Chapter 4223 Attacking The Queen II

Chapter 4223 Attacking The Queen II

Soon, we stopped as we reached the queen. It is standing on a round stone platform, which is covered in the nine gems.

'It's different, said Horyvos with his voice shaking in fear. "Yes, I replied.

The queen is different and a lot more terrifying.

It had a dark green body and was taller than its drone. It has two legs instead of four and an extra-long torso. Its hands are not bladed but claws with long, sharp nails.

Like its drones, the most terrifying part of it is its head. It's long, and unlike its drone, there is a mouth.

It is close, and I don't want to see what's inside it.

It turned as it looked at all four groups. It raised all the hair on my body because I knew despite not having the eyes. It could see better than me.

I felt it, looking at my weakest spots. I wanted to cover them, but stopped.

Though, I could see Horyvos doing that.

"Attack!" roared Prime Ora and the other three group leaders and moved toward the queen.


The queen screamed immediately with a soul attack. It was painful, but I bore it and looked at its long, sharp, jagged, dark blue teeth that would be able to tear through anything.

At that same moment, the platform lit up, and the drones began to appear.

'Realm storage!' said Prime Ora, not surprised, but not liking it either.

Killing the queen would be far from easy.

The information had said it had the realm, and it does. Now, it is bringing out drones, hundreds of them.

Within a second. The queen disappeared among them.

'Fuck!' cursed Prime Vratis, but I could sense him attacking others, including Prime Ora and Horyvos.

I didn't attack. Instead, I brought out the shields. Two remained beside me while one moved toward the Horyvos.

He looked in surprise but nodded.

I am not doing this because I care about him, but because. I need to protect him to better defend against the tide and also the queen.

With us being the two of us. It gives the queen more options to attack.

Burst 75%.

It took barely a second for the drone to come at us, and I attacked with the power of the burst coursing through me.

Puch CLANNG Puch!

My sword went for the kill while my shields defended me from the attacks.

I targeted the heads, chests, and torse. Their three weakest points before pulling them inside my core.

Though here, I didn't hesitate to split them in two. I am doing it with every fifth, and this time, it is not for the show.

I need to because targeting weak points wastes a precious fraction of a second. Doing that here is a death sentence.

We are moving fast, killing them even faster, but despite that. The numbers aren't lessening. Instead, they have increased, and now they have covered us from all directions.

I killed one drone after another when suddenly, I looked back and saw the queen appearing behind Prime Ora.

It was fully silent. One moment, there was nothing, the next moment, it was there. The attack was so fast that it was a blur to me. It was also silent as its presence. Not even creating friction as it moved. As everything got absorbed by the mist.


A deafening clang rang out, and a shockwave was created. It was so powerful that the mist wasn't able to absorb it before it had reached me.

The shockwave hit me and pushed me back and drones around me.

Those drones attacked even them, thankfully. My clones had calculated its effects, and

I was able to adjust to it and defend and kill the drones while I took a step back.

However, there was a cost.

Law power.

Prime had absorbed and neutralized, but some had hit me. I quickly moved to deal with myself.

'Maintaining some distance with Prime Ora would be wise, said Horyvos.

You are right, but don't move too far. We might not be able to help you if the queen attacked, replied Prime Vratis.

Seeing the speed of the queen, We would need to be really close to them to help us, if the queen come for us.

Earlier, we were close, even so, if the queen had attacked us. I don't think Prime Ora would have been able to help us defend against it with the power she is projecting. The queen disappeared right after the attack, and its next target was Prime Rockpike. She had defended but got attacked again with the queen appearing in front of her. This time, she was barely able to do that.

She disappeared and attacked Prime Vratis before returning to Prime Ora.

The queen is fast and powerful.

From what I have seen so far. Only Prime Ora seemed to be dealing with it, well. She is the only one who doesn't shake or take a step back.


Once more, it appeared, and this time, she was ready and was able to defend herself well, but she tried to attack, the queen had disappeared.

'We have to clear the clutter fast,' said Prime Vratis.

It is directed at us. The queen is targeting them. They need to be ready for it. This

means the responsibility to deal with them fell on us.

It is not easy; more are coming out of the disks. They are coming out faster, and we

are killing them.

Seeing that, I increased my speed even further.

A few seconds later, one drone appeared in front of me, with its blade reaching inches

away from me.

A concentrated bolt of heat shot into the drone. Frying away its brain.

Killing it.

It didn't take long for another one to reach me, and I killed it the same way. The third

one was a lot, but it understood, I could also shoot these beams through my shield.

I continued killing them, but soon, my expressions turned bad. What I had been expected to happen had happened.

The more powerful drones have started to come out of it. They have appeared much sooner than I thought, they would.

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