My Daughters Are Regressors

Chapter 107: Studying And Training Is Such A Pain (9)

༺ Studying And Training Is Such A Pain (9) ༻

“Judas, you! You took my wallet, didn’t you?! Do you know how panicked I was when I couldn’t pay for lunch at the restaurant after my meeting?”

Brigitte raged at me.

So she thinks I stole her wallet?

Brigitte was always like this.

“Hey, Brigitte. You need to stop suspecting me first as soon as something disappears.”

I said this sincerely, feeling a bit hurt.

Even when forming parties with others, those with a thief background were always suspected like, “You need to watch carefully if that bastard sneaks something into his pocket when picking the safe.”

Even a simple shoulder hug freaks them out, saying something like, “You bastard, you trying to pickpocket me?”

This Pangaea continent was filled with discrimination against thieves.

“Brigitte, it’s a bad tendency to blindly suspect thieves. Would you like it if other kids pointed at Naru every time something went missing?”


Brigitte seemed to understand that it wasn’t good to discriminate against thieves.

After some hesitation, realizing her mistake, she nodded and admitted, “Whew, alright. I’m sorry. It’s wrong to presume first.”

I decided to reward Brigitte for her honest reflection and correction.

“Of course, I did steal it.”


Brigitte hissed.

She growled like she was about to take a chunk out of my neck, then sighed deeply.

Rubbing her forehead, she spoke.

“You’re unbelievable, seriously. Give it back. Why did you even steal it?”

“I need to get Naru a brush but I didn’t have money. And don’t worry, it wasn’t just yours. Here’s Cariote’s pouch, and this one’s Salome’s.”


I laid out all the wallets on the table.

Seeing this, Brigitte opened and closed her mouth as if wanting to say something, but then just shut it.

She probably knows there’s no point in wasting her breath.

“So this is where my wallet went.”


Just then, Cariote appeared and picked up her crocodile leather pouch.

Then gave me an impressed glance.

“When did you take this? You’re better than I expected. Was it during the play? I certainly had no reason to use my wallet yesterday.”

To realize when I stole it.

Cariote was pretty sharp, too.

Crash— Bang— Stomp—

At that moment, there were loud noises coming from the mansion’s upper floor.

It was the sound of the kids playing.

━Mwehehe, did you think that you could run away from this Sifnoi…? You should obediently be caught by Sifnoi already…!”

━Oh, holy shh…! Sifnoi is it! Everyone run!”

Good to know that they’re lively.

If I had run around like that at night, I would’ve been knocked on the head by my mom.

“There are lots of children today. Even Tywin Cladeco is here.”

“I brought her.”

I successfully invited Tywin to the mansion.

As such, Naru’s science homework should be a solved issue.

Cecily hadn’t seemed that academic either.

Like that, it was time to prepare dinner.

Chop— Chop— Chop— Chop—

Brigitte was expertly preparing the ingredients in the kitchen.

Cariote went over to her and asked, “Is there anything I can help with?” and Brigitte replied, “Not really. Just watch Judas to see that he doesn’t do anything weird. And set the table, please.”

One would think I was doing something weird.

Ring— Ring—

“Kids, dinner is ready so come down!”

Finally, Brigitte pulled the rope for the bell in the kitchen.

As soon as it rang, the kids came running downstairs shouting waaaa—.

It was a bell to have them stop whatever they were doing and come down to eat.

Naru ran in energetically, then tilted her head.

“The food isn’t ready?”

To Naru, there was only cutlery on the table.

Of course, Brigitte spoke patiently.

“It’s almost done.”

“Oh, holy shh…! If I knew, I would’ve come down later!”

I see.

It must be a common trait for mothers in any world to call the kids before everything is even set.

After about 5 minutes, the food was brought to the table.

The main dish was a crispy, roasted duck, along with sweet and sour pork, pork cutlet, salad with lemon dressing, thin bread, and hot soup.

I was very impressed by the variety of dishes.

“Brigitte, wasn’t this a lot of work?”

“It was.”

I see.

She overdid it.

It was so easily admitted that I didn’t know what to say.

So I had my mouth shut, but then Brigitte continued.

“I made plenty so let me know if you want more.”


“So, what kind of animal is this? It looks like a cloud. It’s an animal, right? Did Tywin bring it?”

Brigitte tilted her head, eyeing the cloud floating in midair.

I answered lightly.

“I don’t know.”

We started eating.

Before I knew it, Naru and Cecily had already finished their food, and seeing as how they were saying, “Let’s hurry and go up!”, they seemed to enjoy playing more than eating.

“Thank you for dinner.”

Tywin was done as well and stood up to bow in thanks.

Indeed, she has good etiquette.

I was admiring her when Naru and Cecily, who had seen Tywin’s bow, followed suit.

“I ate well…!”

“That was delicious.”

I knew it.

Children liked to copy each other.

It was good to bring Tywin here.


They finally returned upstairs.

“Sifnoi, make sure they don’t get into trouble.”

“Please trust this Sifnoi…!”

* * *

After Sifnoi had followed upstairs to watch the children.

Cariote spoke when there was just me, her, and Brigitte left at the table.

“So, you appear to have overdone it today. Did something happen?”

“Workwise, I heard something pretty astonishing today. If things go well, we might be able to solve all of our problems at once.”

“Is that so?”

“ They say that the Grand Abbot of the Ascending Sun Sect decided to cooperate with Headmaster Elle. This will accelerate the process of creating the scarecrow since the Grand Abbot is the most knowledgeable about karma.”

So, they’re going ahead with the ‘dummy’ project, after all.

Brigitte had seemed busy lately which I guess is due to teaming up with Elle.

Frankly, there was no other way.

Cariote who was listening spoke.

“There was also some progress in changing my sister back from a demon. Feeding her the boiled nymph tear shrunk the horns by a small amount.”

That was also relatively good news.

Things were starting to look up.

Life should have some days like this as well.

I also happen to have good news.

“I discovered another daughter of mine. It’s conjecture but I’m about 90% certain. You know the pink-haired kid, Hina, right? She’s probably my kid.”

I talked about Hina.

When I explained briefly what had happened, Cariote hummed contemplatively and responded first.

“Is that so? Interesting. It’s still hard to believe at times that these children came from the future. But I am suddenly curious about something.”

Cariote continued with the question.

“If the children don’t form when they’re supposed to, what happens? For example, what if an incident occurs around the time they should be born, which prevents their birth?”

It was a question worth thinking about.

Like if there was some kind of mishap while the child was still in the stomach and both the mother and child became badly injured, or worse if it led to a miscarriage….

What happens to the girls, like Naru or Cecily?


Brigitte, the one who would know most about this, kept quiet.

She probably had a lot to think about.

“Honestly, I can’t guarantee anything regarding this, either. The fact that Naru or Cecily traveled to the past in the first place has already changed this world’s course.”

Not everything was positive, is what she means.

I also had a question.

“Then let’s say that they’re born safely. If everything goes as it should, then it means that there will be two Narus in this world. What happens in that case?”

Baby Naru.

And big Naru.

If Naru is newly born, then two Narus will exist here.

What happens in this situation?


Brigitte started to reply to my question.

Her eyes were rather bright and seemed to know something.

Brigitte appeared to consider a few things then deeply sighed.

“… No one can confirm that. And to be honest, the chances of Naru being born again are low. There are too many factors, even if we get the timing right.”


I felt a shock like a physical blow.

Even if we know the birthday or date, there’s a chance that Naru won’t be born?

“Explain this to me so I can easily understand.”

“Judas, as you know a baby is conceived when the sperm fertilizes the egg. But even if everything’s repeated, there’s simply no guarantee that the exact same egg will get fertilized.”


That was true.

A lot of factors needed to be considered, such as the health of me and my wives, our lifestyles, etc.

“Since I know this in the present, then our future selves would also have known. Yet they still sent them to the past regardless. And maybe Naru or Cecily know as well, even if they’re not showing it….”


What a terrible thing to learn.

The pleasant evening atmosphere took a despondent turn.

Even if we succeed, Naru and Cecily could disappear.

Even for me, that was a bit shocking.

At my silence, Brigitte stiffened her face.

“Of course, we’re not completely devoid of options, though we can only hope for a miracle to make the impossible possible. There’s a chance to obtain that miracle.”

At that, Cariote asked.

“Is it to transcend?”

“Yes. The answer takes us down one path. Judas, the only way is to go against your destiny and karma and win. Then everything will work out.”

The one solution to many problems.

It was simple.

According to Enkidus, the truth generally was simple and straightforward enough that even idiots could understand.

That’s why it was called ‘Truth’.

“Our future selves certainly knew this. That’s why they sent the children to us. They’re entrusting us with them. That’s what I think.”

“I see…. Then it’s that I need to do well. Future me couldn’t do it, present me has to. Sure, why not, I can give it a go. So when?”

I questioned.

Brigitte tilted her head so I asked more clearly.

“That dummy thing, when do you think it’ll be done? The dummy that should give tons of karma.”

“The Grand Abbot and Elle are working together this time, so that’ll shorten the process immensely. Around 5 to 6 years, minimum. It should be done by then.”

A dummy that’ll be made in 5 to 6 years.

It was a strangely familiar timeline.

Salome did say that “The diary talked about the Grandmaster’s visit this month.”

Perhaps the Grandmaster and Elle’s cooperation was a destined future.

After listening, Cariote spoke solemnly.

“5 to 6 years, you say. That is too late for us who have less than a year. Is there a way to fast forward the process?”


Excellent question.

Regarding this, Brigitte held up a finger.

“There’s exactly one. A way to decrease it to a month.”

* * *

“This is wrong, and this is wrong. This, too. And this.”

“Uuuu, Naru, failed everything….”

“What did you learn in school? You can’t even get basic science right because you’re sleeping all the time.

Tywin sharply reprimanded Naru.

The reason for this mansion’s owner inviting her to a grand dinner was likely in expectation of this exact situation.

Tywin was a girl who knew precisely what she needed to do, so in light of that she properly tutored Naru and Cecily.

Cecily’s science homework was about halfway there.

Naru’s was rather hopeless.

Tywin asked Naru.

“Naru, why do you even go to school?”

“Because it’s fun!”


“Every day I meet friends, eat lunch, sleep, so it’s fun every day. Of course, I also keep getting scolded by the teachers…. But having an every day is a happy thing!”

Naru raised up her hands with a whoosh—.

Voooom— Vooooooom—

And then Naru’s body started to glow like a firefly.

“Wow, holy shh…! Naru’s body, it’s glowing again…! Naru is now a radiant Naru…!”

Naru giggled like she was experiencing something amazing.

Watching her with admiration, Cecily commented, “Radiant Naru…. You’re like a chandelier in a noble’s banquet hall,” but Tywin was appalled.

She noticed that Naru’s form was becoming blurry like a jellyfish in clear waters.

It was evidence of her karma dissipating.

“Naru, you….”

“Tywin, you like your mom, right? Naru likes Mom and Dad, too. I also like Cecily. And Tywin. And Elizabeth and Molumolu. Plus the flower shop lady who says ‘good morning’ every day—”



Right then, Molumolu who was rolling around with Cloudling hopped onto Naru’s shoulder.

When it did that, Naru’s form regained its hues.

“So Naru is going to have a happy, everyday life. Dad said so. Our biggest treasure is the present. A precious treasure that no one can steal from us…! That’s why, whatever happens, all of us need to spend each day happily…!”


“Oh, holy shh…! But studying is not fun! The sun isn’t a planet, it’s a star…. The moon…. What’s the moon? The moon fills up….”

Muttering that, Naru opened her notebook again.

Watching Naru start correcting all the questions she got wrong, Tywin fell into silent contemplation.

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