Chapter 360: Aftermath

John took the egg and placed it inside his vault. That would be the safest place to keep the egg. John was excited. He, being chosen as the host of Phoenix Force was a huge thing. He basically would be an actual God.

A God that had omnipotence (universal level) and had almost unlimited life force. John was now thanking his stars for choosing Marco's power when the first update came for him. He always had a liking for Phoenix and now he would have the actual Phoenix Force. He couldn't wait for the egg to hatch. He was sure that his Phoenix power was why the Phoenix Force chose him as the next host.

And this would be his another weapon against Black Winter. As John was day dreaming, he felt a change in reality.

Even though he wasn't a mutant, the reality didn't actually affect him like it did to others. Him being the Lord of Order played its part as Wanda was on the side of Chaos.

"So the story did actually happen as it was supposed to be. Now the retaliation of humans is going to come. That will be fun to watch. Let's see how everything will unfold." John mumbled as he vanished from his place.

He was back in New York, where everything seemed normal but he knew it wasn't. The general public had the previous memories where some were mutants among them. Even though they didn't know why there were memories of an alternate world they knew for sure that the memories were real.

They saw how the humans were dominated by the higher species. And as expected most of them didn't like it. The feeling of being oppressed. John knew that this silence from the people would slowly erupt.

He just wanted to see how far it goes.

Due to Scarlet Witch's words only 198 mutants remained now (yes that was the actual number of mutants left after she said those words in the comics). Some still had the powers like Scott, Emma, Logan, Nightcrawler etc. But many lost too and one of them was Magneto.

Erik had lost the power to manipulate magnetic fields. He was de-powered. He was now on the streets going insane due to his loss. Being in such a high position for such a long time can change the personality when that same person hits rock bottom.

Two weeks went by as John roamed around the city and the world. All the people could talk about were the memories they got and many of them outright spoke badly about the mutants. Since they saw what a huge number of mutants could cause, many were advocating the death of them all.

John shook his head as he saw all of this. Even though he felt sad about it, there was nothing he could change. All he wanted to know was how The Avengers would react. He wanted to see their response and he kept an eye on all of them.

Tony Stark, Captain America ( He wasn't in the previous fight as his greatest wish was to grow old, Wanda fulfilled that but after 'no more mutants' he was back. Oh yes Wolverine got all the memories. The memories that he had lost in all those long years of brainwashing.), Doctor Strange and other major members of the Avengers.

The mutants all over the world were hunted down by people and small terrorist organizations that had popped up in order to exterminate the last of their kind. John saw all of this but didn't help. And as expected soon an Avenger's meeting was called after seeing all the unrest around.

All showed up in Stark Tower. This was the headquarters of the Avengers. Steve Rogers, Tony, Peter Parker, Doctor Strange, Reed Richards, Emma, Scott, Ms. Marvel and other people showed up for the meeting.

This meeting would be the factor to decide if the Avengers would interfere in all of this. And John was also there, hidden. He wanted to see what their decision would be.

"We need your help. The mutants are in a dire situation. Please help us." Scott said a sad tone at the table. All sat around with their faces looking grave.

"Even if you can't help us in a frontal way, at least condemn the people who attack the mutants. I understand that not all of the mutants belong to X - men and some belong to the Brotherhood too but in the end they weren't killers." Emma said.

"They were just fighting for their rights. And now Erik is no longer in the scene. They have become headless flies. We need the help of the Avengers." She pleaded.

"We need to help them." Steve said in a serious tone.

"You are the one to talk, Steve. If we do this, everything that we have built, the reputation that we have will just come crumbling down." Tony said.


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