Chapter 179: Groot

"Oh OK I will surely look into your movies later." she replied. The Nova Prime had also said that they forwarded video evidence to Kree Empire and showed how Ronan attacked the kyln prison and even showed them Victor easily defeating Ronan and sparing him.

"I hope this will stop the Kree from their underhanded tactics." She said.

"If only it was that easy." John said as he knew Ronan wouldn't stop.

"I presume you all are very tired with all this. I won't hold you. You can take rest. There will be a banquet for you all tonight. Hope you all will join it." She said while leaving.

"Sure. We will be there." John said. They too returned home after that. Rocket was still pretty much shaken after all of this and he kept asking Victor about his cybernetic enhancements as he was dreaming of using them on himself later. Victor had to basically run away from Rocket to stop answering him.

Meanwhile the story of Quill and his smaller gang continued. He went to Nowhere to sell off the orb but it didn't go as it was planned. They went to collector to sell if off. Tivan, the collector was pretty much pumped up for the power stone but it turned out to be a huge embarrassment as the whole orb was fake.

Peter and others were taken aback, they had gone through so much just to realize that the whole orb was a fake one. Drax on the other hand got bored out of all this and sent a signal to Ronan about their position.

Ronan did come after that and as the story should have gone, Drax assaulted directly after he came out and he was easily tossed away by Ronan. He was very much in bad mood so he beat down Drax more harshly than he should have and threw him to a water pod.

Ronan after beating Drax down went to search for Gamora with Nebula. They soon found them and confronted. But when she said the orb was a fake one, he didn't believe them and immediately attacked.

And thus the fight ensued between Peter and Gamora against Ronan and Nebula. After exchanging few punches Quill understood they needed to run away as they would be out numbered. So with Gamora they ran straight to their ship to escape.

But this was where the story again took a major turn. When John later came to know what happened in Nowhere he was more surprised, because an old acquaintance of him showed up.


Now a proper recruit of Green Lantern corps.

Nowhere belonged to his sector and since the ring gave him the information of an illegal attack in Nowhere he came to see what was going on. Groot who just reached Nowhere saw everything and understood that that he alone wouldn't be enough to stop Ronan. Even though he was a green lantern he was still new and he couldn't make huge objects from his ring and cut down spaceships.

He flew to Drax, Gamora and Peter to rescue them. Though he wasn't sure why Ronan was after them but being a green lantern he needed to save them. He directly used his ring to take him to their spaceship.

And thus with the help of Groot all three were able to escape with their Milano spaceship. The Dark Aster couldn't travel as fast as Milano so they were able to escape.

Now Quill and others were amazed by this new power shown by Groot. Since Groot couldn't talk he couldn't explain his powers to them. Groot also understood that they couldn't run away from Ronan as that was not the way of the lanterns and he needed help but he was too shy and embarrassed to ask the help of other lanterns in his fast mission and like him all the lanterns were just new recruits.

They needed a professional help and only one person could help them. Rocket. So using the Milano he directly contacted Rocket. Rocket who was chilling at the home of John after having a huge banquet with Nova Prime was woken up by the call.

"Hey Groot. Where are you? I have been dying alone. Wait who are these people? Gamora? What are you doing with them?" Rocket asked as he saw their faces in the video call.

"I am Groot... I am Groot.. I am Groot." Groot said.

"Hmm.. I understand. Bring them here to Xandar. We will handle Ronan. Peter and others have already been set free by the Nova Prime so you three don't have to worry. Xandar will be perfectly safe for you." Rocket said.

John on the other hand got a call from Sasuke narrating him what had happened. Sasuke was supposed to intervene between them but after the emergence of Groot he kept himself in the shadows.

"Wow so the lantern corps are online. I hope there won't be many deaths in the beginning for them."


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