The dimly illuminated interior of the temple was cleaner than Leo had ever expected. Huge halls, rooms and corridors were free of dust and it even had some good quality furniture.

'It's similar to my house...'

Looking at the overall size of the building Leo did indeed notice it was quite similar to the house he bought.

Sitting on one of the couches he looked through the glassless window only to see absolute darkness surrounding him. There was no Moon in hell...

'I should extinguish the flames...'

Shaking his hand Leo canceled the Demonic Flames and sighed seeing the surroundings turn dark.

"It's like the fall..."

Recalling the time he spent falling through the void Leo snorted. He wasted too much time.


Suddenly the silence of the night was interrupted by a sound of rusty doors being flung off their hinges.

Leo's body froze and he took a deep breath trying to keep his heart from jumping out of the chest.

'Why the fuck is this game so realistic!'

Feeling the huge dose of adrenaline rushing into his head Leo moved his stiffed body to the hallway leading towards the other part of the temple.

Quietly moving through the corridor he lit up a small flame, so he could see where he put his feet. All the monsters roaming during the night had night vision, hence Leo was sure that he'd be seen even without the flame.

Walking through the complicated corridors he came across a big hall with an altar at the end of it. The altar's surface was covered with all kinds of gemstones, but Leo also noticed some old, bloody chains lying nearby.

It was as if someone was sacrificed on top of it...

Tap... Tap...

Hearing the subtle sound of footsteps in the hallway, nearing him, Leo didn't have time to rethink his decision and jumped behind the altar, not caring about the blood splattered everywhere around it.

Touching the red liquid he felt that it was still warm.

"What the he..."

Leo didn't have time to finish his sentence, an oppressive wave of aura engulfed the whole hall. The creature had entered the room.

Feeling the sweat pouring down his face Leo knew it wasn't because of the temperature.

Holding his slightly trembling hands he curled up behind the altar. He would look depressed and pathetic if not for his eyes strangely shining even in the darkness. Within them one could see a hidden smirk that shouldn't be suitable for a man in his position.

"It's wounded..."

Feeling the corners of his lips rising Leo took a peek at the door, only to see a huge humanoid creature with a huge bleeding hole in the middle of its chest. The monster's skull was decorated by huge horns, or rather it was. Now, the horns were cracked and one of the two was even missing.

'How was it even beaten?'

Leo knew that the monster was above Lv. 80, what abomination did it fight to be reduced to such a state?

Leo shuddered and shook his head, he had no need for such thoughts, now his priority was to somehow escape from the demon.


The monster's claws were so long that they even scratched the ground as the demon walked in the direction of the altar.


Leo tensed feeling the monster nearing his location. He was sure that the monster had yet to see him, if he had, Leo would've been dead long ago.

Preparing to launch himself away from the altar Leo started casting Shadow Protection just in case.

Unfortunately it was a mistake...


Being sensitive to Mana the demon felt Leo conjuring the spell and was immediately aware of his presence.

'I should've just sat still...'

Contemplating, Leo rose from behind the Altar only to see claws shooting straight for his neck.


The sound of demon claws hitting Shadow Protection was so loud, that one of Leo's ear drums even ruptured.

Feeling lightheaded Leo managed to retreat backwards, while the Demon just eyed his hand, confused as to why his enemy was still unwounded.


​ Preparing a Shadow Blast Leo held it in his right hand while Lightning particles started dancing around on his left one.


Feeling the subtle change in Mana the demon shifted his head towards the Lightning Bolt Leo held within his grip.

'So it can't sense Shadow Energy as well...'

Wanting to test something Leo created a single shadow soldier and sent him to attack the demon.

[ +2 Shadow Energy]

The shadow was clawed in half by the Demon who turned its unintelligent eyes towards Leo.


Throwing a Lightning Spear Leo moved away from the Demon while the monster evaded his spell and leapt towards him.

Struggling to evade the incoming attack Leo strained his leg muscles and kicked himself away from the ground as hard as he could.


Not expecting for Leo to jump in the air the demon crashed against the altar and a painful growl escaped from his throat.


Immediately after Shadow Blast hit the monster at his back making some of its blood splash on the altar.

Eyeing the monster Leo saw its unfocused eyes and was slightly surprised. The humanoid beast was slightly trembling.

Following its sight Leo shivered.

Clank... Clank...

Like snakes, the bloody chains were slithering across the air as if looking for prey. There was some demon's blood splattered on them which probably awoke them.

'How come I've never heard of this...'

Looking at the intimidating chains Leo took a step towards the exit. The monster tried to do the same, but his leg was caught by one of the chains.


A screech escaped from its throat as it desperately tried to remove the metal chain binding it to the altar. Unfortunately the Lv. 80 monster was not able to tear away the metal serpent stuck onto its limb.

The demon even cut off its own leg, but still was caught by the other chains. In the end all of its struggles were useless, he was dragged on top of the altar.


Its screams echoed across the Temple, but no one except Leo could hear it.


Looking at the monster chained onto the altar Leo noticed that its previously healthy skin was starting to wrinkling, as if the beast was rapidly aging.

Looking at the altar Leo noticed the gemstones glowing in dim red color as if drinking the blood of the creature on top of it.


Letting out its last breath the demon was sucked dry of his blood and died. Even though it was already dead, the chains still held its carcass and kept it above the altar.

What happened in the next few minutes Leo could only describe as gruesome. At some point even he had to turn his head away, he felt vomit rising up his throat.

Witnessing how a body of a human-like being is consumed by an unknown ghoulish altar made Leo uneasy, especially when he had to spend the whole night inside the temple.

[ Altar of ??? has eaten a Demon]

[ ??? is aware of your presence... ]

[ ??? has offered you his legacy! ]

Leo's eyes went wide open reading the system message. He has been offered another legacy, by an unknown being at that. It was probably another hidden class...

[ A powerful shadow is looming above the ??? ]

[ .... ]

[ .... ]

[ The legacy offer is canceled]

Leo's face consorted seeing the messages appearing on his screen.

"What do you mean canceled!?"

Frowning, he tapped his system as if asking for an explanation.

[ Altar of ??? has devoured 53/200 souls... ]

All Leo got in return was another system message that raised even more questions.

"And what will happen if I get enough souls? AnOtHeR BoSs WiLl sPaWn?"

Grimacing, Leo made sure to spit at the direction of the altar.


One of the chains lying nearby suddenly jolted towards him and grazed his cheek.

[ ??? commends your foolishness]

[??? reveals the reward]

[ Altar of ???; 53/200 Souls]

[ Reward: Clown Mask [Rank:Unknow...] ]


Feeling the blood running down his cheek Leo couldn't care less about the wound.


Glaring at the Reward Leo smirked and paled at the same time.

'This is a treasure chest... How am I meant to kill another 147 Demons?'

The news was both good and demoralizing at the same time. Leo didn't know if it was even smart to start the mission, he'd be left in the dust by the other players. On the other hand the rewards seemed immense.

"Maybe it is for the better..."

Recalling that some people are trying to uncover his identity, Leo thought that it might be better to lay low for a while, at least until the first world boss is discovered.

'I can't let anybody get it...'

Thinking about a set of eyeballs dropped by the boss Leo smirked.

'It's a perfect fit for me...'

Shaking his head and useless thoughts away Leo glared at the chains surrounding the altar embedded with gemstones and covered with blood.

"I wonder how it managed to get so many souls already..."

Looking at the carnivorous object Leo sighed and left the room, he didn't want to stay in the same room as that thing. He didn't want to be caught sleeping.

'I don't trust that bastard...'

Wiping the blood stained cheek Leo grumbled and went back to the chair he found previously.

He decided to start collecting souls by the morning, monsters roaming at the day time are less powerful than those at night...

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