled the bill and left.

This time, Jun Zishu did not rest for very long. This was because she knew that someone was waiting for her.

After entering the next mission, Jun Zishu encountered an unprecedented situation—she couldn’t open her eyes.

Jun Zishu could vaguely perceive her surroundings, but her perception was blurred. She had also lost control of her body and could not move.

What’s the situation, Little Fairy?

[Your current body is in the emergency room, Host. You won’t be able to move your body, for the time being, so I’ll transfer the mission details to you for now.]


After Jun Zishu was done browsing the original storyline, she fell into a state of speechlessness.

What division are we in this time?

[The Lawful Wife’s Reversal Division.]

I expected as much.

The original owner’s name was Jian Qing.

Jian Qing was the Jian family’s only child. She was rich, well-educated, and the very definition of virtue. On top of that, Jian Qing also had a beautiful appearance.

As one would expect, Jian Qing had many suitors. Eventually, though, she settled on Qiu Ziqian, a wealthy princeling from Qingyu City. The two were madly in love with each other, and it took less than a year for them to go from dating to marriage.

If everything had gone smoothly, this division wouldn’t have been called the Lawful Wife’s Reversal Division.

Jian Qing had indeed lived the life of a wealthy madam for two years, her life composed mainly of comfort and happiness.

During these two years, a major event occurred—the Jian family went bankrupt, and Jian Qing’s parents went missing in a plane crash. Jian Qing had instantly lost a significant portion of her support after this incident, and she had only Qiu Ziqian to rely on. Hence, she became even more dependent on him, almost treating him as her god.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. On the second anniversary of their wedding, Qiu Ziqian stood up Jian Qing and made her wait at home alone for a whole night.

From that day onwards, Jian Qing came to know a new name—Bai Yuwan.

The story went back to Qiu Ziqian’s high school days. Qiu Ziqian had fallen in love with Bai Yuwan at the time. Unfortunately, Bai Yuwan already had someone else in mind. Despite his efforts to win over Bai Yuwan’s heart, he had always remained on the back burner. Even so, Qiu Ziqian willingly remained as the back-burner guy.

Whenever Bai Yuwan had her heart broken by the man she loved, Qiu Ziqian would always be there to console her.

At one point, though, Qiu Ziqian’s patience finally ran out, and he very nearly forced himself onto Bai Yuwan. Although he woke up to his senses at the final moment, Bai Yuwan distanced herself from her after that incident. Qiu Ziqian had always felt guilty over that incident. However, as he could never contact Bai Yuwan, he had no choice but to leave it at that.

Afterward, Qiu Ziqian met the gentle Jian Qing. Frankly speaking, Jian Qing did not look like Bai Yuwan at all. However, Jian Qing’s gentle personality allowed Qiu Ziqian to see a shadow of Bai Yuwan’s past. Hence, he began his frantic pursuit, and he eventually triumphed over the competition and brought the beauty back home.

However, on Qiu Ziqian’s second wedding anniversary with Jian Qing, Bai Yuwan came back.

Bai Yuwan messaged Qiu Ziqian, and Qiu Ziqian went to the airport to pick her up. Then, the two old friends spent the night catching up.

Qiu Ziqian did not tell Bai Yuwan about his marriage.

Initially, Jian Qing didn’t think much about Bai Yuwan even after learning about the other party’s past with Qiu Ziqian. She simply thought that Qiu Ziqian was a little taken aback by his childhood love’s return. Jian Qing thought that Qiu Ziqian’s heart remained with her. After all, Qiu Ziqian was her husband.

However, what Jian Qing didn’t know was that once a man’s heart began to drift, even marriage couldn’t tie it down.

After that first incident, Qiu Ziqian began a life of appeasing Jian Qing at home while going out on dates with Bai Yuwan outside.

Qiu Ziqian and Bai Yuwan remained friends on the surface, and neither of them did anything that crossed the line. Even so, Qiu Ziqian’s heart had already fallen for Bai Yuwan completely.

However, men were greedy creatures. Despite knowing the change in his feelings, Qiu Ziqian did not come clean with Jian Qing. Instead, he kept her in the dark while gradually getting closer to Bai Yuwan.

One time, Jian Qing went to Qiu Ziqian’s office to bring him soup. However, when she opened the doors to his office, what she saw was Bai Yuwan sitting on top of Qiu Ziqian, and the two were just millimeters away from kissing.

Jian Qing lost her mind on the spot, and she got so angry that she nearly fainted. Although Qiu Ziqian had promptly tried to explain himself, the excuse he gave was poorly made.

Jian Qing wanted to hit Bai Yuwan. However, Bai Yuwan wasn’t someone who’d let herself suffer a loss, so she pushed Jian Qing away before the latter could hit her. After getting pushed, Jian Qing grew even angrier and tried to hit Bai Yuwan again. However, she was stopped by Qiu Ziqian this time.

Qiu Ziqian grew a little angry at Jian Qing’s behavior. He quarreled with Jian Qing on the spot, and he accused Jian Qing of being immature.

Jian Qing ran out of the office in anger, and Qiu Ziqian chased after her. Jian Qing did not take the elevator, choosing to run down the stairs instead. With her mind in disarray, it wasn’t a surprise that she tripped and fell on her way down.

After Jian Qing was admitted into the hospital, the hospital check-up showed that she was pregnant.

Jian Qing had never managed to conceive a child throughout their two years of marriage, so Qiu Ziqian was overjoyed when he found out about Jian Qing’s pregnancy.

However, bad news came along with the good news. The combination of Jian Qing’s anger and her fall down the stairs had caused her to miscarry.

When Jian Qing woke up and subsequently learned that she had lost her child, her mind nearly crumbled. Meanwhile, it was only natural that she would push all the blame onto Bai Yuwan. If Bai Yuwan had never returned and never seduced her husband, none of this would’ve ever happened.

Of course, if Jian Qing managed to get her revenge on Bai Yuwan, there’d be no need for Jun Zishu to be here.

The loss of her child had caused Jian Qing’s personality to undergo a significant change, and she used all sorts of means to make Bai Yuwan’s life miserable. Unfortunately, Bai Yuwan was much more skilled than Jian Qing, and all Jian Qing managed to achieve was make Qiu Ziqian be disgusted with her even more.

Eventually, Jian Qing got divorced and died of loneliness and depression. Bai Yuwan, on the other hand, lived a happy life with Qiu Ziqian, the two even having children.

This was the first time Jun Zishu had felt upset after taking over a body.

Her current identity was someone else’s wife. If she wanted to take revenge on Qiu Ziqian and achieve a reversal, she’d have to keep this identity for some time and fight against the scumbag male lead and his mistress. How was she supposed to interact with Lord if that were the case?

[You don’t need to worry about this, Host. Lord is your mother-in-law in this world.]

What? Say that again?

[She’s your mother-in-law. Don’t worry. She wasn’t the one who gave birth to the bastard. He’s adopted.]

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