Chapter 2: Vampire

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Huang felt his heart beat faster and faster as he entered Lin Xin’s room.

The light in her room was switched on and he saw a young, muscular man halfway into her room. He must have crept in from the broken window. He held Lin Xin’s foot and a blurred sound echoed from his mouth.This content belongs to, if the content is missing please go to website to read the full content

Lin Xin quickly hid behind the head of her bed, her feet was just a few centimeters from that scary being.

She was horrified! She cried and her body was shivering. She was too frightened to even think of running away.

Lin Huang then looked up to the man. He had red hair, his chin and clothes were covered in blood.

What caught Lin Huang’s attention was his eyes, it was bloody red. Lin Huang was numb, for a second, he thought that the man could just be a vampire.

He looked around Lin Xin’s room and noticed her school bag at the left side of the door. Fearful, he flung the school bag at the ‘man’s direction.

The vampire’s senses were quick to act, he immediately grabbed it, tore it apart.

In that short distraction, Lin Huang ran to the bed, carried Lin Xin and sprinted out of the room. Just when they thought they were safe, Lin Xin screamed to the top of her lungs. Lin Huang turned around to see the vampire’s vein-bulging arm on Lin Xin’s left foot.

“Close your eyes!”, Lin Huang instructed.

Lin Xin immediately did as she was told. Lin Huang saw a lamp near the bed, picked it up and smashed the vampire’s arm with full force.

The light bulb of the lamp was made of white light stone which will release high temperature light if broken. It was a cheap but extremely dangerous. The rich would never trust such a lamp but now, it was indeed a life-saver.

The light bulb of the lamp broke once it hit the vampire’s arm and a strong white light filled the room. The broken white light stone released an unbearable heat that caused the vampire to groan and let go of Lin Xin’s foot.

In reality, the septic divisor was poisonous to most organisms with flesh, included us humans. As soon as it contaminated a wound, it would penetrate into the organism’s blood circulatory system and kill red blood cells. It was sold at pharmacies and some hunters used them to soak their weapons.

The septic divisor had the perfect repression effect on vampires as it would cut open the blood layer on their body if they touched a weapon soaked in septic divisor. The would cause the vampire’s body to rot and without an antidote, it would melt to the ground within three hours.

However, the septic divisor was not cheap. Even a licensed hunter would think twice before using it generously – only in times of emergency.

Lin Huang’s savings was not enough for him to buy one.

While he was struggling with his thoughts, his ring began vibrating again.

“I am hunter Li Lang, I assume you asked for help to be sent. What happened?” A matured but young voice sounded from the rescue line across him.

“My home is being attacked by a vampire…” just as Lin Huang finished his sentence, he heard a loud thud. Then, a shadow leaped from the second floor and appeared not far away from him.

“I’ve set the location on my ring, please hurry!” With that, he hung up the phone.

He needed to focus on defeating a 10-time-stronger enemy standing in front of his face.

“Bang… Bang… Bang…”

Heavy footsteps walked towards him and he could barely make out the being in front of him due to the dust in the air. When it disappeared, he starred right into the vampire’s red eyes which was also targeting him.

Lin Huang felt a rush of goosebumps.

In a split second, the vampire’s focus shifted to the direction of the bathroom. He could smell the odor of the prey that he was hunting. The prey was just behind the door, it was a delicious and irresistible fragrant to him. He was drooling, all the way from his chin to the floor.

The vampire immediately ran in the direction of the bathroom, ignoring Lin Huang.

Lin Huang mustered his courage and yelled “Hey, did you forget something?” at the vampire while he tossed the knife onto the vampire’s body!

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