Multiverse of Marvel

Chapter 533: Home of Peter Parker

Chapter 533: Home of Peter Parker

It was the Earth of Andrew's Spiderman. That was why the Rhino was so ridiculous. (as it was in the movies. Though in comics I find him ridiculous too. One of the worst spiderman villains for me but he does have a compelling storyline)

Peter's spider senses went off after the metal armor of Rhino fell off. He turned his head and looked at the trio. He saw an old man in a wheelchair, a teenager and an old man standing beside her. His spider senses told him that this sudden stop of the fight was because of the old man standing among the trio.

He wanted to go and talk to them but he hesitated. Andrew knew if he approached them in public it might garner attention to them and he didn't want that. Gwen had already died and he didn't want more death just because Spiderman approached a person because his spider senses told him so.

He looked at them for a second and then used his web sling to swing away among all the cheers and shouts of the people.

"He noticed us." Charles said.

"Are you sure?" Erik said as he was surprised

"Yeah. His powers might not be just super strength." Charles said as he was thinking.

"This is interesting. We need to go to his place and learn more about this world." Chavez said.

They took a taxi to the house of Peter Parker. It was fortunate that the currency was the same as that of their Earth so it wasn't a hassle reaching his home. The home was a typical single piece of house in Queens. Erik and the duo went up and rang the bell.

A woman of almost the same age as Erik and Charles opened the door.


"Hello Madam, Is Peter at home?" Erik asked in a polite tone.

"Peter. Yeah he is upstairs. Let me call him... PETER... PETER... Some people have come to meet you." the woman screamed. She was the famous Aunt May of Peter.

Peter was really at home as it was a holiday and he didn't have to go to work today so it was lucky that the trio found him at home. After a minute Peter finally came down from his room and when he saw the trio standing outside the door, he shuddered.

He didn't expect to see them again outside his own home. From the looks of them he could already infer that his cover has been blown. He thought hard but he couldn't find when he had shown his face to them.

Then came the dilemma if these three were good or bad. Though this old man had helped him in dealing with Rhino, he wasn't sure if they came with good intentions.

"PETER.. Are you in there?" Aunt May screamed again to bring Peter to reality.

"Yeah yeah.. Yeah they are my professors and they came to ask about the project I have been working on recently. Professor, was the equation I gave not good enough?" Peter said. Aunt May found it odd with the explanation of them being professors but she didn't think much and said.

"It was great but Charles here wanted to discuss more on the equation and maybe find out more on the theory which we discussed before." Erik said as he pointed at Charles, going on with the lie that Peter just conjured up.

"Ahh... Your professors!! Come in .. Come in.. I am sorry I am an old lady so I am still hesitant to let people inside. Please come in. I will make some snacks while you all discuss the project." Aunt May said as she invited them in.

"Its alright madam. We look like gangsters anyway." Erik jokes. Though this was sarcasm, Aunt May too laughed at it. The trio came and sat on the sofa. The home wasn't too big and Charles couldn't go upstairs with his wheelchair so they had to make do on the family room itself.

After Aunt went to the kitchen, Andrew's sweet smile vanished and he looked at them seriously and asked.

"Who are you and what do you want?"

"Mr. Parker. I am Erik Lehnsherr. This is Charles Xavier and she is America Chavez. We have come here to ask for help and possibly get some answers." Erik spoke up and introduced themselves.

"Hello but how do you know my name? And presuming you are here because of another identity, how did you come to know of it?" Peter asked as that was his main question. He needed answers of how his identity got exposed. Charles replied this time

"I am sorry Mr. Parker, we know of your identity and location because I peeped into your mind. You see… like you… we too have powers. I am a telepath, Erik here can manipulate magnetic fields and Miss Chavez here umm.. Well her powers are related to space and time."

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