Chapter 4167: Destination

Chapter 4167: Destination


I stepped out of the abode and flew up before gathering the spatial power and moving ahead.

I was nervous and wanted to hide in my abode.

The fear is justified. I am going to the place where there is a huge chance. That I would die or get captured, even after all the preparations, I could be found out.

Still, I needed to get out of here and make an identity that was legit.

I am going to need it for the outside world because unlike Sky Sovereigns. The primes are few; it would be quite easy to find out I am not the person I am claiming it.

That is what I want to play on.

I can not use others' identities. Having a brand new one makes sense.

The identity needs to be unsuspecting. I need to be something that would prevent them from suspecting me of being Micheal Zaar.

It is hard, but I have a plan for that. I would need to get into that place.

To get into it, I would need to pass through the compound, which is what I am scared about, but no matter how scared I am, I will have to do it.

The tide took me further and further.

When it stopped, I gathered it again and moved with it. To keep my mind off the worries I am having.


I stopped and sent my soul waves. Sensing the threat immediately.

A prime had noticed me and coming toward me. She is coming fast.

Seeing that, I gathered the space wave fast and moved.

I stopped as the wave lost its power. I felt her immediately.

Seeing that, I gathered the wave again, and waited till she arrives, to make the wave stronger before moving.

I could hear the faint curse, but I didn't care.

I need to run away from her. I had felt her power, and I was not her match. The difference is big enough that she might be able to kill me if I didn't use my trump cards.

So, I moved as fast as I could. Pushed the waves, as I had never could.

Still, the wave lost power eventually, and I stopped. Three and a half seconds later, I had sensed her, I had sensed her again and moved, releasing the wave.

'I need to move fast,' I thought, and I moved my power to do what I had never done before.

I had tried but didn't succeed, but I have to, or that woman will have me. She really wanted to kill me; I could feel her burning, killing intent.

I moved, creating one wave after another, but she followed me. Coming too close.

So, I tried to make the tide powerful while traveling it, but it was extremely hard. One wrong move, and I will collapse the tide. I am moving.

I did that just as I thought that and immediately gathered another wave and moved.

It is a good thing she didn't have enough control over the waves, or it would have been terrible. I wouldn't have been able to run away; I am right now.

Minutes passed, and I continued running. Many times, I abruptly stopped as the wave collapsed, but I kept running.

Stopping isn't an option, as I have. I have to keep running till I reach my destination. Minutes passed and turned into an hour. She was still chasing me, and now her fury had increased to such that there was no way I could survive her.

She wants to kill me and see if there is a fight. I will need to use my trump cards from the beginning.


I cursed suddenly and moved with the wave as I sensed her attack and the space it affected.

I moved away before it could reach me. Once it did, I would have needed to collapse the wave, or it could have sent me anywhere.

I didn't have enough control to steer the wave through such turbulence.

I don't know why she is chasing me. However, the most obvious reason seemed to be ego, and

I hope that is all this is and not related to me.

If it is, then I will be walking into the jaws of death.

I pushed those thoughts away and focused on the wave I was riding. It is getting weaker.

Once again, I pushed my power to strengthen it. At the same time, I had prepared myself for the collapse that happened so many times.


A surprise appeared in my eyes when I saw that the wave didn't collapse.

Instead, it had strengthened. It was by a fraction, but it strengthened, and that made my face lit up. It was the first time I did that.

I wanted to try immediately, but I waited.

A few seconds later, my clone informed me how I had got, and I tried again.

Immediately, the wave collapsed.

It disappointed me, but I acted immediately. Created a new wave and shot forward the moment. I sensed her stopping and launching her attack.

I waited for a few seconds before I tried again. Readying myself for the collapse, but I


I tried again and succeeded and succeeded then again before failing and collapsing the wave. I began to build the new waves and moved with it as she appeared.

I continued to succeed and fail.

The rate of failure begins to increase as I begin to understand the process.

Over half an hour later, the failure rate had decreased so much that I hadn't failed in the seven


I was able to continue for another nine minutes before I failed and collapsed the tide, but I immediately built another one and moved with it.

This time, when I failed. It was twenty-three minutes later.

I thought it would take me months or even years to learn it, but with my life in danger. I learned it within hours.

I failed again.

This time, I had lasted for nearly forty minutes before continuing and stopping nineteen minutes later, and not because I failed, but because I had reached my destination.

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