MMORPG: Rebirth of the Shadow Mage

Chapter 55 Meeting The Strongest Player (2)

" Yes! "

I confidently said making the Elf look at me as if I was retarded.

" How are you going to finish the raid if you are not planning to kill the boss? "

She questioned while raising her eyebrows.

" I have other means and to complete them I need to be a leader. If you comply with my terms and follow my instructions without hesitation I promise you, our group will be the first one to complete the raid"

Extending my arm for a handshake to seal the deal I prayed that she would accept. I needed her lightning spells that could momentarily immobilize the enemy, but if she declines, I guess I'll have to find another Mage with a lower skillset.

" You'll be payed 2000 Gold Coins for the Raid, but you shall lay down the plan before we enter, so no surprises appear "

Surprisingly she agreed and shook my hand.

" I'll gather other members. Be here tomorrow by 2 AM.

Letting go of my hand she walked into the crowd leaving me alone.

' Soft '

I thought, feeling the lingering sensation on my extended palm.

Waking up from my stupor I was a bit lost on what to do now. I expected to start the raid immediately, but since the Elf has its own plans, I'll just have to wait.

Stretching my back I suddenly recalled my interaction with the Angry Bird.

' Good Connections with strong people my ass '

I murmured looking around trying to see if he was still in the area. Soon I noticed him, since he was above average in height and had hair similar color to fire. His eyes were staring at me while his face was slightly distorted. I could swear I could hear him grit his teeth in rage.

' Dumbass '

Ignoring his stare I took a deep breath before leaving the castle. Unsurprisingly someone was following me.

Not wanting to alert the followers about me knowing of their presence I passed through the bridge and walked into one of the side streets.

The weather outside the castle was harsh, it was heavily raining with lightning striking from time to time.


The street lanterns were barely Illuminating the street making it full of shadows.

Currently in one of these Shadows I was crouching waiting for my perpetrators to come.

Tap.. Tap...

Raindrops fell on my Cloak, but luckily my cloak was water resistant. Raising my face to the sky I felt some water trickle down my neck.

' Cold '

I thought while changing on which leg I was putting all my weight.

" .. Ran here! "

I heard shouts and the sound of water being splashed quickly nearing my location. Soon a group of 6 males similar to my age came into view.

They were panting while curses were continuously flowing from their mouths.

" Where is he? "

" If we don't find him, the boss will kill us! "

The group members screamed at each other.

Inspecting every single one of them I didn't see the Angry Bird.

' They must be Angry Bird's henchmen '

I thought while summoning Fenrir from the Beast Tattoo. His huge frame covered in black fur appeared to my right side. His mouth was slightly open showing his long rows of teeth.

Turning its head towards me, the huge beast let out a sound similar to a sneeze.

Apparently he didn't like getting wet and since it was raining, he was out of commission...

Raising my eyebrows at his childish behavior I decided to bribe him. Taking out the cooked pork from my inventory, I split it in half and threw one side to him.


He swallowed the pork without even chewing. After finishing his half he started wagging his tail asking for more, but I only gestured to the group for him to understand my goal.

' First we fight, then we feast '

My message was crystal clear.

Lowering his body, Fenrir's hind legs were strained under the great pressure as he launched himself straight at the group. I did want for him to fight alone, since he has to gain experience of fighting against humans, on the other hand I had to show the Angry Bird not to mess with me.

As soon as Fenrir dashed out of the shadows I also came out revealing my presence.


The Black beast collided with a Man wearing some scraps of metal armor throwing him into the nearby wall. I didn't know if he was dead, but soon a system message appeared on my screen.

< You've Killed a Player @lg@$^! >

< LOOT >

1️⃣ 400 EXP ( Shared with Fenrir )

2️⃣ 236 Gold Coins



A list of items completely useless to me appeared. Since the player had died while fighting another player half of his items were dropped.

At first my eyes weren't even drawn towards the items, it was towards the player's name.

' Who names their child in Demon Language? '

I couldn't help, but giggle at his name. His parents probably felt like trolling while choosing the name.

Collecting the gold and setting the body on fire I shifted my attention to the other enemies.

Fenrir has already managed to kill one of them by using his claws to slice the man in half and wound another by biting a chunk out of his shoulder. Since my emotions were connected to my pet's I could feel their smell of fear.

' Since I have time until tomorrow I better deal with these lackeys and go to buy some equipment '

My mind drifted towards the raid. I thought that we would embark on the raid immediately, but since the time was on my side I could make extra preparations.

' Where to buy... '

Trying to remember where the shop is located I casted two Lighting spears impaling the group's Dark Priest to the ground. He was trying to cast a curse upon Fenrir and I didn't want to use a HP pot to keep Fenrir alive until the curse's duration ended.

Since 3 of the members were already dead the other members tried to run.


One of them was decimated on the spot by a grey orb seemingly as fast as the sport's car. His body instantly became particles disappearing into the sky.

The wounded man and the other man ran to different directions, but were soon followed by me and Fenrir.

< You've Killed Players x3! >

< LOOT >

1️⃣ 1200 EXP

2️⃣ 679 Gold Coins



< You've Killed Players x2! >

< LOOT >

1️⃣ 800 EXP ( Shared with Fenrir )

2️⃣ 508 Gold Coins



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