Chapter 46: The Fourth Line of Defense

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After he turned off his communication page, Lin Huang turned pale with fear. What he predicted would happen had finally happened…

He then led the young men towards the canyon mouth. On the way, everyone was quiet and held their heads as they walked.

They arrived at the canyon mouth about half an hour later.

Lin Huang could see from afar that the 10-kilometer long canyon mouth was blocked off by giant stones but there was still two to three kilometers left unprotected. His heart dropped when he saw that the gap was much bigger than he expected.

What he estimated was that they could block the gap until it was only a few hundred meters wide. He plan was to minimize the possibility of the monsters coming in, as well as funnel them to a single point of which they would focus their attacks to slaughter the monsters.

However, they did not have enough time. Before they could finish their line of defense, the outbreak of monsters had happened.

The gap that was three kilometers long was attacked by countless ferocious monsters.

The residents who were moving the giant rocks retreated under the cover of the hunters.

The war has started. Residents would be targeted by the monsters if they stayed.

Aside from the hunters that were brought by Yi Yeyu, all the hunters who did not leave the foothold joined in the battle.

However, the number of hunters were far too few as compared to the number of monsters.

The 1,000 or so hunters would die of exhaustion if they continued. Under Yi Zheng’s orders, they formed several defensive formations.

The first line would consist of the 20 Gold Hunters. They were dressed in armor which were at least gold-level and some even used relics.

As long as their Life Power was not drained, iron-level and bronze-level monsters would not stand a chance against them.This content belongs to, if the content is missing please go to website to read the full content

The 20 of them stood around 100 meters apart from each other.

They were positioned at the location which was supposed to be blocked by the giant rocks and killed every monster that came at them.

Many of the monsters were bewildered while some of them were alert to the danger of the experienced hunters.

Sensing the powerful group of people, the monsters rushed to make it through the gaps between the hunters.

The last line might seem far away from the action, but it’s the most important one of them all. If it is broken, the lives of the 200,000 residents will be at risk. If the first three lines of defense cannot handle the monsters, they could always leave it to the hunters behind them but not us. So our responsibility is the most crucial!”

Hearing what Lin Huang said, the young men thought it made sense and they were ready to fight yet again.

However, Lin Huang was laughing on the inside. “These dummies are so easily manipulated,” he thought.

He knew what Yi Yeyu and Yi Zheng were thinking.

They did not care if there was a fourth line of defense at all. What they really wanted was all the monsters dead by the time they reached the third line of defense.

Lin Huang and the gang were just there for show.

For such a major battle like this crowd of monsters, it was better to have fewer humans in the picture.

Therefore, there would have to be accurate rotations for each line. If one went wrong, the entire defense system would collapse.

Although, Yi Yeyu obviously would not put Lin Huang and the rest of his team into the lines.

If something went wrong, they would put everybody’s lives at risk.

Lin Huang knew very well what the problem was on his team.

His team’s ability was unstable. Their discipline was weak and conformity was much worse as compared to the professional hunters.

Their mentality and ability to handle pressure were uncertain too.

Even if Lin Huang was to lead the battle, he would not have put his team in a major role against an enemy like the monsters that were attacking.

So he was at peace with the arrangement.

To him, it was best that the third line of defense handle all the monster attacks so that he did not have to do anything within the next two days.

Then when the human transcendent arrived, he would kill the transcendent monster and the incident would be over.

Lin Huang was optimistic but things did not go the way he had hoped.

In less than an hour, as Lin Huang and the gang stood a few hundred meters from the north of the third defense line, an uproar broke out.

A couple of monsters broke through the third defense line and stampeded towards the foothold…

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