Chapter 4228 Death of Queen

Chapter 4228 Death of Queen

The queen had burned its essence. Bursting out with the terrifying power.

But as it happened, all the formations lit up, while my strings had been rearranged to restrict it perfectly tightened it further.


It screamed with a powerful soul attack. I didn't try to block it all.

It would kill me if I did. So, I blocked as much as I could and let the others handle the rest.

The primes were prepared, and they bore it, but not perfectly. Two had fallen to their knees, and the queen went for them, but Prime Vratis and Ora stopped it.

It tried again, but they stopped it again and again.

The others got used to the soul attacks and joined the battle while I delicately maintained my strings.

They are on the verge of breaking.

I am constantly manipulating them. So, they wouldn't break, and the queen seemed to have a sense that, and now it is trying to break it.

Seconds passed, and the queen got better, but the Primes had also started to push themselves harder.

The battle is near the end, and since the queen had burned its essence. It is on a tight schedule to end it. If it continues for a long, it will be one who will die.


Another group of the strongest came, and I was relieved that their numbers weren't as high as before.

As of right now, we can not expect any help from the Prime. They had said so.

Eleven of them had come out, and five were coming toward me. These five know about my strategy, but that won't help them.

They came at me from all directions, with three forwards and two more behind them. As they did, the attacks of the clutter intensified further. I killed anything that came at me before pulling them into my storage.

Soon, the three came mixing with clutter. As they did, my first shield turned to the dome, and the second one split into three like before.

I looked at the clutter and released the heat bolts.


The three attacked, and I defended before killing them one by one and pulling them into my core.

The moment I finished. I turned to the two who had been attacking the dome. I didn't. turn my shields into the dome again and killed them.

It just took a few seconds longer, but it's fine.

Using the done would have increased the strain on me, which is already intense, seeing there is another sphere active.


I was dead tired, but I moved, cutting through the drones. Horyvos is in trouble; three have gone toward him, and the only reason he was standing.

Seeing he won't be able to handle the three. I had protected him with a drone.

He is barely standing, with injuries all over his body. If not for the dome, he would have died. One had already died a few seconds ago.

The other survived because they received help.


I had fought them, and several seconds later, I finished killing them before turning the dome back into the shield.

He nodded and began cutting the drones. There is no time for words.


Second, passed when the thing I had been expecting happened. The drones stopped coming out; they had reached the end.

'I thought there was no end to them,' said Romla, the relief palpable in her voice.

I am feeling relieved, too, and begin to kill the drones with greater intensity.

Their numbers begin to lessen with every second, and it begins to affect the queen. It knew that once, we might go at her.

Our strength might be much, but we might still be able to help some.


It is why it begins to make them self-destruct. Forcing everyone to use their strongest defensive abilities.

Even with that, it had seriously injured many.


That is also when I noticed something in the queen. is planning an escape.

The reaction was faint, and I had discovered it because of my string, but I amplified it through my strings for the Primes to discover.

'It is planning to escape,' warned Prime Ora.

There are a couple of ways it would try to escape. Some are really hard to stop; it is why I started to make my own preparations.


Nearly a minute passed when a powerful explosion rang out. It was so powerful that it had blasted the Primes while seriously injuring some of them.

Even me, who standing quite a distance away. Nearly got thrown away.

At that exact moment, it had cast its escape. Seven tiny four legs things moved in seven different directions at an incredibly fast speed.

This is the queen. It had divided itself into seven parts and was now trying to escape.

They are fast and silent, but only for a fraction of a second before they become faintly visible.

Like it is natural.

I could have made them more visible, but I had already taken a lot of risks in this battle, and I didn't want to do more.

I looked at seven moving in different directions, with one toward me. It is no accident.

I am manipulating it to move toward me.

Unlike the queen. These are parts of her who couldn't think. They are more like drones.

They act on the last order of their complete self.

It was so fast that it appeared in front of me in a moment. I acted surprised and pulled my swords down with everything I had.


It avoided my first sword and the second one, but the one pierced through it.

Seeing that smile appear on my face, I pulled it into my core. When suddenly, I turned pale and collapsed with my aura going haywire.

"Arys!" said Horyvos as he appeared beside me, but I didn't respond.

He called me a few more times before he fed me potions and called the Primes.


I kept on with my act, but inside, I was burning with joy.

Because it is not roots that moved toward the part of the queen, no, for the first time since I made a breakthrough.

It is runes.

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