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Bob was a good guy. He had done everything you were supposed to do. He exercised, he kept to a healthy diet, he'd studied hard, gotten excellent grades, and was working towards his masters. Somehow, things just weren't working out for him like he'd been told they would. He was stuck in a thankless position, constantly passed over, and it seemed that the only being on earth that cared about him was his cat.
Then things got worse.
Never back a man into a corner unless you want to find out just how hard he can fight.
6 Latest Chapters
- Chapter Four Hundred and Forty. Alex?
- Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty-Nine. Politics are annoying, no matter the species.
- Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty-Eight. One problem at a time.
- Chapter error: Your access speed is too fast
- Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty-Seven. Cow level.
- Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty-Six. Setting the stage.
Chapter List
- Chapter Sixty-four. The dawning of the Feline Overlord Revolution.
- Chapter Sixty-five. Snow day.
- Chapter Sixty-Six. Plots and plans.
- Chapter Sixty-Seven. A new suit for Monroe.
- Chapter Sixty-Eight. A bit of Harv and Elli.
- Chapter One Hundred and Seventy. Compassion.
- Chapter One Hundred and Seventy-One. Convincing Arguments.
- Chapter One Hundred and Seventy-Two. First Recruitment.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty-Six. C-C-Changes.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty-Seven. Why Yes, Yorrick is Evil.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty-Eight. A recommendation of caution.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty-Nine. Evil be thou my good.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty. Crashing the Vacation.
- Chapter Three Hundred and Forty-Nine. Explanations and tasty treats.
- Chapter Three Hundred and Fifty. Long live the King.
- Chapter Three Hundred and Fifty-one. We’re doing this.
- Chapter Three Hundred and Fifty-two. How can I name it if I don’t know what’s in there.
- Chapter Eighteen. A harvest of Chitin.
- Chapter Nineteen. Descent.
- Chapter Twenty. Deeper.
- Chapter Twenty-one. Fucking Rats.
- Chapter Twenty-two. At level.
- Chapter Twenty Three. Bacon.
- Chapter Forty-Nine. Fuck the eighth level of the Dungeon.
- Chapter Fifty. Matrix Damage.
- Chapter Fifty-one. A different path.
- Chapter FIfty-two. Fun in the sun.
- Chapter Fifty-three. Thidwell might be evil.
- Chapter Fifty-four. Harv and Elli get what’s coming to them.
- Chapter Fifty-Five. It’s time.
- Chapter Fifty-Six. A path less traveled.
- Chapter Fifty-Seven. New Beginnings.
- Chapter Fifty-eight. Return to Baconville.
- Chapter Fifty-nine. Hard Truths.
- Chapter Eighty-nine. The rules.
- Chapter Ninety. Of course they’re made of lava.
- Chapter Ninety-one. Expedition.
- Chapter Ninety-two. Monroe’s Big Damn Adventure.
- Chapter Ninety-Three. Aftermath.
- Chapter Ninety-four. Watchers.