Just like any other good person with a sense of foresight, Rino decided to redeem his limited daily reward and save the remaining nine GF credits he had for other things.

He absolutely refused to buy that day off reward because it was such a rip-off.

There were a few more things he would like to accomplish at the edge of his kingdom before he moved to fulfil a more complicated role.

Despite implementing so many new things on this farm, Rino knew that this was far from his ideal kingdom. It had to be fully automated in all ways possible so that when he took the crown officially, the kingdom would run by itself. He did not really need a luxurious castle or fawning subjects. All he wanted was peace and quiet to do what he loved and be who he was without those false pretences that made him sick in his previous life.

The Gods would also probably want him to resolve some of this world's crisis, and Rino had yet to explore out of this area, too preoccupied with daily quests. Maybe he would save up enough GF for a splurge somewhere down the road. Even he needed holidays from time to time.

As his slaves worked hard, Rino decided to browse the shop in detail to look for what he wanted. There were still many hours before he could buy the next sleep reward. In the meantime, he could get a clue or two from the items in the Offering Reward Shop.

One thing clear from this offering exchange was that the Gods needed potatoes. If Rino was not mistaken, somewhere in this world, there was a famine, and the Gods could not produce enough miracles to provide them with relief.

However, he was curious if the Gods could transfer items from one part of the world to another at a lower cost than him. If they could do it without much consequence, why couldn't they give him more items as rewards? Those potato seeds had to be common enough and cheap enough for them to make it a redeemable reward in exchange for tools.

Thinking about it, the lich found it more puzzling. His farming tools were very basic. Why did the Gods want them? Surely they could not be more advanced than the inventions of this world, right?

He took a look at the reward shop screen before him, and the items in there made Rino very confused. Potatoes were common crops. He could understand the need for it to stop a famine. However, why would the Gods offer him seeds for magical plants? He had no interest in growing magical plants when he could harvest mana on his own using the World Tree. His powers were constantly growing even when he did nothing.

Take this item, for instance.


Item: Water Bell Flower

Cost: 1 GF

Qty: 100 seeds

Effect: Produces mana charged water. Consumes carcasses once every three days to produce mana charged water.


Rino did not know if he should call this a rip off. He had to exchange five hundred potatoes for this faulty flower that could only produce a trickle of what he could do with the World Tree's help once he had the mana web array created. There was no sense in sacrificing carcasses so carelessly for a few drops of mana charged water. Rino could put those carcasses to better use. He was always in need of more shadow slaves.

The Gods must be joking when they added this to the shopping catalogue.

The other items were similar. For instance, why would Rino need an axe made from mana steel when they were doing very well with stone axes and magic? Ever since Noir taught him how to enchant, Rino experimented with it on the side. There was an enchantment that could make things sharper. Coating common items so that their durability is preserved, they never lose their edges.

This tool with magical enchantment by Rino was more effective than a very expensive mana steel item that would wear and tear in time. Rino could make a cheap wooden spear with magic enchantments into a deadly one that could break mithril. The material did not matter when the magician casting the enchantment was this powerful.

Some other interesting things the Gods thought Rino might appreciate only made the lich feel mocked. There was a special night vision eye mask selling for five GF credits, and Rino wondered why they thought he would buy something that he could manufacture.

Besides, the shop did not have any other colour variation. The eye mask was orange, and if Rino did not know better by now, he would find a way to make it rain blood to heaven. The eye mask was stupid looking on top of that, and if it were up to Rino, the magician would have made that into an eyepatch instead. That way, he could see with one eye in the dark and one with complete clarity for faster reaction time with nobody wiser about its ability. It also gave him a very badass vibe, adding to his mystery. There was no doubt that his coolness factor would level up if he wore such an accessory, but Rino refused to spend five GF credits on something like that. It really was not worth two and a half thousand potatoes.

The only thing Rino wanted was the sleep reward, but the Gods were really cruel to make that an item with limited purchase and cooldown. What did they think he could possibly do with the extra sleep hours claimed with the daily sleep limit? Rino did not understand that. Couldn't they give him that satisfaction of hoarding sleep hours?

The second best thing in the shop was also the most expensive thing. Now that Rino spent one GF credit, he did not have enough to buy the day off token that would be immediately consumed upon failure to complete his daily quest within the stipulated time.

It wasn't very much a day off. It was more accurate to say that this was insurance against punishment, and Rino wished it never came to this. He deserved his holidays but not in this manner. It was simply too cruel to ask Rino to farm five thousand potatoes for one day off. That was as good as half the field he had now.

Hence, Rino concluded he could apply for an eternity of day offs that if he wanted unlimited GF credits to slack forever, the true way to do this was by farming more potatoes. Maybe if he converted the entire territory into a huge potato field, he could apply for an eternity of day offs.

The Gods should not protest if they allowed him to do something like that.

Up above, Ark paled. He turned to Ace and asked if there should be an offering limit.

Ace smirked. He figured something like this would happen and shrugged. "If you do, you're not giving him any space to breathe. He is not too far off from destroying this world with his powers if he knows how to use them correctly. I doubt even Noir could change his mind if you pull the noose too tightly."

Ark shuddered. Ever since Rino fused with the World Tree, they were very nervous. Should they make this dangerous lich angry, it might be the end of their Godhoods.

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