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Bob was a good guy. He had done everything you were supposed to do. He exercised, he kept to a healthy diet, he'd studied hard, gotten excellent grades, and was working towards his masters. Somehow, things just weren't working out for him like he'd been told they would. He was stuck in a thankless position, constantly passed over, and it seemed that the only being on earth that cared about him was his cat.
Then things got worse.
Never back a man into a corner unless you want to find out just how hard he can fight.
6 Latest Chapters
- Chapter Four Hundred and Forty. Alex?
- Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty-Nine. Politics are annoying, no matter the species.
- Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty-Eight. One problem at a time.
- Chapter error: Your access speed is too fast
- Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty-Seven. Cow level.
- Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty-Six. Setting the stage.
Chapter List
- Chapter Two Hundred and Nineteen. Elli meets Henry.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty. The nature of magic, and the magic of nature.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty-One. Thidwell is not evil.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty-Two. Complications.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty-Three. Discussions with Trebor.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty-Four. Dragon Revenue Service.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty-Five. Hiding places and hiding secrets.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty-Six. You had to have seen that coming.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty-Seven. Achievements.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty-Eight. None of this is Bob’s fault.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty-Nine. The world moves forward, even without you being involved.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty. Benevolent Kindness.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty-One. That’s a big fuckin’ hole.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty-Two. Noble Greed.
- Two Hundred and Thirty-Three. No quarter.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty-Four. Agreements.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty-Five. An unexpected reunion.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty-Six. Pausing for a breather.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty-Seven. Family.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty-Eight. Harvest.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty-Nine. Someone to blame.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Forty. Catching up.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Forty-One. Deliveries and cautions.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Forty-Two. Prepping for a well earned vacation.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Forty-Three. Vacations.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Forty-Four. Dinner and metaphysics.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Forty-Five. Beautiful Vistas.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Forty-Six. Cultural differences.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Forty-Seven. Putting the children in timeout.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Forty-Eight. The illusion of choice.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Forty-Nine. I’m not telling him.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty. This is why we hide.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty-One. Snowflakes and long-term storage.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty-Two. Surfs up!
- Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty-Three. Hawaii.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty-four. Not a Demon, rather a Saint.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty-Five. Dangers of Travel, and Spring in Paris.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty-One. Discoveries and the satisfaction of a Job finished.
- Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty-Two. Come on over to the Dark Side. We have cookies!
- Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty-Three. Revelations.