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Bob was a good guy. He had done everything you were supposed to do. He exercised, he kept to a healthy diet, he'd studied hard, gotten excellent grades, and was working towards his masters. Somehow, things just weren't working out for him like he'd been told they would. He was stuck in a thankless position, constantly passed over, and it seemed that the only being on earth that cared about him was his cat.
Then things got worse.
Never back a man into a corner unless you want to find out just how hard he can fight.
6 Latest Chapters
- Chapter Four Hundred and Forty. Alex?
- Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty-Nine. Politics are annoying, no matter the species.
- Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty-Eight. One problem at a time.
- Chapter error: Your access speed is too fast
- Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty-Seven. Cow level.
- Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty-Six. Setting the stage.
Chapter List
- Chapter Ninety-five. A real party.
- Chapter Ninety-six. A weary Bob.
- Chapter Ninety-seven. Average Advice.
- Chapter Ninety-Eight. Winter Wolves.
- Chapter Ninety-Nine. Putting in some work.
- Chapter One Hundred. Two Meetings, and a change of meat.
- Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Eight. Tier Six.
- Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Nine. Help.
- Chapter One Hundred and Thirty. Eddi FTW.
- Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-one. A conversation with Thidwell.
- Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Two. Crystals and Dungeons.
- Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Three. Ritual Magic.
- Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Four. Putting the Magic into Ritual Magic.
- Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Five. First Floor.
- Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Six. Building a barracks.
- Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Seven. Going back.
- Chapter One Hundred and Sixty-Four. Responsibilities.
- Chapter One Hundred and Sixty-Five. Logistics.
- Chapter One Hundred and Sixty-Six. Mistakes in the making, and those already made.
- Chapter One Hundred and Sixty-seven. Going Native.
- Chapter One Hundred and Sixty-Eight. The Ever Victorious Legion of the Light.
- Chapter One Hundred and Sixty-Nine. Revelations.
- Chapter One Hundred and Seventy-Three. Acceleration.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Two. A lot can happen in two weeks.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Three. Uncomfortable Meetings.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Four. Briefing the Summit.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Five. Evidence and Ideas.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Six. Somebody else’s problem.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Seven. Introspection, and the ramifications of an out-of-control barbie.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Eight. The first Aussie Dungeon.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Nine. Flirtations and the theory of Chaos.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Ten. God Save the Queen.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Eleven. Kitty camouflage and perfectly foreseeable consequences.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Twelve. Checking progress.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Thirteen. Adding to the Guard.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Fourteen. Everyday Heroes.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Fifteen. Sometimes Progress is rough.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Sixteen. Royals & Rulers.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Seventeen. A display of Skill.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Eighteen. Magical Discourses.