Mushoku Tensei

Volume 21 11 — Results of Obligation

Volume 21 Chapter 11 - Results of Obligation

Part 1

Afterwards, a contract was written.

Let's take a moment to summarize it.

The full picture.

The Miko was safe thanks to Rudeus.

The Milis religious community was held responsible for the incident.

The church shouldered the responsibility, and proclaimed that they would fully cooperate with Dragon God Orsted and Rudeus Greyrat, and, moreover, support them.

There was no formal decision regarding the treatment of the demon race, that was left as a legal question to be settled at a later time.

It was that kind of thing.

The two principal offenders, the Pope and the Cardinal, naturally signed the contract.

The cold sweat running down the Cardinal's forehead was really cute.

The Miko was returned in exchange for the contract.

As for the parties responsible, it was decided that a trial would be held at a later date in order to have them take full responsibility for this incident.

I don't know how that will turn out, the Cardinal might flee before receiving his sentence.

Well, tracking people down is part of my job description.

If they're not one of Hitogami's lackeys, then they're just a minor nuisance.

Even if the Cardinal was taken out of the picture, the Expulsion Faction wouldn't disappear.

For the time being, everything has worked out.

The incident has been resolved.

Part 2

Afterwards, Zenith, Cliff, and I returned to the house.

On the way back, Cliff sighed and apologized.


I looked back at him, puzzled.

"What's this, suddenly?"

"If you think about it, this kidnapping incident originated from my careless remarks.

Even though we reached a good resolution,

Taking credit for that would just be self-important lip service, I felt like I was just blundering about."

"I suppose."

It wasn't really like that though.

You acted following your beliefs, argued without reserve, and led us to that good resolution.

It's the usual Cliff-senpai.

"I'm not worried about it, we can reflect on this matter and make use of it next time."

"Ah, yes."

Cliff shrugged… Normally, in Cliff's position, someone would be more worried about their own situation.

Wendy was waiting for us when we arrived home.

Only Wendy.

"Ah, welcome back."

I suddenly started to worry about Aisha and Gisu, they're safe right?

While we were drawing up the contract, I asked the Cardinal and the Temple Knights but they just responded with [We don't know.]

Are they busy preparing some sort of trump card, or…

"Aisha-san, Gisu-san, it's safe!"

My worries were groundless.

Two people came out from under the floor.

"Phew, welcome home, Oniichan… and Zenith-okaasan."

The two of them let out a sigh of relief.

Hearing their circumstances,

Apparently Claire and Carlyle left for the religious headquarters early this morning, and after learning that, they immediately set out to inform me.

But, it was already too late.

By the time they arrived at the headquarters, the Temple Knights had already begun to move.

I had already moved to make contact with Therese, and Claire was already inside the headquarters.

With all these pieces moving, they knew something must have happened.

Thinking that, they remembered my instructions, and returned to Cliff's house.

They planned to wait until night, and then make their escape from the town.

"The Temple Knights came looking here several times, and I properly turned them away!"

Wendy seems to have done her job correctly this time.

However, the Cardinal was targeting Aisha and Gisu as I suspected.


"Oniichan, since Okaasan has come home, that means…?"

"Ah, yes, it's over."

I explained the details to Aisha and Gisu.

After I'd finished explaining, Aisha's eyes were twinkling, and she started talking in a voice of admiration.

"Something like that, Oniichan, you're a hero!

Even with your back up against a wall,

You wrapped everything up in just a day!"

Saying something so absurd…

What kind of unsightly hero would I make.

Part 3

The next day.

I took Zenith to the religious headquarters for the Miko to give her a neurological exam.

Two people, Carlyle and Claire, came to pick us up at Cliff's house in a horse-drawn carriage.

While we were riding in the carriage, I was chatting with Carlyle.

He seems to deeply regret what had happened, and apologized profusely.

I don't intend to keep blaming him for that.

Even if he was a little at fault…

People make mistakes.

What's important is to reflect on it, learn from it, and move on.

Around here, it would be embarrassing for me to talk about the proper way to deal with one's problems; I'm hardly in a position to be whining about the failures of others.

You can't keep moving forward without overcoming failures.

He shouldn't be beholden to me to move on.

Although Carlyle was talkative, Claire hadn't spoken a word.

Out of the five people riding in the carriage, only she was silent.

I wonder what she's thinking about.

Should I ask her?

While I was procrastinating, we arrived at the headquarters.

I went through the normal formalities, and was granted an audience in the center of the headquarters.

We were brought to a room, this is probably the room the Miko normally uses.

Just like when I met with the Pope, it was a room divided by a transparent barrier with two chairs and a window.

It was a little dim, six escorts stood guard.

Therese wasn't among them.

I wonder if she was replaced…

Anyway, it looks like the escorts are going to stay for the examination.

Well, I shouldn't need to be particularly cautious of them this time.

All of them had embarrassed expressions and avoided looking in my direction.

I don't need an apology.

You guys were just doing your jobs.

And I was just doing my job when I knocked you guys out, so we're even.

We were both just doing our jobs, so it's all good.

In any case, we should all try to get along.

If these guys hold a grudge, I'll have to watch my back.

So we should try to get along as well as we can.

"Then, I'll start."

Miko and Zenith were sitting in the two chairs, facing each other.

Dust held Zenith's head, and had her meet the Miko's eyes.

Then, the Miko brought her face closer and had a look.

It almost seems like an eye exam.


Looking at the Miko, Zenith's eyes glistened.

Her eyes seemed brighter.

… Still no expression though.

As they were staring into each others eyes, it looked as if faint streaks of light were darting between them.

Until now, I'd never seen such a light.

"As one would expect of Miko-sama…"

"As divine as ever…"

Her lackeys were gushing under their breath.

Until now, such a light did not come out.

I wonder…

No, that light might only appear when she gets serious.

Like fire magic becoming hotter and brighter as more mana is used,

This kind of phenomenon might just be visible when the Miko seriously uses her abilities.

It really looks like a line of light…


Claire was tightly grasping her hands in front of her chest as she watched.

She had a pose like she was in prayer, I braced myself as well.

Right now, the Miko is looking into Zenith's memories.

The depths of the labyrinth…

Maybe a memory of being trapped in the magic crystal…

If she can find whatever caused this in Zenith's memories, then we might be able to figure out a cure.

Just give me a hint…

If we can just get a hint, maybe one of my knowledgeable acquaintances can figure something out.

Orsted, or Kishirika…

"… Ah."

The Miko raised a small voice, and trembled with a start.

Dust immediately let go of Zenith and put his hand on the Miko's shoulder to comfort her.

Download complete?


The Miko stood up, wide eyed.

Looking directly at me.

"Rudeus Greyrat."


I straightened myself up after hearing my full name being called.

"I have seen the memories of Zenith Greyrat."

"How is she?"

"Before the Metastasis Event, she lived in Buena village, part of the Fedoa Territory, raising Norn and Aisha while working in the village's clinic."

You're starting from there?

Well, yeah. Not speaking about what you've carefully observed. It seems appropriate to speak on it after all that.

"After she was separated from you, Zenith thought about you every day. Did Rudy eat properly, is he properly changing his clothes, how many girls has he called out to…"


I'm sorry.

Well, it's not like I was really fooling around back then.

That was back when the government of the Rudeus Lower Continent was at peace.

That was still several years before the invasion of the defenseless Sylphy Country.

I can hardly remember a time before Sylphy.

"Her memory was dyed pure white in worry about you, and then it's temporarily interrupted."

The Metastasis Event.

I was an eye-witness to that moment.

But, most people didn't even survive long enough to comprehend what had happened, being teleported before they noticed…

Back then Paul was still in his prime, and so was Lilia.

"Afterwards, her memory becomes pitch black for a while."

"… For a while, what?"

"That's right. For a long time, like time passing by in a dream."

So there's no memory of becoming trapped.

That means she must have been teleported directly into the crystal in the labyrinth.

But something like that should be really unlikely…

However, it's still possible even if it's unlikely.

After a teleport, there's always the possibility of ending up buried in a wall somewhere.

Well that shouldn't happen if the magic circles are properly linked, but that's not the case for random teleportation circles…

That Metastasis Event really was a surprise attack.

If I remember correctly, it was caused because Nanahoshi was teleported to this world…

Well, that's already in the past.

Even as a person who was wrapped up in that incident, I don't think teleportation magic should be treated as a taboo, as long as it's properly managed.

If it were properly studied and implemented, then it would have been possible to deal with a disaster like the Metastasis Event more quickly.


I should advise Ariel about that.

If I submit a research report on teleportation, Ariel could probably figure something out.

… Ara?

But, then, how did Gisu find out about Zenith…

He's certainly good at collecting information, but how did he know about the Teleport Labyrinth…


"Then, she had a dream."

I returned from my thoughts at the Miko's words.

For the time being, let's postpone Gisu's cross-examination.

"A dream?"

"Yes. A dream. In it, she had the sensation of being carried like a stuffed toy."

"… A stuffed toy."

"Yes, it was a pleasant dream."

Then, the Miko closed her eyes.

As if she were describing images on the backs of her eyelids, she began to speak fluidly.

"She had a dream of living comfortably in a strange house.

Spending time with Lilia, basking in the sun, caring for the garden…"

Then, the Miko's tone changed.

She began speaking from Zenith's perspective.

"Paul died, Rudy married Sylphy-chan and had a daughter.

But as I thought, Rudy brought home more women. First Roxy-chan, then Eris-chan… however, everyone, even Sylphy-chan, was happy.

Although Norn complained, she properly went to school and made friends, and she would never forget to say [Okaasan, see you later!].

In the meantime I got along well with Aisha. She really seems to like flowers. She would casually chat with me about things like [So does Zenith-sama like apples and daffodils too?]

I think it would be fine if she called me Okaasan too, but then Lilia would make a troubled face. Aisha is still sensitive about that topic.

Roxy-chan has started teaching at a school near the house.

According to Norn, she's a very popular teacher.

Even though she still looks like a child, she's from a demon race that doesn't age quickly and has already lived for many years… But, Rudy loves Roxy-chan very much, so age doesn't matter.

Then I met Eris-chan for the first time, she really loves Rudy as well.

When no one was looking, she came to me with a bright red face and said [I am still inexperienced, please treat me well!]

I couldn't help letting a smile out. I see why she didn't want to say that in front of Rudy; but being humble is good too.

Then, Eris-chan's face turned a deep red and she squeezed her arms.

She usually puts on such a brave face, so cute!"

Those were her memories from the past several years.

But, I remember it slightly differently…

Norn rarely called out to Zenith.

And even when Aisha talked with Zenith gardening, Zenith never reacted.

But, perhaps, from Zenith's perspective…

She seemed to be engaged in everyone's conversations.

"And then, Rudy's children.

Lucy is a precocious child. Though she's still small, she has to grow up to be a good Oneechan.

Sylphy-chan has been working hard to teach her, practicing magic with her every day on Rudy's behalf.

I used to be so exhausted raising my own children. I can't help but feel that I've lost, being surrounded by so many good mothers.

I'll be all right, even if my kids have all grown up, I can still try my best at other things.

Everyone doing their best is too adorable.

Lara really took a liking to me. From the moment she was born, she was able to talk. She would always call out to me.

[Obaachan, Obaachan!]… Then Leo would call out to me [It's serious! It's serious! Lara-sama has wet herself!]

These days, she enjoys sitting in my lap with Leo and basking in the sun. We would talk about things like my home town, or where her Papa grew up.

Arus loves breasts. He seems like Rudy when he was younger.

When I hold him, he really likes clinging to my chest.

I guess he's fine even with grandma's breasts.

It looks like he inherited something bad from Paul and Rudy.

Like Rudy, I'm worried that he might make a lot of good girls cry, but you'll make them happy in the end, right?"

Before I'd noticed, my eyes were starting to get hot.

Tears were falling like raindrops.

Lucy isn't really around Zenith much, and Lara doesn't speak.

More than half seems to be Zenith's own delusions.

Looking out through those vacant eyes…

At least the world Zenith sees is affectionate.

"Oh that's right, and speaking of Rudy, that child became the subordinate of an amazing person.

Dragon God Orsted.

A distant disciple of the Dragon God Urupen, one of the [Three Heroes who Vanquished the Demon God].

Apparently he's incredibly strong, and everyone is frightened of him, but he doesn't seem that scary to me.

He really just wants to get along with everyone, especially Rudy.

He often comes to check on the house.

Once in a while I try to talk to him but I'm not that good with talking to strangers. I become completely flustered.

But he's a kind person. Whenever Lucy is troubled in magic he teaches her some tricks… since they are difficult tricks Lucy generally isn't able to understand them.

When I let him try to hold Lara, though he nervously holds her in his arms, the way he does it looks very kind.

But, Leo and Arus aren't very good with him.

The other day, when Arus started crying very loudly, he ran away when he saw Eris-chan was coming.

Such a strong and gentle person. Becoming the subordinate of such an amazing person, I don't really understand it but I'm proud of it.

Even Paul would surely think so."

I wonder if any of this is true…

Something like Orsted visiting the house never happened…

Has he been checking on the house without me knowing…?

"Rudy has grown up splendidly.

Norn and Aisha have come of age, and Sylphy-chan is about to have another child.

Lilia becoming flustered not being able to look after me, foolishness.

Between caring for me and the children, shouldn't caring for the children be given priority?

I'll leave Lilia to care for Sylphy-chan, I'll be fine going to Okaasama's place.

You don't have to worry so much, I used to be an adventurer back in the old days after all.

I'll be with Rudy, Aisha, and Rudy's friend Cliff-kun…

Ufufu, going on a journey with Rudy, how exciting!"

Those seemed to be Zenith's more recent memories.

"Okaasama looks like such a granny now.

She's completely different from the old days. Rather than scold me, she just sobbed [Zenith, Zenith].

She was worried if I was hurt, or fell ill, and showed me to a doctor.

As you can see, I am very much alive.

She's so prone to worrying, showing me to the doctor almost every day.

That tough Okaasan, with a crying face, didn't scold me at all.

Every day she would come to see me with a worried face.

Ah yes, father came too.

Otousan seems to have grown a beard.

In the old days he never would have done such a thing, he seems to have had a long, successful career.

He said my condition didn't look good with a wry smile."

Claire suddenly buried her face in Carlyle's chest.

Carlyle was stroking his beard, also with tears in his eyes.

"It's just that, Okaasama and Rudy developed a bad relationship.

Rudy snapped and got into a fight with Okaasama.

I wish you would just reconcile…

Then, sure enough, Rudy managed to corner Okaasama.

He's just like Paul at that age, Rudy is really strong, he's not going to go easy on her…

So I had to properly mediate the situation!"

Then, the Miko opened her eyes.

That's it?


The Miko rubbed her eyes and sighed.

Then collapsed back into her seat.

Her lackeys immediately went to her side.

They gave her a cup of water and a hot towel, they must have prepared it beforehand.

Then massaged her shoulders and arms.

They're treating her just like an idol.

"I'm sorry, that was everything. Was it of any help?"

The Miko looked dead tired.

Using her ability must be really exhausting.

I'm worn out just from watching her.

Reading all of Zenith's memories, and downloading them into her brain.

Then watching an entire impromptu play of Zenith's life.

With that much information being processed in an instant, of course it's tiring.

I could also use a shoulder massage.

"No, but thank you very much."

I still don't know a method to treat Zenith.

But, I was able to understand Zenith's feelings.

That alone makes my trip to Milis worthwhile.

"At least I know that she's happy.

And that she remembers Paul, and that he has passed away.

I understand her present condition now."

Zenith understands what's happening around her.

She has thoughts.

Although the Miko's tone made it seem as though she was in a dream-like state, there were no contradictions in facts like the number of children.

Or their personalities… But Lara was slightly different.

Lara is certainly attached to Zenith.

In Zenith's eyes, Lara might be trying to convey something with all her might… possibly.

"I was also able to learn something else."


"She… I don't know how, but she seems to be able to read peoples thoughts."

Read thoughts?

"Because she's in such a state I may not be reading her memories correctly, but there's something I have to tell you…"

The Miko said so in a hushed voice.

Then gestured to me to lend her my ear.

Her lackeys behind her immediately covered their ears.

I brought my ear close to the Miko.

Then, she spoke in a very quiet voice.

"Zenith is a [Miko]."

At those words, I nodded slowly.

I suspected as much.

It was very likely she had some sort of curse.

"If this becomes known, it will cause an uproar, so I recommend you keep this hidden."

"Of course. I swear, as Orsted's subordinate, I will defend her."

"Truly, as one would expect."

Well, after letting her get kidnapped, I might be a hypocrite for saying that.

But I intend to live on such a feeling.

However, I have learned two things.

One, Zenith's ability.

The ability to read thoughts.

It's still not clear, but at least it doesn't seem like an ability that could lead directly to her death.

That gives me a sense of relief.

The other thing, Gisu.

There's a discrepancy in something he said.

Come to think of it, that guy's movements have been strange throughout this entire mess.

Despite knowing the Latreia house is part of the Expulsion Faction, he approached them, then took Zenith out.

I'll have to question him thoroughly.

"Miko-sama, I am very glad that we were able to meet. There must be something I can do as thanks."

I still don't know how to cure Zenith.

But, she seems to be in a better state than I thought.

She is conscious.

Even if it's a feeling like watching a dream.

Perhaps she might suddenly wake up.

"Thank you. Then there are two things, is that okay?"

"What can I do for you?"

"Could I have that bracelet?"


I looked down at my arm.

There, Orsted's bracelet was shining.


"… But, this bracelet is not something I can remove, and it wouldn't have any use to you?"

"It won't matter. People already know you are working for Orsted-sama at a glance."

I'm already identified as Orsted's subordinate pretty much everywhere.

So, in other words…

"Miko-sama, do you also want to join Orsted Co.?"

"Yes. If I die before I become 30, it will be unpleasant."

"I see."

Come to think of it, her fate was described as weak.

In that case, she's destined to die.

She could die of an illness, but she doesn't really have bad health, so she'll probably end up being assassinated.

But, under Orsted's protection,

Now that the Cardinal's position has been weakened,

And with the Pope as my ally, it would become difficult to interfere.

Though it's not absolute.


Well, that should work.

"Then, I'll make arrangements to provide a symbol of the Dragon God within a few days."

"Thank you! With this I'll make it past 50!"

I need to repay her for her help properly.

I'll get her something with the Dragon God's crest, I'll even throw in a free guardian beast summoning.

"And your other request?"

"Please commute Therese's sentence. As it is, she'll be demoted and sent far away."

"But, that can't be helped?"

Although she was just carrying out her orders, she failed to protect you.

"Eh, well… Because she was defeated by Rudeus, the Cardinal suffered a serious blow. If she's sent away, she may end up being killed. And she was always a kind-hearted guard."

She's already served her purpose.

If the Cardinal's faction killed Therese as revenge, that wouldn't be funny.

Even though it turned out like this…

She's still someone I'm indebted to.

She was used too, she had to follow her orders, being killed for something like that is too much.


"Thank you. Then please sign our petition."

One of her lackeys immediately produced official-looking documents.

Preparation is good.

I wonder if this was their intention from the beginning.

"Well then, Rudeus-sama. I look forward to working with you?"

Thus, the Miko became one of Orsted's subordinates.

Part 4


Afterwards, while we were waiting in the carriage, Claire spoke.

She no longer wore that cold, stubborn expression.

This must be her nervous face.

"Although this may not be an appropriate place to hold such a conversation, when I calmed down, I realized we would likely be too busy to speak after this, so let's talk now. Will that be all right?"

I nodded in silence.

Did she find out… Is she angry that I have three wives?

Even if it's all right with two people, three people might be…

It's not something that would be permitted in the Milis religion.

"It's about what I did."


It was different.

It seems to be something about herself.


She's not trying to denounce me, or blame me.

No, she might still be difficult.

Without changing her expression, she started speaking.

"What I was attempting to do… was not something permissible as a human being."


Even if it was to help Zenith, that was going to far.

After all this, I don't want to have a carefree chat about it in a place like this.

"So, please give me penance."


"Yes, penance. I took Zenith away from you, and tried to do something awful, such a crime requires a suitable punishment."

"I think your apology was enough?"

"Such a thing is not enough. The punishment must fit the crime."

I can understand that.

If everything could be settled with an apology, the police would be unnecessary.

In an incident like this, the perpetrator would normally receive severe corporal punishment.

But, I don't blame Claire.

Even though Claire might not be satisfied with that.

"… What kind of punishment would be fitting?"

"To be whipped, or to have both arms cut off… Even death would not be an unfitting punishment."


That seems like overkill.

"After listening to Zenith's story, how could I act so selfishly? Even considering doing something like that to my own daughter, I deserve to burn in hell. Such a stupid person only deserves the hammer of judgment."

Her fist was trembling.

Were we listening to the same story?

I never heard such a thing.

I heard something else.

Zenith forgave her.

I didn't understand it at the time.

But, she could sense Claire's anguish.

Now I properly understood.

Claire, at that trial, without a single ally, when you were trying to bear the brunt of the blame yourself, you were forgiven.

That's why Zenith slapped Carlyle and I, but didn't slap Claire.

Although I thought something like that was too far-fetched at the time…

It wasn't.

Well, Claire still needs a reasonable punishment.

Claire herself, rather than forgiveness, wants a punishment.

Until she receives one, she won't budge an inch.


I mean, I wonder what I should do with someone so stubborn.


"I understand… well then…"


Claire looked tense.

I'm bad, let's go in a selfish direction.

"Please convert."

"You mean, to your religion? A faith of the demon race?"

That's not it.

I didn't mean a religious conversion.

I'd be too embarrassed if you converted to Roxyism.

In this case, what should I say?

Well, the phrasing isn't worth worrying about.

"No, I don't mean stop being a Milis believer. I'd just be thankful if you left the Demon Race Expulsion faction."

"You mean, the Latreia house as a whole?"

"Only Claire-san is fine. My wife is actually a demon race, so describing them as [filthy] is no good. And I'd like you to accept the differences in our beliefs and education policies."


"Ah, and next time, if something happens please consult me. I should be able to find a solution… I think."

Claire watched me with a blank look of amazement.

Then nodded immediately.

"Yes, of course."

Claire didn't look like she needed anymore convincing.

Does she understand that's the punishment?

I can't tell.

But, she seems to have given it some thought, and nodded again.

"Henceforth, Claire Latreia is of the Demon Race Acceptance faction, and will act as such. I will trust you, and won't interfere in your religion or educational policies."

"Thank you in advance… But, don't overdo it. Forcing yourself too much is bad."

"… Of course."

For the time being, if this Baachan becomes a little more lenient, she shouldn't cause any trouble with my wives and daughters.

Right now she seems fine, but she might just be restraining herself.

The next time we meet… Well, if we quarrel, then I apologize in advance.

"Then it's settled."

"… For your kindness, thank you."

Claire was silent at first, but nodded with a serious face.

That's an awkward way to apologize.

Part 5

After that, I returned to Cliff's house.

I've arranged to stop by the Latreia house some other time, my first priority is Gisu.

There's a lot I need to hear.

Regarding this matter, and others.

Thinking back, that guy's timing was always too good.

It's about time I heard everything in detail.

"Well then, I'm going to go look for Gisu."

I left Aisha and Zenith in the house.

Then immediately left to find Gisu.

"Oniichan, wait for a moment!"

I was stopped by Aisha.

She sounded urgent, and held something out to me in her hand.


In her hand, she was holding a letter.

A letter with a wax seal.

On the front was written [To Rudeus].

"As soon as Oniichan departed, Gisu-san came and left this letter with Wendy!"

I silently received it.

Leaving it with that timing…

I have a bad feeling.

I tore off the seal and immediately began reading its contents.

"To Rudeus.

Yo, Senpai.

By the time you read this letter, you heard from the Miko and probably figured it out already.

Did you figure it out?

Hey, you did figure it out, right?

If you still haven't figured it out, then this letter is my mistake… Oh well.

By now, Senpai probably has somedoubts.

About how I found Zenith's location.

About why I took Zenith out at such a convenient timing.

Even way back, when we first met.

About how I coincidentally met Senpai in the Dorudia tribe's village.

You're probably wondering about that.

It all seems so unlikely even for a S-class adventurer like Gisu-sama.

Let me explain.

Everything, all of it, was by Hitogami-sama's instructions.

Hitogami-sama gives advice, and I follow it.

In short, that makes me one of [Hitogami's Apostles], I suppose.

So I deceived Senpai.

Are you surprised?

Is this has you expect?

Or, are you mad?

You're probably mad.

Ha, that's natural.

Well, even since I was a child, I've only been able to survive thanks to God-sama's advice.

When I was half-dead, whenever I was in a pinch, I would be saved if I could just hear His voice.

For someone like me, who doesn't have the power to fight, that voice was salvation.

It was like that for Senpai too, right?

You were able to return from the Demon Continent because of Hitogami-sama's help.

You were able to meet Ruijerd-danna, obtain a demon eye,

Sent me to get you out of jail, and rescue your younger sister.

Hitogami-sama even helped find Zenith.

Yet after all that, Senpai.

You betrayed Hitogami-sama.

Why, I guess something happened?

Hitogami-sama is a not a kind God.

When He gives advise, it only serves his own end.

Perhaps He touched something you found reprehensible.

Yet, was it worth throwing away everything else?

Even if we were used, the favor we received still remain.

Surely that doesn't seem fair.

At least, before my hometown was destroyed, that's what I thought.

Hitogami-sama used me to destroy my hometown.

Hitogami-sama just laughed in the end. You and I were used like that, huh.

Of course I was angry?

I was deceived, I was taken advantage of, stop screwing around.

Nevertheless, at that moment, Hitogami-sama called out to me.

He said something like "I've been helping you until now, so a thing like this should be okay."

Maybe he was just trying to stir me up.

It was like pouring oil on a fire, I wonder if he felt good sneering at me.

But, I thought, it was already a sunk cost.

That's right.

If I thought about it, this was just a trade for all the help I'd been given until now.

Honestly, even I bear a grudge with every fiber of my being… But that doesn't matter.

I guess Senpai doesn't think the same way.

While reading, you're probably thinking something like [Oi newbie, what are you thinking?]

However, even if Senpai disagrees, it was different for me.

From my perspective, Senpai is ungrateful.

Turning fangs towards your benefactor.

So Senpai, you might hate me, but I've chosen my side.

This time, I played wait-and-see.

In order to measure Senpai's ability, I set a trap using the Temple Knights.

Although you easily cut your way through…

Anyway, that's just like Senpai.

But, it was a mistake to show your trump card.

I'll gather more war potential for next time, face you magnificently from the front, and make a declaration of war.

Then take your head.

I resent you Senpai.

We had fun in jail, and I won't forget traveling together on the Holy Sword Highway.

Exploring the labyrinth as well, I hadn't been that excited in a long time.

That's just an indiscretion.

That's all.

There are grudges and there are debts.

Even if I resent Hitogami-sama, I'm still in His debt.

Even if there's a grudge, I return favors.

It's my jinx.

From Gisu Nukadia]

I immediately rushed out of the house.


Gisu was an enemy the entire time.

He even saw me fight using the MK-I.

He said he's gathering war potential.

That guy, what does he mean?

He said that the next time will come from the front.

Believing that is difficult.

I don't know.

If that's true, I have to stop him.

No, not stop him, I have to kill Gisu.

First of all, I have to go to the commercial district.

I leapt over to the mercenary branch office.

I immediately sent Orsted a summary of the letter, Gisu is Hitogami's Apostle.

Then, without waiting for a reply, went to chase after Gisu.

But I have no idea where to start looking.

I won't even be fucking efficient searching alone.

Thinking so, I leapt to the religious headquarters, and put Gisu on the wanted list.

Furthermore, I asked to mobilize the Temple Knights to search Milishion and its periphery.

That bastard is an Apostle of Hitogami.

Gisu knows the future.

He's a man who became an S-class adventurer with no combat capability.

There is no way I could catch him.

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