Chir... Chir...

The sound of birds chirping woke me up. Brushing my black hair to the side I jumped out of my huge bed.

' Two days left until I can collect the rewards '

I thought, moving towards the bathroom which was connected to my room.

After the cold shower I took out my notebook and started scribbling some more Information about Fragmental into it.

' I should transfer it onto my computer '

I thought, putting the notebook back on the table. I've already managed to write one third of all my knowledge and it'd be worth a lot of money if sold.

Descending down the stairs and going into the kitchen I didn't see my parents.

' They are probably sleeping '

Taking out some milk and cereal, I quickly had breakfast before going back into my room.

Scrolling through the internet I found an interesting article.

~ The first potion made by Fairy... Alchemist... Money....

Looking over the article I quickly understood that another world announcement occurred while I was sleeping and this time it was about the first potion being made by an Alchemist class fairy.

' Money farm '

I thought, recalling how much potions were sold in my past life.

' I'd like to recruit my private Alchemist '

A thought of creating my own group passed through my mind. Unfortunately I still didn't have the finances to do that.

' I'll need to wait until the stocks rise or until the items I've bought in the shop began to rise in value '

I smirked, recalling that I've bought some rare items from the auction house for a very low price.

Reading deeper into the article I also found out that the player also chose to hide her identity, but her name and appearance was soon found out due to her selling the potion on the auction house immediately.

' At least wear something to cover your face '

I thought, recalling that fairies had various kinds of veils and costumes that could partially hide one's face.

' I wonder which potion she made... '

My thoughts shifted to the easiest potions for alchemists to make. As far as recall the least time consuming and easiest to make potions were Low tier HP and MP pot.

Potions like items are also distributed in different tiers. Potions have 4 main tiers.

Low Tier → Intermediate Tier → High Tier → Superior Tier

As far as I remember, to create a potion Alchemists need to spend some time finding various resources and going through various experiments until a recipe of potion will be ingrained in their mind/Status.

Alchemist's have a separate EXP bar where they can see their understanding of the potion making.

For example if Health Potion understanding is above 25% Alchemist can make a Low tier HP potion, if it's above 50% - Intermediate Tier etc.

Since the game is trying to be as realistic as possible, various formulas from chemistry and other things also apply to this world making people with better education superior in alchemy.

I even heard that some genius with a doctorate degree joined the game and instantly got 7% Understanding in Health, Mana, Stamina and Strength potions which is very surprising, since most of the Alchemists usually start at 0%.

Looking at the rising stocks and making sure that everything is going as planned I put my phone away and climbed into the VR pod. I was itching to play Fragmental.

< Welcome back to Fragmental! >

< Your Current Location - Castle of Hope >

I opened my eyes only to see the darkness.

' Demonic Flame '

I let the flame dance on my palm as it dimly illuminated the room. Looking around I noticed destroyed furniture and could easily discern my location.

I was still in the Raid boss room, luckily there were no players around allowing me to quietly leave the place.

Moving through the city's streets I started walking towards a Huge wooden building, near the Holy church.

If I was planning to gain a lot of money and not join a player guild I had to become a mercenary and to become a mercenary I'd have to be prepared for various situations. I should also be able to combat stronger mobs on equal ground using my knowledge and power. Unfortunately these two things were rather unbalanced, since my power or combat ability fell short compared to my knowledge.

I was planning to join a guild, not a guild made by a player, but an Adventurers' Guild where one can take on various quests like monster slaying, helping someone for money etc.

Passing through the crowded streets I could even hear some whispers.

' Isn't that Leo? Have you seen the bounty on his head? '

' Do you plan to attack him? '

' How do even plan to kill him, he has already defeated two bosses '

' You also forgot that we can't attack players in cities '

Various voices full of greed and annoyance followed me wherever I went.

With my face hidden in the hood I inspected the surrounding people and from their equipment I could tell they wouldn't be able to take me down even if they teamed up.

With a sigh I ignored their voices and continued moving towards the Adventurers' Guild building.

" Hello sir! "

As soon as I entered a building a beautiful Woman approached me and bowed, greeting me. Since I wasn't used to such manners I also lowered my head.

" I'd like to register as a Guild Member "

Immediately getting down to business I put my staff in the Inventory, so it wouldn't get in my way, at least until the registration is over.

Nodding her head the woman gestured for me to follow her and led me to a room full of various devices.

" Seeing that you are a new we need to measure your Stats so we could discern your Rank "

Equipping a notebook the woman spoke while gesturing to me to approach the first machine.


After completing all the measurements I was confident that I'd get F rank overall. It sounds weak, but considering that I've just joined the game a few weeks ago it was some good progress.

Sitting in the waiting room I noticed another person besides myself. He had a tall build and blond hair. His eyes were glued to me, hence I could bet my money he was a player who had heard of me.

Seeing him debating whether to talk to me or not I summoned Fenrir in an attempt to avoid a pointless conversation.

Scratching his neck I made sure to whisper him a few words about keeping the fellow on the other side of the room intimidated.

Luckily Fenrir understood his assignment immediately and turned his head our companion's way. He slightly opened his jaws and licked his teeth.


I heard the guy audibly swallowing his saliva.

' I feel like a villain '

Trying to suppress the laughter I patted Fenrir's head. I gave him some cooked pork and allowed him to chill in the corner of the room.

Looking back at the guy I noticed him visibly more comfortable as soon as the Fenrir moved further away from him.


Suddenly the door opened and the same woman that helped me with measurements entered the room.

" Congratulations sir, You are a F rank adventurer! "

Flashing a beautiful smile she gave me a card with my name, picture and rank. The card was a little smaller than my phone and had a bronze outline.

" How is this possible? "

I heard the blond guy whisper. He probably didn't intend his sentence to be heard, so I didn't reply and simply left the room following the Woman.

Walking through a corridor we exchanged a few word and I got to know that her name was Olivia.

After a few minute walk I was finally led to a main guild hall where many people were standing near billboards, chatting with each other or drinking alcohol.

Giving me some papers Olivia quickly informed me about the guild rules. To summarize I couldn't take any quests rank above mine meaning that I could only take F or G rank quests. The guild also had a rule that I had to complete at least 1 quest a month.

Not even thinking further, I signed my registration papers and bid Olivia goodbye before moving towards the billboard.

Looking through various papers filled with various quests I quickly filtered out 2 quests that were suitable to me.

1️⃣ < Sewers Problem > [ F~G Rank ]

-- The residents have noticed huge rats inhabiting the sewers!

~ Investigate the Sewers

~ ???


1️⃣ 10,000 EXP

2️⃣ 1000 Gold Coins


2️⃣ < Earth Whale > [ G Rank ]

-- Mister Joe has noticed a Lv. 5 Earth Whale around his farm

~ Subdue the Beast


1️⃣ 3,000 EXP

2️⃣ 200 Gold Coins


Both quests were at close proximity and were both available for my Rank. The problem was that < Earth Whale > Quest was lower ranked and the rewards were miniscule.

I also noticed that the quest involved only one beast meaning that the EXP gain would be very low. Another detail I saw was that the < Sewers Problem > also had a hidden side-mission that would add an extra reward.

Everything was pointing to me choosing a sewers problem Quest. The problem was that I wasn't sure if I could complete, since it was G~F rank and I had no information about it, since it was too insignificant.

' I do have Fenrir '

Taking the paper from the board I moved towards the counter where I'd be able to accept the job request.

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